This is just the single Manhattan test, no other tests ran.
First test was run with CPU showing 1512mhz and battery just 20%, the frame rate was -5.29% when compared to the results shown in the app for a 6S+
2272 frames vs 2399 frames. So down, but not annoyingly so I don't think. Although the battery was quite low at 15% down to 11% during my 4 tests.
So, plugged in phone to charge, then ran it again, CPU still only showing 1512Mhz, result 2245 frames, so -6.42% on the example of 2399 frames on the comparison.
Ran again when battery at 32% (still charging) and CPU now back at 1848Mhz, this time got 2460 frames which is +2.48% up on the comparison.
Conclusion - CPU speed definitely affects the GPU capabilities during the test, ergo it will affect any graphical changes during normal use.
Is this enough to cause stutters? i dont know but it was interesting!!!!