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I'm nearly 77 and ... I should have turned to Apple earlier.
Back in the late 1970s I was a teacher and only Apple ][, Commodore 64 and TRS80 were available for us in western Canada. The provincial government provided black Apple ][ in all schools and we were given training on them. So a base of Apple users was established and some of us stayed with Apple.
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Not a Mac, that didn't come until I got a Quadra 900 then 840 in the 1990s, and about a dozen other Macs since then.
This was my first computer experience haha - it's my uncle with his hand on the front panel.
EDSAC, the second computer to be built in the UK...
Cambridge University Mathematics Laboratory.
As a young child I was very carefully supervised.....
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From 2006 to present day really not many as I keep them a long time:

iMac G5
MBP mid 2009 (still use it)
MBP M2 2023

That's it really.
It would be easier for me to write what I havent owned. The short answer is that if the product existed between 2001-2022, I've likely owned it, or multiples of it, or still do own it. Things tend to pile up on you when you work in the field. Someone recycled a boxed 2002 iPod at an old workplace for examaple and of course i yoinked that. Ive also got a nearly mint 12" maxed out powerbook G4 with its original battery at under 40 cycles that was abandoned at my store for 12 years and I took it home. I've rebuilt a nearly mint maxed out 15" 2015 dGPU variant Macbook Pro from scraps at work. I have 6 macs at home with a 7th on loan to family member, drawer of iphones, ipod collection, a few neat prototype items, and way too many USBc Apple bricks in a drawer
Between my systems, wife's and kids... > 25 total.

Pismo G3, PowerMac G3 tower, G4 Cube w/ ADC 22", TiBook, 24" iMac, two MacBook 12", lots of MBP's, a 2020 Air briefly (returned it and ordered the just released 10th gen i5 13" MBP), M1 Studio, wife's M1 Air and my M3 Pro 14" MBP.
My first was a Macintosh SE, and I’ve probably owned 20 more since then. I had a Mac LC and a Mac IIsi before they were released for sale.

If I include the Macs assigned to me for work, it would be dozens, cause I developed Mac hardware and software for a long time, and we’d need to have every model available for testing.

At many jobs, they wanted me to use Windows so I just brought my Mac laptop in until they approved it. One company issued a new policy that said the Company had to own the computers used for work, so I showed my boss and he had them buy me a MacBook Pro. Apple makes extremely high quality products and their attention to detail is the best in the industry.
I'm on my second Mac, currently using an M1 MBA.

I still have my older 2015 MBP which comes in handy for managing my iPod.
Oh, fun! I'll play...

Macintosh Classic
Performa 460
Performa 475
Supermac C500
Power Mac G4 (AGP Graphics)
iBook G4
iMac (Early 2006 20-inch)
Mac mini (2005)
Mac mini (late 2006)
iMac (mid-2011 21.5-inch)
Mac mini (mid-2011)
Mac mini (2014)
iMac (2015, 27-inch)
Mac mini (2023)
I've owned quite a few over the years, first from 1992, a TAM, Cube, many others... But rather than re-list, I've just written about them all here:

Cosmic's Mac Journey

D'oh! Just realised I left out the 2009 MacBook Pro 13" 2.26Ghz. It was and still is my only new-purchased laptop, although technically it was purchased for my wife, not me. It now resides with my 11yo.

Actually, speaking of laptops, checking my link above, I also didn't mention the 2014 MacBook Air 13", either! How remise of me. That was obviously a second hand purchase, and is my "current" laptop. Love it. So light.

I didn't go into my iPods or iPhones...
Oh, fun! I'll play...

Macintosh Classic
Performa 460
Performa 475
Supermac C500
Power Mac G4 (AGP Graphics)
iBook G4
iMac (Early 2006 20-inch)
Mac mini (2005)
Mac mini (late 2006)
iMac (mid-2011 21.5-inch)
Mac mini (mid-2011)
Mac mini (2014)
iMac (2015, 27-inch)
Mac mini (2023)
See, that's all I was going to do - a nice simple list. Then I wrote a 6,000 word essay instead.
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I've owned 5 so far:
2009 13" MBP - used almost daily for 10 years
2012 16" MBP
2017 13" MBP bought new in 2019 to replace 2009 MBP - now used by my daughter
2020 M1 mini in 2021
2024 14" M3 Pro MBP: glad to have Magsafe, HDMI and SD card slot back

Also had 23" Cinema display bought in 2005 (lasted to 2021) and a 27" Thunderbolt display bought 2014.
I don't remember the years when I bought them, here is my list:

Mac Centris 610
Power Mac 8600
iMac G3
PowerBook G3 Pismo
MacBook Core2Duo Black
MacBook Pro 15" i5 (Mid 2010)
MacBook Pro 15" (Mid 2014)
MacBook Air M1
Not counting work issued Macs:
1994: Macintosh Performa 630CD
1997: Power Macintosh 7500
2000: PowerBook G3 FireWire (Pismo)
2003: Apple iBook G4 12”
2006: MacBook (white)
2009: Mac Mini Server (+ 2010: iPad 1)
2010: MacBook Air 11”
2019: MacBook Pro 13” (2 TB-ports)
2020: MacBook Air 13” M1

So for many years I upgraded every 3 years.

Then i 2009, I got a Mac Mini server, hooked up to the TV, and the - then new - original iPad. Thinking I could use the iPad as a laptop replacement and have most of my "stuff" (mainly photos and music) on the Server. I also had the - then aging - MacBook at hand...

Now, it soon became clear that the iPad wasn't really a laptop replacement (for my use pattern, and still isn't), so when my white plastic MacBook died the following year, I got an 11" MacBook Air, which lasted close to 10 years. That was a very capable little machine, and I still kind of miss it. It's probably my all time favourite Mac.

The machine that replaced it, the last "baby" 13" intel MacBook pro, with touch bar, on the other hand, is my least favourite Mac, ever**. Heat, sound, that frelling touch bar interfering all. the. time. So - when the M-chips was introduced the year after, I did something I've never done before: I sold my Mac.

Then I got a M1 MacBook Air 13", and even if I've been tempted by some newer Macs, like the M3 15" Air and new M3 14" "baby" Pro (and even a M3pro 14" Pro), I have persevered. The little M1 13" Air is awesome, and might - if I don't get tempted to upgrade later - eventually match the 11" Air, maybe not in longevity, but at least in my esteem.

** Now, the 2019 MacBook Pro have a strong contender as "the worst Mac ever" in the 2015 12-inch MacBook, that I got at work. Although very nice to look at, that 12" MacBook was just an awful, stuttering mess to work on. I actually preferred bringing my - then 5, 6 year old - 11" Air to work. That was better.
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Ok, only counting Macs I have used for myself (not bought for others) in order of purchase:

Apple Macintosh Color Classic (turned into home server cyber deck)
Apple Macintosh Performa 550
Apple Power Macintosh 7500
Apple PowerMac MDD Dual 867MHz
Apple PowerBook 15" 1.5GHz
Apple PowerMac G4 Cube
Apple iBook 14" 1.42GHz
Apple PowerMac G5 Dual 2.0GHz (Rev.B)
Apple MacBook 2.2GHz Core2Duo SR
Apple Mac Mini 2.4GHz C2D HDMI (Mid-2010)
Apple MacBook Pro 2GHz i7 Quad (Early-2011)
Apple MacBook Pro 2.3GHz i5 Quad (2018)
Apple iMac M1 Purple 8/8 16GB 1TB SSD (2021)
Apple iMac 5K 27” 3.7GHz 6-Core i5 (2019)

Apple Mac Pro 6,1 8-Core/64GB/1TB/D500x2
Apple iMac 21” (2011) (used as a shadowbox)
Apple Mac Mini "Core i7" 2.3 (Late 2012)
Apple MacBook Pro "Core i7" 2.8 15" Mid-2015 (IG)

Apple Mac Mini "Core i7" 3.0 16GB 1TB Fusion (Late 2014)

Bold = Still Own
At one point my place was a disaster. Company gave away their junkyard stock and i basically took what I could that wasn't beyond screwed. I probably have at least 5 mac at home at any given moment.

I've owned 10+ Macs, quite a few times used a few on loan as well. Cannot remember them all. Some were "monster builds" made from parts of other models in the same series, like PowerBooks and later MacBooks.
What I can remember
Performa 475
Performa 460 (with 486dx2 66 daughter card)
Powermac G3 233

dark times

powermac G4 grey & white I think
2011 iMac
2014 mac mini
2015 MacBook air
2018 Mac mini i3
2020 m1 Mac mini (got real cheap as nos)
tried m2 pro mini but took back
2024 MacBook Pro 14 m3 pro (but might be trading in for a new iMac)

6 plus
8 plus
15 pro max

air 5

no iPods but had a dell dj 😂
Macintosh Classic
Power Macintosh 5400
iBook G3 Dual USB
iMac Core Duo 2.0 20"
iMac Core 2 Duo 27"
iMac Core 2 Duo 27" (first one died during warranty and was replaced with this slightly faster one)
MacBook Pro 15" (Late 2008)
MacBook Air 13" (Core i7, Late 2013)
Mac Pro (2019)
MacBook Pro 16" (2019)
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