I just had a friend call me that was teaching a class to customers of a high end lux car brand (call search San Diego Grand at Del mar last weekend if you think I'm making this up) and they started talking in the session about pandora suddenly not working with ios5 in the car. That brought up the question of batt life and a full 1/3 raised their hands when asked if they were draining faster than before the ios5 download.
"very small" my a$$....
I love the stories "I had a friend..." I have a friend that their iPhone never dies....
We all said it... it NEW phone and new OS, even luxury cars have issues when a new model/engine/trans/ other things are made. This is why there is a recall on vehicles.
When Apple came out with the new Macbook Pro's they had issues also, they fixed it also. Things are human made, we all make mistakes, get over it.
When you also fix one thing is software, it can make issues in another area.
I use to work in a machine shop and fix dies. One of the dies had 100's of punches that required me to straighten. I would take a ball pein hammer to tape one side, well when I did that I have to flip it over and do the other so it was perfectly straight. This is like software you fix one thing and flip it over and nee to fix something else.
The new iPhone also has duel core.... ya know what? More cores... more battery life. If you don't like it, get a Android phone then.