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The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
"I can't answer that but I can search the world wide", says Siri when there is no real answer. All Google search does is search Google and even when there is no real answer it still just does a google search. Also gives less much less visual info than Siri. Ask Siri a sports question, it pops up enough info to mostly likely answer a second or third question on the same topic. With Google voice you'll have to ask another question, like what was the highest scoring inning.

As I say in all of these Siri vs google voice threads ..... I just don't see any real winner, by a nose or distance.

Android fanboys seem to go to great lengths to justify why they feel everything Android is better. It actually turns me off to giving Android another try

Google Voice has nothing to do with searching. Google Voice is for voicemail and a Google Voice phone number. What you mean is Google Now. That said, as someone who has used both Siri and Google Now, I have to say Google Now is better simply because it understands you better. Siri often misinterprets what I say (and I speak clearly and rather well), while Google Now rarely gets it wrong. I think the video in the link is a perfect illustration of that. Siri thought "scallion" was "stallion", while Google Now interpreted it properly. With Siri, I found myself having to repeat things constantly, whereas on Google Now, I was saying things one time and was done. This alone makes Google Now better in my opinion.


They definitely tried to make Siri look bad. I just asked some of the same questions with iOS6 beta 3 and she didn't have any problems. Google is faster and there is no denying that but who knows how the extra house power in the iPhone 5 will help siri's speed. Honesty I never used Siri after the first week I had it but since iOS 6 I have used it quite a bit.

I don't think they went out of their way to make Siri look bad. Heck, it isn't like it benefits them in any way to make Siri look bad. She asked questions and Siri did not find answers for some things, and misinterpreted others. Like it or not, that's how Siri operates. Remember the excuse everyone gave for Siri's shortcomings before? "It's still a beta". Well, those shortcomings are still present and it showed in that video.


Google Now is superior to Siri. It's like Siri is a 4/10 and Google Now is a 8/10.

So what? That's just one feature, the iPhone still has the best camera, the best build quality, better app store, better resale value.

I don't know that I'd for as far as calling Google Now 8/10. You still can't make appointments in it. It is cool that it can automatically update you of traffic and trip times home without you doing anything. But all in all, I'd give it a 7/10. It at least has to be able to make appointments before it can be considered anything 8 or above. Also I don't think you give Siri enough credit. I'd give Siri a 6/10. Where Siri really needs to improve is accuracy of the interpretation of voice. Google's voice system learns your voice over time, Apple needs to incorporate something like that.


macrumors regular
Apr 17, 2012
Google Voice has nothing to do with searching. Google Voice is for voicemail and a Google Voice phone number. What you mean is Google Now.


I've pointed this out a few times now, not really important but if you want to get it right here's the difference:

-Voice Search is the Android equivalent to Siri. It's not exclusive to Jellybean but has been improved upon. Expected to be replaced by Google Assistant Q4.

-Google Now is the new JB feature with 'cards'. Voice Search can be activated by saying 'Google' or tapping the icon.
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The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012

I've pointed this out a few times now, not really important but if you want to get it right here's the difference:

-Voice Search is the Android equivalent to Siri. It's not exclusive to Jellybean but has been improved upon. Expected to be replaced by Google Assistant Q4.

-Google Now is the new JB feature with 'cards'. Voice Search can be activated by saying 'Google' or tapping the icon.

FYI, wikipedia isn't exactly something I'd be linking to as a source. Not exactly the most reliable thing in the world. Now on to what we were saying...Google's Voice Search is what was in ICS and previous Android versions. Google Now combines "Voice search" into it. Whether you open Google Now manually or tapping the icon, it still take you to Google Now. It's all one thing now. As for Google Voice, that is something TOTALLY different. This is Google Voice


macrumors regular
Apr 17, 2012
Not trying to argue with you but unless you can correct me with a source, I think it's still called Voice Search.

It can be launched from Google Now which is kinda like a universal android search app.

I hate linking to cnet but this is relevant
Android 4.1's voice search not the same as Google Now - cnet article

"Google Now is not Google's Android answer to Siri. In fact, it doesn't control voice at all."

Another Landslide Victory for Google Voice Search Over Siri - Droid Life

If you do a search for "google voice search jellybean" you'll see it being refered to as Google Voice Search by most sites.
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The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
Not trying to argue with you but unless you can correct me with a source, I think it's still called Voice Search.

It can be launched from Google Now which is kinda like a universal android search app.

I hate linking to cnet but this is relevant
Android 4.1's voice search not the same as Google Now - cnet article

"Google Now is not Google's Android answer to Siri. In fact, it doesn't control voice at all."

Another Landslide Victory for Google Voice Search Over Siri - Droid Life

If you do a search for "google voice search jellybean" you'll see it being refered to as Google Voice Search by most sites.

Not sure if you read the article you linked to or just read the headline. To summarize it, the author has decided on their own that it is a separate thing. However, in the article they say "Google hasn't made the distinction between Google Now and everything else in its redesigned search app...", and "...Google has rolled three related functions into one app, and gave it a totally new appearance.", and most importantly "Google Now and the Voice Actions interface are definitely both parts of the same Google Search app". The author's article is basically saying it's 3 apps in one, and she's differentiating which part of it is doing a certain thing. It's her opinion they are separate, but in actual use, they are all the same. On Google's site, they say "For devices with software navigation keys, you can now swipe up from the system bar to quickly access Google Search with Google Now.", and go on to say you can say "Google" to activate voice search. All in all, voice search has been combined with Google Now. It's all one thing. You can't tap the mic icon in the search bar without going to Google Now.


OMFG. How funny was that? :D

Thanks for the share.

lol. I couldn't help but laugh. A few questions later, Siri says something about scallions again lol. Go figure.


macrumors regular
Apr 17, 2012
I did read the article, no need to summarise for me. This is a stupid thing to argue about, I'm sorry if I offended you by calling you out.

Here's a picture from Androids 'What's New' landing page.


The part where you speak to your phone and ask questions is called Voice Search.

It is launched from Google Now (which contains voice search, web search and the 'cards') or you could go into the app drawer and tap the icon labeled funnily enough, Voice Search.

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
I did read the article, no need to summarise for me. This is a stupid thing to argue about, I'm sorry if I offended you by calling you out.

Here's a picture from Androids 'What's New' landing page.


The part where you speak to your phone and ask questions is called Voice Search.

It is launched from Google Now (which contains voice search, web search and the 'cards') or you could go into the app drawer and tap the icon labeled funnily enough, Voice Search.

First, no I'm not offended. Second, I'm sorry if you feel this is an argument, I certainly am not trying to argue. I am merely making a point. Even in what you pointed out, it is all still in the same app, Google Now. Even Google doesn't differentiate them. Yes it has various features that have names (such as voice search), but it is still all a part of one thing. That's my whole point. Like you said, there's an app in the app drawer called Voice Search, and when you tap it, it takes you to Google Now, because it's all combined.


macrumors regular
Apr 17, 2012
The icon doesn't take you to Google Now, its takes you directly to Voice Search.

Let's agree to disagree.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2009
OMFG!!! I just tried Google Search on my SSGS3... I am NEVER typing another search in google again! Wow!!

I ... don't... have ... to type in... a search!!!!!


Seriously though, I am impressed! I never had the Widget on my phone before because I never really had much faith in voice searches!

Wow... just wow...

Ima go find me a Stallion! ;)


macrumors G3
Oct 27, 2009
Google Voice has nothing to do with searching. Google Voice is for voicemail and a Google Voice phone number. What you mean is Google Now. That said, as someone who has used both Siri and Google Now, I have to say Google Now is better simply because it understands you better. Siri often misinterprets what I say (and I speak clearly and rather well), while Google Now rarely gets it wrong. I think the video in the link is a perfect illustration of that. Siri thought "scallion" was "stallion", while Google Now interpreted it properly. With Siri, I found myself having to repeat things constantly, whereas on Google Now, I was saying things one time and was done. This alone makes Google Now better in my opinion.


I don't think they went out of their way to make Siri look bad. Heck, it isn't like it benefits them in any way to make Siri look bad. She asked questions and Siri did not find answers for some things, and misinterpreted others. Like it or not, that's how Siri operates. Remember the excuse everyone gave for Siri's shortcomings before? "It's still a beta". Well, those shortcomings are still present and it showed in that video.

Excuse me for my one typo, even tho I mentioned Google search numerous times. :cool:

Anyways, this video was obviously manipulated to make Siri look unreliable. Scallions? Really? How long did it take for them to find stuff Siri screwed up on? Give me time with both Siri & Google and I can make either the winner or loser on camera. Unfortunately I don't have nethier, but I have played with Siri and it was pretty accurate for me. And asked Siri damn near everything I could think of.

I will give Google it's credit, it's voice recognition seems very accurate. I'm basing this on the Google app on iOS which I played with on iP4 and iPad. Even when chewing my food, it searched correct 95% of the time. So I have no doubt that it's good on Android. But this video was outright bias.


macrumors 65816
May 30, 2009
I don't get it. So basically all the android does is do a google search for whatever you said. That's kinda worthless, I can type faster than that.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 10, 2012

I don't think they went out of their way to make Siri look bad. Heck, it isn't like it benefits them in any way to make Siri look bad. She asked questions and Siri did not find answers for some things, and misinterpreted others. Like it or not, that's how Siri operates. Remember the excuse everyone gave for Siri's shortcomings before? "It's still a beta". Well, those shortcomings are still present and it showed in that video.

I just find it strange that I can sit here with the tv on in the background and ask Siri who the royals play on August 3rd and it comes right up. I'm not defending Siri as some great tool or saying its better than googles version. It just seems very strange that Siri failed on every question and I have no trouble asking the same questions. I admitted that Siri was worthless for me in iOS 5 but in iOS 6 I use it pretty regularly with no problems. I have seen other videos comparing the two and Siri was never that bad. Here is one.

Again google is faster but Siri is not retarded like the video in this thread would have you believe.


macrumors 604
Sep 4, 2011
I just find it strange that I can sit here with the tv on in the background and ask Siri who the royals play on August 3rd and it comes right up. I'm not defending Siri as some great tool or saying its better than googles version. It just seems very strange that Siri failed on every question and I have no trouble asking the same questions. I admitted that Siri was worthless for me in iOS 5 but in iOS 6 I use it pretty regularly with no problems. I have seen other videos comparing the two and Siri was never that bad. Here is one.

Again google is faster but Siri is not retarded like the video in this thread would have you believe.

Yeah, that video is probably the best of them all. They're both pretty much neck and neck with Google Now being like .1 second faster. Siri is pretty talkative.

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
Remedial class


Such as.....


In addition to the features that were already there before like sending text messages, setting alarms, calling businesses (by saying their name), and other things...Google Now does other things, like check the traffic to your most likely next destination and shows you the travel time, traffic, and routes to get there. It does that automatically without you having to do anything. If you're waiting at a bus stop, Google Now will automatically tell you what time the next bus should arrive. When your favorite team is playing, Google Now will update you with the score of the game, automatically. If you have an appointment scheduled, Google Now will check the time it will take to get there (with current traffic), and notify you of when you should leave. Again, it does this automatically. Voice searching is just a piece of the puzzle.

[steps on crickets]
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