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Flowbee said:
And I'm well within my right to comment on the original post. I just think it's ironic that the OP is more concerned about his computer than his son's behavior.

"Hi everyone, my son just stabbed our next door neighbor. I'm worried that I won't be able to get the blood stains out of his jacket. Is it safe to use bleach on suede?"
I agree, but I also think we should stick to enforcing the forum rules (as mods and admins see it fit) and not worry so much about whether or not the OP's son is "stabbing the neighbors". Not that it isn't a big deal, but I don't think it's our jurisdiction, so-to-speak.

Salieri said:
Wow... just, wow... That's the most rediculous comparison I've ever heard.
Ridiculous, gees, can no one get this right?

And, no, it's not.
Legal Activity

My son is not some "internet pirate", he downloads only authentic Japanese anime that has not yet been released in the United States, and therefore remains within the realm of legal activity. I would truly hope, Flowbee, that you would please not assume that any form of media download over the internet is automatically a criminal act.
8thMan said:
My son is not some "internet pirate", he downloads only authentic Japanese anime that has not yet been released in the United States, and therefore remains within the realm of legal activity. I would truly hope, Flowbee, that you would please not assume that any form of media download over the internet is automatically a criminal act.
Boo-Yah! :D

Good on you, 8thMan. I hope, in the midst of all this BS, you were able to find a suitable answer to your question. :)
Reported to be cleaned up. :rolleyes:

But, 8thMan, did you find your answer to this, even though people totally went off topic and crapped your thread? :rolleyes:
A few lessons to be learned by everyone:

* Talking about downloading is not automatically a rules violation.

* When posting about doing tons of downloading, it helps to mention that it is legal content. Otherwise, questions and advice about legality invariably come up.

* Civil discussions beat flames every time.
8thMan said:
My son is not some "internet pirate", he downloads only authentic Japanese anime that has not yet been released in the United States, and therefore remains within the realm of legal activity. I would truly hope, Flowbee, that you would please not assume that any form of media download over the internet is automatically a criminal act.

The USA and most other countries have agreements to recognize the copyrights of other countries. A film may not have been released in the United States but that doesn't mean it isn't covered by copyright protection.
8thMan said:
My son is not some "internet pirate", he downloads only authentic Japanese anime that has not yet been released in the United States, and therefore remains within the realm of legal activity. I would truly hope, Flowbee, that you would please not assume that any form of media download over the internet is automatically a criminal act.
I apologize if it truly is indeed legal. Your reasoning for making it legal is incorrect. Just because the anime is not available in the US doesn't make it legal. Copyrighted material is copyrighted doesn't matter if it was made in Japan or the US. Check the user license at the site he is downloading it from to see that it is public domain.

Once again I apologize I just feel it is my civic duty to explain the legalities of the internet.
8thMan said:
My son is not some "internet pirate", he downloads only authentic Japanese anime that has not yet been released in the United States, and therefore remains within the realm of legal activity. I would truly hope, Flowbee, that you would please not assume that any form of media download over the internet is automatically a criminal act.

What site does he use to download it?

If it is subsequently released here, do you make him remove it from his computer?
8thMan said:
Well, I got a bit more in this thread than I bargained for. Thanks for the computer info (my principle question) and also all the thoughtful commentary. This discussion seems to have taken on a life of its own.
Yes, the internet certainly is a crazy place:rolleyes: ;)
rdowns said:
What site does he use to download it?

If it is subsequently released here, do you make him remove it from his computer?

Most people go to to download unlicensed anime. They do not offer licensed anime for download.

However animesuki is just a collector of links

Most of the Torrents are actually hosted at scarywater, which also does not host licensed anime.

If a Japanese company does not wish for this to happen then they just send a letter to scarywater and also to animesuki. And they take them down. This has happened in the case of the parent company that owned School Rumble and other shows.

and for what it is worth most people I know do not delete the anime once it is licensed. Few do (including me)

And if an anime is never coming to America people normally download that just because to import from some websites it cost at least 3 times as much as an american version would.

An example would be buying CDs from yesasia that need to be imported, I have seen single CDs go for over 60 dollars on yesasia

The most I have spent on a CD from asia was about 35 Dollars and that was for about 12 songs. Now I just normally go to the Asian Market in Quincy. Even thou most of those are bootleg, but the cops don't give a crap around here about that.

Also New England Comics is a pretty good place to buy obscure japanese movies and anime. A lot of the time they have VCDs of movies I can't find in any Borders or Best Buy (since they typically only carry Tartan Asian Extreme)
I've only been on here for three months, but this is the first time I've ever seen a thread like this. Clearly there are some strong opinions (and issues) about the legality of downloads. But if you don't like what somebody wants help with, why can't the answer simply be don't post? I mean, I can understand writing something heated on any issue about which a poster cares. I can even understand not wanting to take an issue to a Mod. But what I can't understand is accusing someone's child of a crime; then compounding that isult by comparing the unproven accusation of a child stealing TM content and the father's subsequent handling of that situation, with a scenario in which the same child has murdered a neighbor, and then stating the father would handle that horrific situation with disregard for life and nonchallance.

I've written 3 damn stupid things on these forums, (and appologized in each instance - though I'm sure there are some idiotic things I never noticed as well) perhaps it's time to realize that no matter the depth of feeling involved, calling someone's kid a thief, and saying the father wouldn't care if his son killed the neighbor is something that shouldn't be found in a thread asking about the possible effects to hardware caused by continuous downloading?

Boggle said:
I've only been on here for three months, but this is the first time I've ever seen a thread like this. Clearly there are some strong opinions (and issues) about the legality of downloads. But if you don't like what somebody wants help with, why can't the answer simply be don't post? I mean...

<snippity doo dah, snippity day! my, oh my.. hmm hm-hmm hm-hmmm hmmmm!>

...shouldn't be found in a thread asking about the possible effects to hardware caused by continuous downloading?

Well put. While the analogy itself doesn't bother me the same, I think you make a valid point. :)
Heh... reading the title in the discussion index, I thought this was going to be some sort of intervention thread...
I only read the first page of posts and for one, I'm shocked at you guys - here's why:
1 - It may or may not be legal or illegal because we don't know where he's getting it from, what kind it is, or anything else. For all we know, it could be a service that he's signed up for to download it. Otherwise it may be pirating, don't jump to conclusions here.

2 - He asked a question, he's not looking for a lecture, so just answer the questions, Mods should advise how the thread should be handled in this sort of situation, we have no regards to it, unless we feel it is utmost necessary which we would contact them and ask them to look over the thread.

3 - In response to his questions:
Power-bill if you worry about that, then it may be high.
4 fans? heck, that thing will be cooler than my iBook. So he may just get some slow downs bc no OS is perfect with memory management. Downloading will use minimal CPU usage and minimal HDD usage, so his components (as long as he has a screensaver on or turns off the screen) are good.

(Optional) A few personal questions... ya know what, I'll PM you about this one.
Flowbee said:
And I'm well within my right to comment on the original post. I just think it's ironic that the OP is more concerned about his computer than his son's behavior.

"Hi everyone, my son just stabbed our next door neighbor. I'm worried that I won't be able to get the blood stains out of his jacket. Is it safe to use bleach on suede?"
I used to enjoy this forum a lot more when copyright nazis like this didn't devote their entire lives to imitating the RIAA/MPAA. Get a life and stop judging people. Let the authorities deal with the rest.
topicolo said:
I used to enjoy this forum a lot more when copyright nazis like this didn't devote their entire lives to imitating the RIAA/MPAA. Get a life and stop judging people. Let the authorities deal with the rest.
Yep, I've had about enough of these types of people as well. Everyone needs to mind their own business and just get along. :)
Flowbee said:
"Hi everyone, my son just stabbed our next door neighbor. I'm worried that I won't be able to get the blood stains out of his jacket. Is it safe to use bleach on suede?"

You are getting a bit ridiculous, and the analogy is AWFUL...

What really amazes me is there is a 9 page thread on pirating mac software that you did not post one comment in, yet you hijack this guys thread with the notion that his son is downloading TM'd contet without the knowledge that he actually is...
Could be worse, he could be downloading hentai..

..anyway, be sure to shut down the machine at least once and a while, and make sure it is dustfree, so the heatsinks are working effectively. Open it up, use compressed air and a vacuum; even a small layer of dust acts as a blanket.
unlicenced anime can be legaly downloaded i think. however, many popular anime are licenced, and the unpopular anime are more unlikely.
steelfist said:
unlicenced anime can be legaly downloaded i think. ...

not really, not unless the copyright holders have authorized it.....if you look into the FAQ at, the site eva01 refers to above, you'll find it says that such downloading is technically illegal
It not going to do any real harm to your sons system.

Will it shorten the lifespan yes of couse. Is that shorten life really going to matter no. The lifespan is still going to be longer than the computer really useable and when ti does break noo ne really going to care by that point in time.

The parts that are going tofail first are going to be hard drive and the Opical drives (moving parts). 4-5 years on hard is the average lifespan. CPU ram and the chips lifespan is about 10 years. Being used or unused doesnt really change that number. It just effects of the atmo on it over time cause parts to fail.

Some said earily bit torrent cause the hard drives to work over time. Reallity is no it doesnt. Writing data to it not a really problem and not the part that going to fail. The part that going to to fell is the motor that spins the hard drives and hard drives are general going to be spinning at long as the computer is on. Yeah the writing cause a bit more heat but if the cooling is desent (from the OP I going to assume yes it is) it has zero effect on it life span. Most people dont power down there hard drives.

I run my PC tower 24/7. a lot of time it is downloading or uploading stuff all night (normally unliceince anime or as in the case right now Dr. Who. I busy when it is one so I just download the episod the next day and watch it then. Next month it will be downloading star gate SG-1 because I can get it 3 months earily that way plus when it will be aired I busy during that time so I couldnt watch it then any ways.

Really people get off yoru high house. '

But more on top when me running my PC 24/7. No real problem with it. In an average year it is off about 2-3 months. That time happening to line up when I go home from school or I am out of town for a while. Like either june 30 or july 1 I going to shut it down for a week becaue I will be visiting my brother.

As for parts failing only thing that failed is the 7 year old Hard drive I was using but it was a 7 year old hard drive.
Makosuke said:
That said, a lot of Japanese companies tolerate it "under the table" because it frequently builds buzz for unlicensed series, and can, in some cases, increase the value of a property for US license because it's *already* popular, so you know it's going to sell well.

Where did you learn this? Its not really that they tolerate it but rather they do not have the resources to close illegal distribution. Sure they may profit from it in the future but I do not think it is really in their ethics. It is like saying Apple tolerate running OS X for x86 on generic pc so they can try to increase the market share.
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