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Diatribe said:
With everybody commenting it'll be interesting if he will ever write again in this thread :rolleyes:

I seem to recall this thread was about hiding files.... how DID we get off track?
Les Kern said:
I seem to recall this thread was about hiding files.... how DID we get off track?

Ha Ha Ha !
I believe it gets offtrack with Porn ?
But it is great to talk off topic sometimes, release tension....
übergeek is onto something here... encrypted disk images are a great way to secure files.

Applications -> Utilities -> Disk Utility
Then, Images -> New -> Blank Image

Lee Tom
LeeTom said:
übergeek is onto something here... encrypted disk images are a great way to secure files.

Applications -> Utilities -> Disk Utility
Then, Images -> New -> Blank Image

Lee Tom

Yes! I have tried that. It works great.
I didn't understand how it works when I read this forum, so I called up apple to help me out. Saves me $$ on getting secret folder or something else. :)
Hakkinen said:
I have to agree that sometimes it is rather tedious if you have files with names that are too long. Not to mention if you have many files to hide. Would be great if there is an application or command that can let us rename files fast and easy.

You already have on your system a set of scripts to do these sort of things. Library>Scripts. Believe me, if you're not using AppleScript, you're not using your Mac.

Install the Script menu and then you have it always available in your menu bar.

Adjust the scripts, and you have an instant way of removing underscores and properly renaming all those 'files' you download.
vniow said:
Ooh, haven't posted in a while, fun fun fun.

That's right, I haven't seen you around much lately. But when I received my e-mail notification that this thread had been updated, and that you were the one who had posted a reply, I rubbed my hands together in anticipation because I just knew you'd have something enlightening to say about the little kid's comments. :) :cool:

vniow said:
Lets see, I can't get married, I am gay and I don't have a girlfriend. That must make me a porn addict!

Yep, it would appear so - don't question the mighty 14-year old, he knows everything! Oh, and because you are a porn addict as a result, you must also be evil, because it's not right to watch porn... :rolleyes:
~Shard~ said:
Yep, it would appear so - don't question the mighty 14-year old, he knows everything! Oh, and because you are a porn addict as a result, you must also be evil, because it's not right to watch porn... :rolleyes:

ohhh, just give the kid a break, all kids talk about things they don't understand,
He does not watch porn because he does not like it - fine
(assuming) most people here watch porn because they *enjoy* it - that's fine too

He's just being a kid by expressing his opnions and reasons on things, one of the steps to adulthood.

(im going to get bashed for this)
musicpyrite said:
ohhh, just give the kid a break, all kids talk about things they don't understand,
He does not watch porn because he does not like it - fine
(assuming) most people here watch porn because they *enjoy* it - that's fine too

He's just being a kid by expressing his opnions and reasons on things, one of the steps to adulthood.

Yah yah, I know, just having fun. After all, it’s the only way he’ll learn – we’re doing him a favor! ;) :cool: He’ll learn the differences between fact and opinion eventually...

musicpyrite said:
(im going to get bashed for this)

I don’t know about the others, but I for one won’t bash you – you’re simply making logical, sensible, mature statements which I have no problem with in the least. It’s actually a perfect contrast to the kid’s statements... :cool:
~Shard~ said:
Yah yah, I know, just having fun.

Well, for some people, this is the *exact* reason more people don't join the forums. Crap like this was the reason I am no longer a member of And crap like this is the reason I hate high school. Honestly, the kid wants to hide his file (*cough*) and you give him grief. (I'm not saying this explicitly to Shard)

~Shard said:
I don’t know about the others, but I for one won’t bash you – you’re simply making logical, sensible, mature statements which I have no problem with in the least. It’s actually a perfect contrast to the kid’s statements... :cool:

musicpyrite said:
Well, for some people, this is the *exact* reason more people don't join the forums. Crap like this was the reason I am no longer a member of And crap like this is the reason I hate high school.

Ah, high school, that takes me back... ;) How is this "crap" exactly? As I said, we’re just having fun here, no need for anyone to take things seriously and get their panties in a knot. In actuality, most of the comments here have still been valid and fair, with people stating their opinions, and the kid brought them on himself in the first place. I will concede one point though, and that is I suppose we should technically get back on the topic of hiding files. ;)

musicpyrite said:
Honestly, the kid wants to hide his file (*cough*) and you give him grief. (I'm not saying this explicitly to Shard)

Actually, the kid we were addressing in all of these posts didn’t even start the thread, nor say anything about hiding files. He in fact just submitted one post! Hakkinen actually started the thread, and we poked some fun at him (the initial porn references) and he took it all in full swing and had a good laugh about everything, so I don’t know why other people can’t handle a little bit of friendly cajoling. :cool:

musicpyrite said:

I can’t tell if you were being sarcastic or not in saying this, but my comments were still sincere regardless. :cool:
~Shard~ said:
Actually, the kid we were addressing in all of these posts didn’t even start the thread, nor say anything about hiding files. He in fact just submitted one post! Hakkinen actually started the thread, and we poked some fun at him (the initial porn references) and he took it all in full swing and had a good laugh about everything, so I don’t know why other people can’t handle a little bit of friendly cajoling. :cool:

This thread is so messed up, I forgot what the original post was about. (porn?)

I can’t tell if you were being sarcastic or not in saying this, but my comments were still sincere regardless. :cool:
I was not being sarcastic.

I'm going to shut up now before I get myself into any more trouble. ;)
vniow said:
Lets see, I can't get married, I am gay and I don't have a girlfriend. That must make me a porn addict!
I have a boyfriend, ave been with him since january 2003, i'm bi, and i'm not exactly a porn addict...
Jane honey, next time we meet, send over that disc image, I'll make it worth your while....
ooooh cant wait :D :D
you gonna be home around wwdc? and will you get your ass back into #macrumors, MacCoaster is back and he misses you :)

akeel6 said:
I have deleted all the porn off of my machine because porn is evil and corrupts society. I dont use applications like Diiva. And i wont download folderGuard so i can safely start a new porn collection.
porn is not evil and does not corrupt society. well anything sex related sure isnt, because it helps everyone out. Prostitution is one of the oldest jobs ever. The porn industry makes a lotta money, and that means people who need money can get some money so they can live.
Whats wrong with people trying to make a living?
And what does Diiva have to do with this...For crying out loud, its not like everyone on earth with Diiva go to :p
Anyone can start a porn collection...takes one picture to start it. Honestly.
Hakkinen said:
Mika Hakkinen Fan. F1 s*cks nowadays.

Miss him - and especially his press conferences! (Not sure about the Mika Hakkinen song - to the tune of "Where's my Momma gone"!)

F1 is pretty dull these days - even as a died-in-the-wool F1 fan, I'm struggling.
whooleytoo said:
Miss him - and especially his press conferences! (Not sure about the Mika Hakkinen song - to the tune of "Where's my Momma gone"!)

F1 is pretty dull these days - even as a died-in-the-wool F1 fan, I'm struggling.

Love every single part of it when he was racing. The breath-taking 0.0010 seconds difference in qualifying. Only with him around we see those results between the drivers.
I had the Mika Hakkinen song too. No more watching F1 nowadays. Only read them on newspaper. How great if he is still around. But would be bad for him, Mclaren can't perform no more.
I haven't watched F1 since the good old days of Alain Prost and Aryton Senna - now THAT was a team... amazing drivers... :cool:

I also just wanted to say I love the topic progression of this thread - who says being off-topic is a bad thing, this is an AWESOME thread! ;) :cool:
~Shard~ said:
I haven't watched F1 since the good old days of Alain Prost and Aryton Senna - now THAT was a team... amazing drivers... :cool:

I also just wanted to say I love the topic progression of this thread - who says being off-topic is a bad thing, this is an AWESOME thread! ;) :cool:

I started watching F1 in March 1999, it was one fine night when I tuned in to the TV and saw F1, first time in my life. There were 2 cars leading the race. Black cars. Mercedes. I have always like Mercedes. Then the commentor mentioned the leader of the race is 1998 World Champion Mika Hakkinen. Mercedes + Mika Hakkinen = I am hooked.

You read übergeek's thread? That is even more AWESOME!!!
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