Alrighty. So, for those who have been following along with this nonsense, here's where things have ended up for now.
First, I'm actually up and running. So, feel free to strike up the band.
Couple interesting tidbits. First, before doing the swap, I did a new export of this
project from AE 2014 with my old ATI Radeon HD 5770 just to get a non-scientific benchmark for speed. Then, after getting up and running with the
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti, I rendered the same exact project again. (I've yet to get any additional ram or make any moves on upgrading the processors.)
This was the result (#5, the old ATI, #6, the new GTX):
So, not going to lie. This one stung a lil' bit.
And yeah, I adjusted the GPU settings before going for that other render. So, just for FYI:
At first I was like, "oh no! It's an unsupported GPU!" But, after a lil' research, I think it's saying that because RayTraced is no longer supported and this GPU is on the newer side.
So, here, thus substantial change. Now, I should point out, this is ONLY rendering...I've yet to attempt any actual "work" inside of AE or Premiere Pro.
Now, Premiere Pro. After attempting the above AE render, I fired up my feature length documentary Premiere Pro 2014 source file and exported the entire length. And the wonderful news? It didn't crash.
Formerly, there was NO WAY it would make it through a render without me restarting my computer, shutting everything down, and firing up *only* premiere Pro. And even then, it was a guessing game. So this is a major victory.
Plus, I opened up Premiere Pro 2015...and an exciting thing happened. It worked. It played back video and audio right off the bat. And that didn't happen once with the Radeon.
So. Again. Happy. I'm flirting with the idea of going to 64GB of ram...although at this point, I feel as though I've already won. I can't tell you how huge of a deal it is that I rendered my full documentary project timeline, without a crash, the first time, without needing to restart the computer.
ALSO...thus far, the tower seems to be running cooler...which is another huge victory given that my workstation is in a smaller space and would have me in a sauna during the summer months.
I did make one final dumb mistake in all of this, and that was buying two HDMI cables instead of two display port cables. So, I only have two of my three monitors up and running as of right now. BUT, the key is this thing is running. The machine sees the card that's in there *as* the card that's in there.
I really appreciate all the feedback provided. Now. Ram or Processor...what should the next step be?