Ask and thou shall receive. 2 months in, and I am down 8 kilos and with clear muscle build up, so I am quite happy. This week I am taking a break from everything. I hit 85 kilos, which was my first part goal, so I awarded myself to a visit to Burger King..
And I've eaten quite a bit the last two days on top. Also, we are going away for 4 days to visit a good friend, so I won't be keeping to the strict diet. But you also have to live, so a week of not thinking calories will be nice!
I've set my next goal to be 82 kilos, and then I will take a new decision as to wether I should continue down to 80 kilos. I've always wanted to have clear abs just for once in life, and since it is going well, I might actually make it this time around. But I am realistically shooting for 82 kilos at the end of September.
And a small anecdote.. I spoke to our neighbor across the road today. She mentioned that when I waved hello to her the other day, she was with her mom, and her mom asked who she was waving to. She had replied that she was waving to me, and her mom had replied "Him? No, that can't be it, otherwise he lost a lot of weight!" - Well, either it was time for me to REALLY loose weight, or else I did a really good job, since it was so visible at a 50 meters distance..