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I'm pretty sure I've gone and screwed this up. I ran the commands, but did not think about what effect the MobileFinder would have. Now when I go into the Finder and click on an app to run, it sends me to a screen with only folders for Library and Media along with a file. The applications I have on my springboard still work fine, but I cannot open them or other apps through the finder. Unfortunately, this includes Preferences -- so I am not sure how to get my IP address to view what's going on through Cyberduck. Crap.

So... what did I do and how do I fix it? Is it a matter of changing some settings in MobileFinder or going back through Terminal, or do I have to do a restore?

How embarrassing.
still looking for a way to fix the above. I'm holding out hope that this is fixable since the apps still located on the springboard are accessible.
you can just guess the IP address until it connects. Im using a Netgear router and my iPods IP address is always 192.168.1.x. The x has been replaced by numbers 1-7 so far. Its worth a shot.
I'm still wondering whether to do this or not. I read on the TouchDev wiki that if you try to sync your ipod with a different iTunes library or somerhting then it will totally mess your iPod up. Is this true? Are there any other downsides?
Can anyone confirm the steps on the first page still work as advertised? I need to free up space and am wondering if i copy and paste those commands everything will work out. Also, if i do it, will this affect my NES roms because their location will change?
Can anyone confirm the steps on the first page still work as advertised? I need to free up space and am wondering if i copy and paste those commands everything will work out. Also, if i do it, will this affect my NES roms because their location will change?

Well I ran this after being a little sceptical and it still works so that's good. As for NES ROMs I only installed these after doing the method so I cant comment but they work for me.
Slip, did you ever get my PM?

Also, what program are you guys using to SSH into your iPod?
Aww man! I tried to do this and whilst half way through the commands my PC didn't recognize the '/' button, so the whole thing got screwed up and the Applications folder was moved to 'private/varApplications' . Anyway, all of my icons have gone, and I can't SSH back in as I don't know the IP address. I'm trying to restore but all iTunes is aying is 'Contacting the iPod software update server'

EDIT: Sorry for the double post, I am used to a Vbulletin forum where you cannot use th edit button. Sorry! Anyway, Woohoo! I restored my iPod and everything worked a charm. So happy now that I can fit all my apps on.
step 1, check

Ok, I got my IP address figured out and was able to get in thru Cyberduck, which means I will be able to get in thru Terminal.

Now... what the hell do I do??

Here is what my file structure looks like:

at /private/var:

private/var/Applications includes all of my applications but not MobileFinder. MobileFinder is located at private/var/root/library:

at /private/var/root:

Then private/var/root/MobileFinder includes an Applications folder with an arrow (assuming this is the symlink?) and all of the folders for the applications.

So... what now? Any clues on what to move and where?
So... what now? Any clues on what to move and where?

The instructions are on the first page of this thread. Isn't that method working for you?

Btw, to get root access with MobileFinder (i.e. to be able navigate all the way up to the top directory) you need to allow access to system files in the MobileFinder settings.

To be honest, there's no real point moving the Applications folder anyway, as you'll get far more free space by moving the Fonts folder, and without any of the potential problems.
I havent done it yet, but you just connect via terminal and paste in the commands on the first page.
No, the problem is that I DID follow the instructions on the first page but I think that the fact that I have MobileFinder screwed the process up. Now when I open the Finder to get to the apps not available on the springboard, I am sent into a loop between the apps list (with the icons) and the root folder.

So my question has been... now that I have followed the commands on the first post and gotten myself into this bind, what are my options for setting things right and accessing my applications?

Would a restore still be successful after moving the Apps folder? At this point I am fine with just going back to the beginning and starting fresh.
To be honest, there's no real point moving the Applications folder anyway, as you'll get far more free space by moving the Fonts folder, and without any of the potential problems.

I would rather do this. As I have no prior experience with executing commands do you think you could post the commands to move the fonts folder? Thanks man.
Surely if you reinstall mobile finder it would solve the problem?

Orangecuse, that is exactly what I thought. I have never used SFTP or SSH and didn't have a clue what I was doing. I found my IP under the Wifi settings, so logged into Putty (the recommended program that is mentioned in the first thread) with 'root' as the username and 'alpine' as the password, and entered the commands. I knew that alpine was the password as it is defaulted in OpenSSH, I have also read the root is the user.

I messed up the first time, but did a fresh restore and everything is dandy now, no real limitation to your springboard and apps. I'm much happier now :D
Delude, I have been SSHing into my touch via Cyberduck. I understand the connection process and what I'm doing within the program but what I'm trying to figure out is the commands to move only the Fonts folder rather than the the apps folder as someone has mentioned earlier in the thread. So, in short im just looking for the commands to execute the move of the Fonts folder.
Ah, I apologise for not readin it right. Just out of interest, why would you only move the fonts folder and not Applications? Would you not prefer loads more space for apps? I am aware the fonts take up quite a bit of room but you still wont be as free as if the Applications folder was moved to the main drive. Thats my personal opinion anyway, as then the 300mb system file drive would have free space for the OS and the system, allowing everything to run better.
The fonts will give me plenty of free space without the risk of losing and/or messing up my apps. On second thought, the commands on the first page, are they to back up your applications to your computers HD in case that does happen?
The ones further down seem to be, yes. (Without looking at them again due to lazyness but trying to remember)
The fonts will give me plenty of free space without the risk of losing and/or messing up my apps. On second thought, the commands on the first page, are they to back up your applications to your computers HD in case that does happen?

The commands on the first page, the ones that the OP posted, are to move all of the applications on your Touch to the Media section where there is more room and then create a shortcut so that the applications think that they're in the Apps section when actually there in the larger Media pool. It does not make a backup of the apps so you would have to do this manually by (I guess) copying the apps to your PC with Cyberduck. ;)
Glad to hear it's working well for everyone.. the risk is pretty minimal to be honest but if you're unsure, you can do a backup of the App folder first..


cp -Rp /Applications /private/var/Applications.backup

To restore if something went wrong, type

rm /Applications /private/var/Applications

to remove the symlink and the copied Apps folder.. then

mv /private/var/Applications.backup /Applications

to restore the backuped Applications folder.

This is the supposed backup im referring to. Does this backup your apps to your mac automatically?
Surely if you reinstall mobile finder it would solve the problem?

I would definitely try that if I knew how to run the Installer. This goes back to my originally posted problem (at the top of the page) of not being able to run applications through MobileFinder because I am now sent into a loop of seeing the list of applications (in /var/Applications) and then being directed to a directory containing the Library and Media folders, along with file in the ~ directory.

So... this goes back to my original question of wtf to do now. How do I get an application that is not on my springboard (Installer is not) to run and how do I fix what I have screwed up?
Ah, sorry, again I didn't read the full problem before answering. I'm am still very new to this but will have a think...
I would definitely try that if I knew how to run the Installer. This goes back to my originally posted problem (at the top of the page) of not being able to run applications through MobileFinder because I am now sent into a loop of seeing the list of applications (in /var/Applications) and then being directed to a directory containing the Library and Media folders, along with file in the ~ directory.

So... this goes back to my original question of wtf to do now. How do I get an application that is not on my springboard (Installer is not) to run and how do I fix what I have screwed up?

Did Installer disappear or something? It should be installed automatically in the Applications folder when you jailbreak. Any executable app in that folder should appear on Springboard.

Finder problem: not a problem if you can run it at all. Go into Settings in MobileFinder and toggle access to System files to be able to browse everywhere ('Up' button). If you can't find what you're looking for after that, it just isn't on your iPod.

Anyway, to answer your earlier question about how to symlink the Fonts folder, either SSH into your iPod or use VT-100 Terminal on the iPod itself and type:

cd /
mkdir /private/var/Fonts
cp -Rp /System/Library/Fonts/* /private/var/Fonts/
mv /System/Library/Fonts /System/Library/Fonts.backup && ln -s /private/var/Fonts/ /System/Library/Fonts
mv /System/Library/Fonts.backup /private/var/Fonts.backup

This will free up more room than the Applications folder ever will. I have 100 MB free space on the system drive after moving only the Fonts folder. The rest is taken up with OS stuff that is best not to f**k around with.
Did Installer disappear or something? It should be installed automatically in the Applications folder when you jailbreak. Any executable app in that folder should appear on Springboard.

Finder problem: not a problem if you can run it at all. Go into Settings in MobileFinder and toggle access to System files to be able to browse everywhere ('Up' button). If you can't find what you're looking for after that, it just isn't on your iPod.

thank you thank you thank you. I toggled the system files access and now I can at least run the apps through Finder. I was not able to run Installer initially (after moving the Apps folder with MobileFinder installed) because of the loop I was thrown into. But now with the system files access changed, I can run all my Apps. Installer was not on the springboard because I am using Finder for my infrequently used apps.

next question, then: If I uninstall MobileFinder, this should restore all of my applications back to the springboard, right? Or will this somehow mess up my access because the Apps folder was moved? I am now nervous to do any more experimenting without checking with someone first. I was hoping to switch to using the Categories app instead of Finder, but now that I'm back to being able to access my applications I really don't want to ruin that.
Finder is just the equivalent of Windows Explorer. It's presence or absence has nothing to do with what other Applications are installed on your iPod. So uninstalling it will have no effect at all.

Btw, for what I think should be obvious reasons, you *should not* move the Applications folder using MobileFinder.

I'm still unclear about some aspects of your situation. How did you 'remove' Installer from Springboard? Did you use Customize to hide it? If so, you should be able to just unhide it. Really if there's one application you should always keep accessible from Springboard, it should be Installer ...
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