I have compared pictures between the Mac edition and other 7950 PC pictures on Techpowerup website.
Sapphire Mac edition PCB design is very similar to the AMD Radeon 7950 3GB one.
First, everybody think the solution was only in the resistors near the crossfire connector.
But when you compare the cards, a lot of resistors are different on the two PCB (blue squares on the picture).
Because of all those difference, I thought compare these two cards was a wrong way.
In fact, only the Sapphire Mac edition and HIS radeon HD 7950 IceQ X2 Boost 3 GB is quite similar to the Mac edition one.Only two resistors differences (red squares on the picture).
I think the resistor near the power connector was not significant because on this point there is no difference between Sapphire Mac edition and AMD Radeon 7950 3GB.
But the other resistor difference, under the right down screw hole of the GPU, seems to was "the" resistor.
The cards reviewed on techpowerup website showed two type of design on the PCB for the resistor R17 (ver1 and ver2).
All the card, alike their design, had the R17 resistor. The Sapphire Mac edition hadn't it.
I talk about that to Fouel. He tried the resistor under the power connector and I tried the R17 resistor.