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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 20, 2008
I was thinking, the reason I specifically got a WiFi only iPad was because i tether my internet from my iPhone via mywi when i dont have wifi, which is just as fast as a 3G iPad (i've compared). And i refuse to pay for two data plans. My question to the people with 3g ipads is do you also have a smart phone that you pay for a data plan on? and do you mind paying for two data plans? why not just tether?
I have both a 3G ipad and a iphone4. I don't plan to use the pads 3G often, I plan to use it on my 2 week vacation in 3 weeks and then it's touch and go. My house is Wifi'd and so is work and since those are the places I spend most of my time, unless I'm traveling, I don't worry about it. Why spend the extra $130 for 3G in the first place? I can afford it and I perfer to have something and not need it than hold back and find out later I needed it.
3G iPad, currently on unlimited plan.

Smartphone grandfathered in as to not require data and out of contract. I will probably not EVER willingly have a phone contract again.

The PAYGO option of the iPad was perfect for me, and the only way I became an AT&T customer.
i have an iPad 3G and Blackberry Curve, but with no data plan!:(

i'm hoping to either get the BlackBerry Torch or HTC EVO 4G or iPhone 4:cool:
3G iPad, currently on unlimited plan.

Smartphone grandfathered in as to not require data and out of contract. I will probably not EVER willingly have a phone contract again.

The PAYGO option of the iPad was perfect for me, and the only way I became an AT&T customer.

So basically you pay $60 a month for 3G?
So basically you pay $60 a month for 3G?

Um, no. I have a smartphone that I don't data on - one of the few probably left out there that aren't required to have it (I'm on verizon).

I'm not hip on replacing it with a dumb phone because i like my keyboard and use the other palm apps on it still. But i never needed data on it, i just was tired of carrying my phone and palm everywhere!
Um, no. I have a smartphone that I don't data on - one of the few probably left out there that aren't required to have it (I'm on verizon).

I'm not hip on replacing it with a dumb phone because i like my keyboard and use the other palm apps on it still. But i never needed data on it, i just was tired of carrying my phone and palm everywhere!

ohh i gotcha. that makes more sense. 3g is way too overpriced. you're lucky you managed to have a smartphone without it. unfortunately thats not an option anymore
I have an iPhone and an iPad 3G, the iPad isn't just mine as it is the families but I'll use it occasionally for things. I'll use it for the web and some apps but I we only activate the 3G if were not going to be home for a while.
ohh i gotcha. that makes more sense. 3g is way too overpriced. you're lucky you managed to have a smartphone without it. unfortunately thats not an option anymore

I'm very careful about any changes that will muck it up!

And, I'm sure I could have been clearer in my description - i have a horrid sinus headache today and am trying to pretend I'm 100% functional!! :eek:
I also have my iPhone 4. I like the ipad for use abroad and when I go airport etc. So I just buy the day passes when I need it for £2 a day lol.

I would love a $2~ a day plan (24 hours actually, then I'd only need $2 a week right now!). It makes the most sense for me, but alas, not an option here in the states. So, I keep paying the unlimited with AT&T because i can, and attempt to make sure i go over 2gb each month just because! LOL!

My ideal would be funding the daily charge with iTunes gift cards.....
You gotta have both.

iphone 4 and ipad here. Use both all the time. Not much overlap for me, strangely enough.
I would love a $2~ a day plan (24 hours actually, then I'd only need $2 a week right now!). It makes the most sense for me, but alas, not an option here in the states. So, I keep paying the unlimited with AT&T because i can, and attempt to make sure i go over 2gb each month just because! LOL!

My ideal would be funding the daily charge with iTunes gift cards.....

It's actually £2/day (~$3 now) and thats for 24hrs with a max of 500mb in that time. AT&T rip you guys off.
I have a iPhone 4 and iPad 3G.... I thought of buying the wifi only model but I didn't want to drain the battery of my iPhone for me the surf the web or yutubing.... so I got the 3G and here in Canada I have the 6gb plan for 30$ and you can add a 20$ fee so I can share my iPhone data plan with my iPad... and that's exactly what I did so I have 6gb for both devices.... now I can surf do whatever I need to do without draining my iPhone 4 battery... and I love it:)
It's actually £2/day (~$3 now) and thats for 24hrs with a max of 500mb in that time. AT&T rip you guys off.

I wasn't sure what the exchange rate was running these days! My 2 big. Use days this summer have been Mondays from 3-4 pm, then Tuesdays from 9:30-12. So the 24 hours would be very nice, even at $3.

My schedule is about to change, but man i wish we had all the options other places had available, choice is good, AT&T sucks! LOL!
Both iPhone 4 and 32 GB iPad 3G. The jailbreak for the 3GS wasn't out yet when i got my iPad so I wanted the flexibility in case I needed 3G data. I didn't activate the data plan initially and was eventually able to JB and use MyWi but as my wife also occasionally takes the iPad and doesn't have her iPhone JB, glad I opted for the 3G version. Yeah, $60/mo for data on two devices is a bit steep but my wife's cell is covered by work and thankfully, we can afford it and appreciate the convenience.
I also have a Blackberry and then the 3G iPad. I think my Blackberry data plan is $30 a month, but that does not include any tethering. I've asked several times at Verizon and get different answers each time, I've been told that tethering would cost anywhere from nothing, up to $30. So I don't really know how much it would cost, but I believe it is around the same cost as the data plan for the iPad.

The reason I went with the 3G was just the convenience of it. I can tether to the Blackberry, but I would have to contact Verizon and go through them and it would be more of a hassle. Where with the iPad I can just go on and activate it quickly and can use it, much easier, at least in my opinion.

I would be paying more to tether with my Blackberry anyway, so it really isn't an issue. If tethering was included in the price of my Blackberry then I would just use that.
iPhone 4 and iPad 3G

I have both, an iPad 3G + an iPhone 4 (both 32GB). I don't sign up for 2 data plans normally as I can just tether my iPhone when I need it (in Canada this is actually permitted). I have the iPad 3G so that when I travel I can pickup a local sim card and use the iPad as a great maps/GPS/Internet/email device. Although you could do this with and iPhone it is just so much more useful to use GPS and other travel apps on this much larger, yet still very portable display.
32gig iPad 3G and iPhone 4 both unlimited and wifi at home which is key since AT&T still only has Edge service up here.:mad: The 3G coverage at and around my office makes it feasible to keep my personal communications off their grid.:D
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