I'm getting an error that says mv not found.
I understand how to follow your instructions but could you explain whats actually happening here?
Someone mentioned that its "moving?" where are your applications moving to? If they are being moved off the iPod Touch then how are you still using them? I'm not sure I follow whats actually happening here, or how this is solving a problem?
# mv /Applications /private/var/Applications
mv: reading `/Applications/Installer.app/InstallerPlugin.webplugin/InstallerPlugin': Invalid argument
Your ipod needs to be connected to a network. This is inferred by the need to type in the ip address of the ipod.hi,
do we need to be "on" with the wifi?
or only the usb plug?
i'am trying to do it but nothing happens (with the osx 10.4.10 via terminal)
it seems it doesn't see my pod
i entered ssh -l root ip.adresss of my pod
before the code...
so o thought the ipod ip changed and i tried to use a ftp util. for checking the connection :
no connection
(got no wifi where i am now to check my ip)
could someone help me plz?
ok, heres the deal with this. If you have the native iphone and ipod apps in the same folder that you sym linked all your applications are probably crashing, esp. ones that are web dependant. I moved the ipod apps back to the root /applications/ folder and sym linked to another folder in /private/var with all the 3rd party stuff and nothing has crashed...
a few people on the dev team have notice this as well.
Reading the list of known issues from Installer.app, "Free space check/display is missing"
Besides of installing Apps, I'd also installed PHP, Python, Perl and Ruby in my iPod touch. But these all are installed in /opt/iphone directory so they still use up all my system disk space. It is an good idea for me to move /opt/iphone directory to /private/var like we have done with /Applications ?
i wouldnt put it in the applications folder on /private/var. Create a new folder called /util/ or something like that and symlink that to your root /applications/ folder
Oh I think my message was too short that make you confuse. I have made a opt directory in /private/var and mv the /opt/iphone directory to there. Therefore the new path of the moved directory is /private/var/opt/iphone.
What I concern is someone in other forum said that moving any opt's file outside opt directory may cause system become unstable. Is that true? If so, why?
SSH into your iPod touch using the SSH client of your choice; I recommend putty, which you can download at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/