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I always thought computers are built to be switched on 24/7, or so I heard from a hardware geek a couple of years ago. When I had a desktop before, I used to leave them on all the time (kinda of lazy to turn it off).
Electro Funk said:
You are getting a bit ridiculous, and the analogy is AWFUL...

What really amazes me is there is a 9 page thread on pirating mac software that you did not post one comment in, yet you hijack this guys thread with the notion that his son is downloading TM'd contet without the knowledge that he actually is...

It wasn't a highjack, the OP gave us the information about what his son was doing, he and anyone reading the thread need to understand that people WILL comment on what he wrote. If you don't want comments on certain details, leave them out.

He could've written a question about the effect downloading 24/7 would have on a certain computer, and would then have gotten only technical answers.

And Jesus, any parent reading the first post in this thread would've reacted. I certainly did. His kid's downloading 24/7, and he's worried about the computer? That's the way his post comes across. In addition there's the obvious issue of piracy. From what people are writing here, it sounds like downloading anime legally 24/7 is unlikely. To expect that people won't react to what appears to be copyright violation, is naive.
what I find intersting is most of those people going off on the pirating are more than likely hypocrates. Part of their music libary is moreh than likely pirated. THey more than likely have some type of pirated software on there computer.

He who is with out sin thow the first stone.
eva01 said:
eh? I download anime a lot as well on my Powermac, is any of it Illegal here in the US? Nope it isn't because it isn't licensed in America.

So you may want to comment on the OPs question and not some stupid thing you don't apparently know much about.

Christ people get off your High Horses of Morality.

It will not cause any problem to the computer, however HDs can die quicker due to always writing.

Please get out of those delusions. Copyright is copyright. Whether it is "licensed in America" or not is irrelevant.
Timepass said:
what I find intersting is most of those people going off on the pirating are more than likely hypocrates. Part of their music libary is moreh than likely pirated. THey more than likely have some type of pirated software on there computer.

He who is with out sin thow the first stone.

I doubt that very much. People who pirate music, don't tend to speak out against it. People who pirate music, tend to find creative ways to defend their illegal activity - like claiming that people who speak out against it, are hypocrites. And they like to belittle people who point out that they're breaking the law. Not only are they behaving unethically, they get all worked up when they post about their activity on a public forum, and people react! You can't stand the heat? Get out of the posting-kitchen.

What you call "going off on" means "pointing out that an illegal activity is being discussed".
annk said:
I doubt that very much. People who pirate music, don't tend to speak out against it. People who pirate music, tend to find creative ways to defend their illegal activity - like claiming that people who speak out against it, are hypocrites. And they like to belittle people who point out that they're breaking the law. Not only are they behaving unethically, they get all worked up when they post about their activity on a public forum, and people react! You can't stand the heat? Get out of the posting-kitchen.

What you call "going off on" means "pointing out that an illegal activity is being discussed".

in my experience most of the people who speak out against it do have some pirated stuff on there computer. Mind you not as much as some people nor as exsive. They might be the ones doing the active pirating and downloading but they have gotten stuff supplied to them.

Me personally I have a line try not to cross. General if there is no legal means of getting it any time soon or much hope of it ever being legally abvible to me to see/watch I have no objection to downloading route. Good example is the anime. 90% of it will never be advaible in the US or work on US DVD players so that leaves only one real opition to get it. Download.

Mind you I know what it pirated on my computer. Good porition of my music libary (most of it collect from friends may 1/10 of it downloaded myself). I dont trend to talk out agaist that so much. TV shows yeah I have a collection of those that I download normally the day after they are put on TV which happen to some record the HD broad cast and put it on the net.

I dont like seeing people downloading movies. I run under the general sence is if you like it support it with you money. I have things against people who make no attempted to buy anything and steal everything they can.

But the point to his downloading it chance are really good there is no hope of being able to buy the stuff in the US. And oddly enough these so call Piraters are the ones who push to have the stuff brought to the US. THe companies sees what is being downloaded the most and go after those Animes.

I still stand behind what I said. Most of them are hypocrates. And really need to get off there high horse because I know I could find something in there life and rip them to shreads on it. Rememeber you throwing stones like this leaves you wide open to have then thrown back at yours. Rememeber we all have secrets we rather the rest of the world not know. Some darker than others.
Timepass said:
Me personally I have a line try not to cross. General if there is no legal means of getting it any time soon or much hope of it ever being legally abvible to me to see/watch I have no objection to downloading route. Good example is the anime. 90% of it will never be advaible in the US or work on US DVD players so that leaves only one real opition to get it. Download.

You prove my point beautifully - inventive (thought not particulary creative in this case) rationalization of illegal activity.

Timepass said:
Mind you I know what it pirated on my computer. Good porition of my music libary

Timepass said:
I dont like seeing people downloading movies. I run under the general sence is if you like it support it with you money. I have things against people who make no attempted to buy anything and steal everything they can.

Except music, clearly. :rolleyes:
annk said:
You prove my point beautifully - inventive (thought not particulary creative in this case) rationalization of illegal activity.

Except music, clearly. :rolleyes:

No I do buy the music of bands I like. Also I dont really listen to most of my libary. A lot of it got built up for one time usages. The bands I like I buy there stuff and that stuff I listen to all the time.

Good chunk of the libary as well I dont know to get the stuff legally in the states.

Justify it how you want but here my question I like said anime and there is no way for me to get it legally because it is not going to be sold in the US nor could i buy a a copy from a foreign because of regen codes. So that removes buying a legal copy. Now tell me how I can watch it. I at least make an honest attempted to get it legelly.

But I stand by my point. Any of you who are trashing it you computers better be clean of everything pirated. NOT A SINGLE SONG, Movie or program. If you have one you are a hypocryt and everythign you are trashing him on goes out the window.
Timepass said:
No I do buy the music of bands I like. Also I dont really listen to most of my libary. A lot of it got built up for one time usages. The bands I like I buy there stuff and that stuff I listen to all the time.

Lovely, more rationalization. "I don't listen to most of my library, or I only got it to listen to it once, so theft is okay."

Ok, I'm outta here. This guy is proving my point for me.
annk said:
Lovely, more rationalization. "I don't listen to most of my library, or I only got it to listen to it once, so theft is okay."

Ok, I'm outta here. This guy is proving my point for me.

yeah I know but I going to down to the last thing.

That my problem right now is everyone is a bunch of hypocryts. Yeah I have pirated stuff but at the same time I live by my own code of ethics on it and I dont force that code on others because I know doing so I could be hit for being a hypocryte. But I have my own code I follow. I still going to point to my statement below.

But I stand by my point. Any of you who are trashing it you computers better be clean of everything pirated. NOT A SINGLE SONG, Movie or program. If you have one you are a hypocryt and everythign you are trashing him on goes out the window. (this includes buying 1 copy of software and installing it on multiple computers even though you own them all. It still stilling and pirating. 1 copy of the software is only good on ONE computer unless other wise stated in the EULA)
annk said:
You prove my point beautifully - inventive (thought not particulary creative in this case) rationalization of illegal activity.

And you're helping to prove why inflexible copyright laws are idiotic.
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