There was great debate about 16/32/64 before the launch. I'm still leaning toward a 16gb wifi, but I'd be interested to hear, now that many apps are out and eBooks and comics etc., how you guys are finding the space usage to be working out. I know it's very subjective, and many will want to validate their size choice (as it can be argued I'm trying to validate my future choice by starting the thread
so please give a rough breakdown of how you're using your space, for example:
6GB music
4GB TV/Video
2GB apps (specify any big apps)
3GB Photos
1GB Free
Further, I'd love to hear what size a standard 2h movie is working out to be and if you guys have had success in getting it 'optimized for iPad' in handbrake, etc.
Thanks! If this thread is superfluous, please point me to another, I couldn't find it.
6GB music
4GB TV/Video
2GB apps (specify any big apps)
3GB Photos
1GB Free
Further, I'd love to hear what size a standard 2h movie is working out to be and if you guys have had success in getting it 'optimized for iPad' in handbrake, etc.
Thanks! If this thread is superfluous, please point me to another, I couldn't find it.