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Hakkinen said:
When you work in an environment with a lot of people nearby, you will find the need for hidding files such as password files, personal account and tax files, and even project files.

There isn't much need to hide porn anyway. It is perfectly normal and I bet almost every single machine out there has some sort of porn materials. Be it picture or movie. Hey, may be even sexy photo of you and your gf is for your eyes only! :p
Hope the moderator doesn't punish me for saying this.

Hey, you can search my machine. You won't find anything, cuz it's not there. You do realize that the #1 relationship problem in the US today in marriages is an addiction to porn? I don't want that to happen in my future marriage. And, no, I'm not gay. Obviously. If it helps convince you, my gf's name is Courtney.
Calebj14 said:
Hey, you can search my machine. You won't find anything, cuz it's not there. You do realize that the #1 relationship problem in the US today in marriages is an addiction to porn? I don't want that to happen in my future marriage. And, no, I'm not gay. Obviously. If it helps convince you, my gf's name is Courtney.
wow. you just probably hit puberty, seeing as how you're like a year younger than me, and you dont look at porn? Impressive.
All the guys at my school do, in might be the first teen, guy or girl, I've met who doesnt :eek:
Your beliefs are your beliefs, but an addiction to porn and a disapproving significant other is the reason why its a problem. If your significant other approves of you watching porn, there is no problem.
HexMonkey said:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 1
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 0

nice one. :D i'll keep that one handy...

yeah, making files hidden within Terminal is good... but then you've either got to use Terminal to open the files, or use 'Go To...' in Finder (shift+cmd+g). beware that if you use 'Go to...' then type the path to your hidden folder, the next time that someone uses 'go to...' they will be able to see that path that you previously typed. just remember that ;)

i also have a couple of encrypted disk images... very handy.

Hakkinen, if you want to make a encrypted disk image, just open up Disk Utility then make a new one there. you'll sort it out easily enough. and if the dmg isn't mounted, then no one will be able to see what's in there. :D just make sure you use a password that you'll remember.
cb911 said:
nice one. :D i'll keep that one handy...

i also have a couple of encrypted disk images... very handy.

Hakkinen, if you want to make a encrypted disk image, just open up Disk Utility then make a new one there. you'll sort it out easily enough. and if the dmg isn't mounted, then no one will be able to see what's in there. :D just make sure you use a password that you'll remember.
I open Disk Utility and the only option is repair permissions. While there is Unmount and Eject, I can't click on them. Does that mean they are already encrypted? As I understand, this will only prevent someone from opening my file if he/she copies my file out of my machine. But it doesn't hide my file right? Correct me if I am wrong.

BTW, my significant other has not objection to watching porn. In fact, she sends me attachments all the time. :)
Okay, to get yourself a new disk image, just open Disk Utility, but don't worry about any of the partitions that are already listed in the sidebar on the left. just go to the icon at the top between 'Burn' and 'Unmount'. that should be 'New Image' in there. :D or you can go to the menu and go Images>New>your choice.

then you can specify the size of the dmg, and what you want the password to be. :) hope that helps you with that. you might have to try a few times to get the dmg settings right, but it's good once you do.

as for hiding the files... yeah, people can still see the dmg's, so if you really want to hide then, use an encrypted dmg, then use the Terminal technique to rename the dmg to something like .systemfile.dmg or something, but still be carefull with the name, people can still search for it.
übergeek said:
shard, i've only seen you on these forums since yesterday night, and already i love your posts :)

Thanks - I try to liven things up a bit on the forums and, in general, be a bastard - you seem pretty cool yourself. Oh, and nice dogcow, I haven't seen one of those in ages! :cool:
Calebj14 said:
You do realize that the #1 relationship problem in the US today in marriages is an addiction to porn? I don't want that to happen in my future marriage.

No, I think the #1 relationship problem would probably be a lack of trust, love, honesty and respect for your significant other. Unless of course you are a PhD on the subject and can provide us with some documentation and facts to back up this porn claim... ;)

Calebj14 said:
And, no, I'm not gay. Obviously. If it helps convince you, my gf's name is Courtney.

Who was suggesting you were gay, and where did that come from? Why do you feel it necessary to convince us? Feeling a little defensive? Hmm, I have met quite a few men named Courtney... :p :cool:
übergeek said:
her jpg and mpg files, i was not born a guy, although i am bi :)
and if you think that the pic on my profile

/Porn collection updated (kidding!!!!! ;) )

You're right, password protected disk images are probably the best way currently of keeping any files from prying eyes; especially if you don't use the same password as on your account. That way, whether someone manages to acquire your password, or uses your machine while you're away, they're out of luck.
musicpyrite said:
To hide my files I use FolderGuard, it even password protects my files. BTW, I don't hide porn on my computer, I hide improtant 'documents.' :D

I have deleted all the porn off of my machine because porn is evil and corrupts society. I dont use applications like Diiva. And i wont download folderGuard so i can safely start a new porn collection.
Hiding files on a computer accomplishes nothing really. They are "findable", so what's the point. If FileVault is fixed (not sure if it is yet) that would be an answer. As for playing terminal, I use Macs for their power, convenience and ease-of-use. Terminal is for folks with WAY too much time on their hands. Contrary, I'm a busy guy. I don't have time to dick around with that black window making things invisible and such. That being said I do on occasion use SSH to change permissions on one of my remote servers, but that's it.
Personally I use a firewire drive and .Mac. for some critical files.
Les Kern said:
Hiding files on a computer accomplishes nothing really. They are "findable", so what's the point. If FileVault is fixed (not sure if it is yet) that would be an answer. As for playing terminal, I use Macs for their power, convenience and ease-of-use. Terminal is for folks with WAY too much time on their hands.
I have to agree that sometimes it is rather tedious if you have files with names that are too long. Not to mention if you have many files to hide. Would be great if there is an application or command that can let us rename files fast and easy.
übergeek said:
wow. you just probably hit puberty, seeing as how you're like a year younger than me, and you dont look at porn? Impressive.
All the guys at my school do, in might be the first teen, guy or girl, I've met who doesnt :eek:
Your beliefs are your beliefs, but an addiction to porn and a disapproving significant other is the reason why its a problem. If your significant other approves of you watching porn, there is no problem.

Actually, I hit puberty a few years back. I'm 5'11', my voice has changed, etc. I beg to differ about watching porn. It's never right to look at porn, no matter who says. That's the truth, take it or leave it. I'm not going to force in on you.

~Shard~ said:
No, I think the #1 relationship problem would probably be a lack of trust, love, honesty and respect for your significant other. Unless of course you are a PhD on the subject and can provide us with some documentation and facts to back up this porn claim...

I'll have to look it up to provide exact wording.

Who was suggesting you were gay, and where did that come from? Why do you feel it necessary to convince us? Feeling a little defensive? Hmm, I have met quite a few men named Courtney...

No one here said that. Usually, though, whenever I say I don't look at porn, people come back and say I must be gay because of it. I was just trying to beat them to market.
musicpyrite said:
i gotta remember that one

looks like i 'dick around' all the time :D

Actually, that's a colloquialism from (gasp) the 70's. I am showing my age, but it DOES stand the test of time. "Cherry!" by contrast, never made it to the 80's. :)
Hakkinen said:
Would be great if there is an application or command that can let us rename files fast and easy.

Like XP? Nah, I stand by my belief that its a useless pastime.
übergeek said:
her jpg and mpg files, i was not born a guy, although i am bi :)
and if you think that the pic on my profile makes me look like a guy, i'm in deep deep trouble ;)

Thats way more than i wanted to know :confused: :eek: :D :rolleyes: :confused:
Ok, for now, i will use Encrypted Disk image from my disk utility. It seems not bad that it is password protected. At least I don't have to pay for 3rd party softwares.
Calebj14 said:
Actually, I hit puberty a few years back. I'm 5'11', my voice has changed, etc. I beg to differ about watching porn. It's never right to look at porn, no matter who says. That's the truth, take it or leave it. I'm not going to force in on you.

You were born 1990 and you hit puberty a few years back? Meaning you're still right in the middle of it? Because either you're a new breed of men or I am getting really old, but in my days you were right in the middle of puberty when you were 14... at least I was. :D
And just to clarify this: Your voice having changed is just a VERY small portion of puberty and if you haven't figured this out you're probably still a few years away from hitting it at all. ;)
And for the porn issue... that is YOUR truth. If you don't feel like watching it, don't. But don't try to convince us that it is common knowledge. You'll learn when you are older that pretty few things are actually facts and most things are opinions. ;)
<chuckle> You know, it’s never hard to spot the young ones on these forums – so naïve in some respects. ;)

Calebj14 said:
Actually, I hit puberty a few years back. I'm 5'11', my voice has changed, etc.

So, you’re 14 and you hit puberty when you were what, 10 or 11?! Right. And you think you’ve gone through it all, huh? Just wait my friend, you’ll see - you have much to learn... :)

Calebj14 said:
It's never right to look at porn, no matter who says. That's the truth, take it or leave it. I'm not going to force in on you.

And who exactly are you tell us definitely what is right and wrong? Oh wait, you’re 14 years old so it must be the truth – what do we know after all? You have a lot more wisdom and life experience than the rest of us I’m sure... :rolleyes:

Calebj14 said:
Usually, though, whenever I say I don't look at porn, people come back and say I must be gay because of it. I was just trying to beat them to market.

My first guess wouldn’t have been gay, actually – probably just one of those boring people who always plays it straight, always follows the rules, does what his mommy says, never takes any risks, never experiments, and lives a bland, unadventurous life. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. :cool:

Kay, I’m done being a bastard. For now. :cool:
Ooh, haven't posted in a while, fun fun fun.

Calebj14 said:
You do realize that the #1 relationship problem in the US today in marriages is an addiction to porn?

Source please.

I don't want that to happen in my future marriage. And, no, I'm not gay. Obviously. If it helps convince you, my gf's name is Courtney.


Lets see, I can't get married, I am gay and I don't have a girlfriend. That must make me a porn addict!

Actually, I hit puberty a few years back. I'm 5'11', my voice has changed, etc. I beg to differ about watching porn.

I hit puberty a few years back too, I'm 5'7", my voice has changed, my boobs are pretty small but then again so is the rest of my body. *shrug* And I beg to differ about your moralising.

It's never right to look at porn, no matter who says. That's the truth, take it or leave it. I'm not going to force in on you.

Yeah, I remember when I was 14 too, my whole moral structure was all set out from then and it hasn't changed since.


No one here said that. Usually, though, whenever I say I don't look at porn, people come back and say I must be gay because of it. I was just trying to beat them to market.

But porn is soooo hot!! Like gays never watch porn at all anyway... *spit*

Jane honey, next time we meet, send over that disc image, I'll make it worth your while....
~Shard~ said:
<chuckle> You know, it’s never hard to spot the young ones on these forums – so naïve in some respects. ;)

Reminds me of the quote (and I paraphrase)
"Youth is wasted on the young".
In effect you have to hols still and let them grow up, because on the whole logic, an air-tight fact, and careful Socratic analysis is incomprehensible to them. Not all, but on the whole. I find it quite entertaining.
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