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After reading all the recent hype on new MacBook Pros, and iMac Benchmark scores I am 99.9% certain the Mac Pro is dead. Sadly, I will configure my new HP 820 workstations today.

I think the Macbook pro and iMac rumours suggest that we will hear something about the Mac pro around Wwdc for sure. Its great to see some Mac side rumours for once :)
First off, I'll go where ever I damn well please. Second, I came here looking for advice and information on the mac pro, and things to do to make it better/faster...
Well, tough guy, why in the world would you waste time in threads that have nothing to do with "..things to do to make it better/faster" ?
Once again, if you don't like the topic being discussed, DON'T READ THE THREAD. Go somewhere else.
Why would this encourage a leak? Leaks are to cause buzz. Already seems to be enough buzz around the new Mac Pros, otherwise we wouldn't have these threads.

I highly doubt a 3D artist, which has never been the Macs biggest strength, who has a grand total of 2 Mac Pros, is going to make a difference at all.

It can't hurt. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and quite frankly it's an outlet to vent frustration. I don't really see any harm.
I can't find a single benchmark on geekbench of the E5-16xx series or a review of an actual system. Has any one found anything?
(based on my comment of a dearth of remaining free space)

Depends on how you want to do it.

Option 1:
Get the storage system sorted, then just transfer it to the new system (assumes it won't require Herculean efforts in terms of locating and installing adapters and such to fit the new internals if applicable). Thus making the system change that much faster/easier (also assumes the boot volume is not part of the primary storage volume, which IIRC, you don't do - OS is separate).​

Option 2:
Put in all of the time at once, and upgrade to a new system and storage re-configuration simultaneously.​

Both have their merits, but Option #1 allows you to space out both your time and budget (i.e. storage system upgrades + new system = OUCH at the level you're using IIRC).

Good points both; fortunately, budget's not an issue - - time is more so.

For a variety of reasons, I've been running for far too long on Apple's traditional OS X modality that the boot drive is also the data drive...that became far more evident ~20 months ago when I started to shoot 1080p. I've been waiting for new hardware for a year now to bump up across the board, which is also going to be including SSDs (boot drive at least) and I really don't want to piecemeal any of this onto my old system ... it would just end up having to do the whole job twice instead of once, which is a "twice the labor" and downtime disruption element more so than the fiscal cost. I figure that I can get the main transition done in a day, and then a couple of overnight sessions to move data & backups over.

At least today's a Tuesday...hope springs eternal. And at the very least, I'll probably be ordering some more HDDs this week, as I'm going to need them regardless.

I thought it was ludicrous and ridiculous enough to be obvious satire, but I guess not. :eek:
Had to do with the delays over the current Xeons (before they released any dates).

You've got some work ahead of you then... :p
It can't hurt. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and quite frankly it's an outlet to vent frustration. I don't really see any harm.

It can't really do anything either. Apple's mind is likely already made up on whatever they are going to do.

And if they don't care about pros, they're already not listening.
Now that I have CS6 in my hands, I'm giving Apple 1 month. If no new mac pro by mid June then I'm buying a new (non apple sanctioned) video card, a new slot based SSD and will be keeping my current mac pro at least another 2 years having put that money into it. I've reached my breaking point.
Now that I have CS6 in my hands, I'm giving Apple 1 month. If no new mac pro by mid June then I'm buying a new (non apple sanctioned) video card, a new slot based SSD and will be keeping my current mac pro at least another 2 years having put that money into it. I've reached my breaking point.

I'm not sure Apple would have a problem with that. I seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to do. You don't have to buy a new Mac Pro to get those things.
It can't really do anything either. Apple's mind is likely already made up on whatever they are going to do.

I'm not so sure it is. It is all together possible that they haven't decided at all and have yet to do anything. They have plenty on their plate and it wouldn't be the first time that all the rest of the Mac Line gets all the attention and then a few months later the MP drags in.
I'm not so sure it is. It is all together possible that they haven't decided at all and have yet to do anything. They have plenty on their plate and it wouldn't be the first time that all the rest of the Mac Line gets all the attention and then a few months later the MP drags in.

If they've decided to discontinue, the decision has already been made. It would have had to have been made before the new Xeons shipped. Apple needs time to do an internal roadmap and make decisions for GPUs and CPUs.

The ball has been rolling on this for the past year. It's not like they all just come in one morning, remember they have a Mac Pro, and throw some random parts together, even though it may seem like that some times. :)
I'm not sure Apple would have a problem with that. I seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to do. You don't have to buy a new Mac Pro to get those things.

I don't expect apple to have a problem with it, but it's sad that I'd rather send them money for a whole new computer, but they don't make it available. There are a bunch of people with aging hardware and no reasonable option from apple to upgrade. And once I spend that kind of money I'm not going to turn around and throw it away, so Apple loses my money. A small drop in a very large ocean, I'm aware, but it ticks me off. As a user, and as a shareholder.
If they've decided to discontinue, the decision has already been made. It would have had to have been made before the new Xeons shipped. Apple needs time to do an internal roadmap and make decisions for GPUs and CPUs.

The ball has been rolling on this for the past year. It's not like they all just come in one morning, remember they have a Mac Pro, and throw some random parts together, even though it may seem like that some times. :)

You'd think, but it is so deathly quiet about this that I'm not so sure anymore. I guess sooner or later they simply have to show something. Something just seems off to me.
You'd think, but it is so deathly quiet about this that I'm not so sure anymore.

On the contrary:

Matches the current rumors quite nicely, does it not?

There are a bunch of people with aging hardware and no reasonable option from apple to upgrade.

The current Mac Pro is a very reasonable upgrade option. HP and Dell and still shipping workstations today with the exact same processors.

I'm not saying people shouldn't wait if they don't feel like it. I'm waiting. But at the same time I don't sit around throwing a hissy fit and trashing a perfectly good machine that's still the fastest Mac in Apple's lineup.
It's pretty clear that there are contraints on the supply of Sandy Bridge Xeon CPUs. Everyone just calm down and relax.
So perhaps Apple's "the new MP" on the sames dates? :apple:

Could be but Dell and HP have been pushing their dates right since the announcement..

IF WWDC is in June, thats when I'd expect them or the annoucement of the decision.

Remeber last year there were rumors of a new mac product that came during an earnings call, we really haven't seen a "new" product anywhere in the Apple line up just evolutions of the old...

May WWDC will anounce a new MP really new not just a rehash in the same case..

I'm patient, I'll have to sell stuff to buy one anyway.
The current Mac Pro is a very reasonable upgrade option. HP and Dell and still shipping workstations today with the exact same processors.

Not at those prices.


Remeber last year there were rumors of a new mac product that came during an earnings call, we really haven't seen a "new" product anywhere in the Apple line up just evolutions of the old...

I'm thinking that was likely a TV reference.


May WWDC will anounce a new MP really new not just a rehash in the same case..

I'd love that news but the odds are better that they would give away free ipads.
I just can't see them making a TV, but maybe I'm wrong.

One of the news sites was imagining how much real estate iTV's (with no where near the profit margins of the little devices) would take from ipads, etc in the stores, but I think if Apple thinks there is a way to dominate the market somehow with something perceived as "new and cool" they may go for it.
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