Haha I know what you mean. It’s tempting but you lose some of the “fun” when one device can’t do it. My phone and iPad are not missing out on any of the features. My MacBook on the other hand…while compatible with Monterey…will not be seeing ALL of the Monterey features. (It’s a 2017 Air, so it won’t be getting some of the Maps features, for example). If it was getting all of the Monterey features, I’d strongly consider jumping into that beta. Since it’s not, I don’t mind waiting it out and keeping a stable device.
I was unsure of whether or not I’d utilize Focus at first. Now that I have gone through it and set it up the way I like…I LOVE it! To use my Work one as an example, I created a Home Screen for it to display that is more “work-centric”. Set up the notifications so I could get them from my wife, parents, and in-laws right away. Finally, I set it so that it activates based on location. As soon as I pull into the hospital parking lot…it turns on the Focus. As soon as I leave, it shuts off. I’d call it a convenience I didn‘t know I wanted!