cd [directory location]
mv -i [filename] .[filename]
cd /Folder
mv -i File.txt .File.txt
cd [directory location]
mv -i .[filename] [filename]
cd /Folder
mv -i .File.txt File.txt
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 1
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 0
rt_brained said:Just go to the Finder and select File>Hide>Porn
HexMonkey said:There is also a hidden option in Finder that lets of see all hidden files. To turn it on type:
Code:defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 1
For the change to take effect, you need to relaunch Finder. You can do this in the Terminal by typing "killall Finder", or alternatively by relaunching Finder in the force quit dialog.
To turn the option off type the following before relaunching Finder:
Code:defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 0
Hakkinen said:When you work in an environment with a lot of people nearby, you will find the need for hidding files such as password files, personal account and tax files, and even project files.
There isn't much need to hide porn anyway. It is perfectly normal and I bet almost every single machine out there has some sort of porn materials. Be it picture or movie. Hey, may be even sexy photo of you and your gf is for your eyes only!![]()
Hope the moderator doesn't punish me for saying this.
~Shard~ said:I completely realize that buddy - was just having some fun and being a bastard - it's what I do!![]()
musicpyrite said:To hide my files I use FolderGuard, it even password protects my files. BTW, I don't hide porn on my computer, I hide improtant 'documents.'![]()
hehe hiding porn...mine is on an encrypted disk image hidden among a bunch of innocent looking files in a folder on a USB keychain thingie~Shard~ said:I love how obvious it is when people are trying to hide porn on their machines.
übergeek said:hehe hiding porn...mine is on an encrypted disk image hidden among a bunch of innocent looking files in a folder on a USB keychain thingie
Otherwise I'm sure you could hide it in some place like /System/Library/TextEncodings or something...what are the odds someone would actually look :x
~Shard~ said:Ah, but what if someone does a system search for *.jpg or *.mpg or the like? They would still come up in the search and look quite suspicious!![]()
Espnetboy3 said:i just find making a disk image encrypted folder with a password works best. U can choose how much space u want the folder to take up for mpgs u can put like 500mb or something or pics u can put like 2mb . Works great and u cant mount it without the password.
her jpg and mpg files, i was not born a guy, although i am biHakkinen said:So what do you suggest übergeek to hide his jpg and mpg files then?
OOPS! I should have checked both you and her profile. I learn my lesson.übergeek said:her jpg and mpg files, i was not born a guy, although i am bi
and if you think that the pic on my profile makes me look like a guy, i'm in deep deep trouble![]()
Hakkinen said:OOPS! I should have checked both you and her profile. I learn my lesson.
~Shard~ said:"you" and "her"?!? Who's profiles are you referring to, apart from übergeek's?![]()
shard, i've only seen you on these forums since yesterday night, and already i love your posts~Shard~ said:"you" and "her"?!? Who's profiles are you referring to, apart from übergeek's?![]()