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macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2005
Denver, CO
think about comparing them to cars.

your 2 door 2 seat sports car is faster, sleeker, more stylish etc etc than my minivan. But I only need one trip to get a family of 8 to the airport and you will need at least 7 trips assuming that covers all the luggage as well.

A dSLR has all the bells and whistles, your dad can carry everything he needs camera wise i his pocket, you need a bag to carry everything.

He bought the camera that he needs, you are wasting your time trying to convince him otherwise.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 1, 2007
thanks everyone for your posts. Anyways, my dad got the camera today. I got his camera and took a picture and then another picture with my Pentax. I zoomed into the pictures on each camera and showed my dad the result. It was enough to get him disappointed :D. He tried to make an excuse that the brightness is high but I refuted that. I showed him how much noise his indoor shot had. One of his cam's shots took 1 second to expose while mine normally took 1/10 maximum as far as I remember and that too at ISO 200 I think. :rolleyes:

hee hee I am so satisifed. :D

Anyways I am giving my crappy 2GB SD card to him and I am going to buy a 512 MB high speed card for myself.


macrumors regular
Dec 11, 2007
It was enough to get him disappointed :D.

hee hee I am so satisifed. :D

I sincerely hope I don't have kids that turn out like you. Deriving pleasure from your own Dad's disappointment? That's pretty shallow. I hope it is not indicative of your general character.

P&S cameras have their place. Image quality of a DSLR doesn't mean **** if you don't have the camera with you to take the picture when opportunity arises. I've got two P&S cameras in addition to my SLRs and they are great for parties, social events, etc. where you want to be a part of the situation rather than look like an outsider observing through your SLR. P&S cameras are also great for people not serious about photography because they don't get turned off by features and modes they don't use. It's better to have them out taking pictures with a simple P&S rather than messing with settings they don't understand on an SLR or worse yet, leaving the camera at home.

Rather than being a prick to your dad you could have helped him pick out the best P&S possible, but it sounds like you were only interested in feeling superior.


macrumors member
Aug 19, 2006

It was enough to get him disappointed :D
hee hee I am so satisifed. :f.

Hmm, tell you what, lets do the same, but this time, you can compare you're little pentax with my D2X.......then we'll see who gets 'owned'.

This whole debate is insane, and stems from people buying into a type of superiority to make themselves feel more important than the 'masses'.

SLC Flyfishing

Nov 19, 2007
Portland, OR
Hmm, tell you what, lets do the same, but this time, you can compare you're little pentax with my D2X.......then we'll see who gets 'owned'.

This whole debate is insane, and stems from people buying into a type of superiority to make themselves feel more important than the 'masses'.

I agree this whole comparison "my camera is better than your camera" idea in this thread is silly; but man liveexpo, you sure contradicted yourself in those two paragraphs you typed!



macrumors 68000
Aug 21, 2007
You can play an mp3 for someone, an audio CD, then 5.1 and they'll say they all sound the same. Some people can't see the difference between DVD quality and HD. Does that mean that you can show someone a picture you took with a P&S, and then one with a SLR and they won't be able to tell the difference? Totally. So it doesn't matter how good the camera is, or how good the photographer is, sometimes, this stuff is wasted on certain people. You can show your Dad all he wants and he may never "see" it.


macrumors 603
Mar 30, 2004
Anyways I am giving my crappy 2GB SD card to him and I am going to buy a 512 MB high speed card for myself.
Isn't 512 MB kinda tiny? Especially since memory cards are so cheap these days (I've picked up SanDisk Extreme III 8 GB SDHC for $40)?


macrumors regular
Mar 19, 2007
Anyways I am giving my crappy 2GB SD card to him and I am going to buy a 512 MB high speed card for myself.

Yeah because all that speed is going to be so useful.... Seriously, why get a 512? IF you're shooting RAW, that's very little space to play with and the differences, for you as a new amateur (note I didn't say newb), are going to be negligible.

law guy

macrumors 6502a
Jan 17, 2003
Western Massachusetts
I sincerely hope I don't have kids that turn out like you. Deriving pleasure from your own Dad's disappointment? That's pretty shallow. I hope it is not indicative of your general character.

P&S cameras have their place. Image quality of a DSLR doesn't mean **** if you don't have the camera with you to take the picture when opportunity arises. I've got two P&S cameras in addition to my SLRs and they are great for parties, social events, etc. where you want to be a part of the situation rather than look like an outsider observing through your SLR. P&S cameras are also great for people not serious about photography because they don't get turned off by features and modes they don't use. It's better to have them out taking pictures with a simple P&S rather than messing with settings they don't understand on an SLR or worse yet, leaving the camera at home.

Rather than being a prick to your dad you could have helped him pick out the best P&S possible, but it sounds like you were only interested in feeling superior.

Let's let this sad thread die now.


macrumors regular
Feb 22, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Another advantage to p/s is that due to the smaller sensor on p/s, you can get a greater DoF. This makes closeups a bit easer on a p/s when it comes to focus.

The opposite of that is that if you want shallow DoF, you'll be hard pressed to do it with a p/s. This also affects low light shooting.

Instead of trying to show him that dSLRs are great, steer him towards something like the Canon G9, which is a nice compromise between both.


macrumors 68020
Jan 14, 2008
Instead of trying to show him that dSLRs are great, steer him towards something like the Canon G9, which is a nice compromise between both.

Ya know, I was just getting ready to add another P&S to our 'collection' and just began reading up on the G9 ... was actually researching a Nikon when a review I read mentioned the G9 and its ability to shoot RAW format. My kids use the P&S cameras when on school trips, personally I carry an Olympus 770SW in my pocket because it is small, no moving parts and virtually indestructible.

Now I gotta find someone who has one or has played with on to get some real user input.

Now if I can only get that pesky guy trying to sell me his Nikon to stop emailing me! :D


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 1, 2007
woo woo woow hold on folks. why have u started assuming stuff? I respect my dad more than any of you can (I think). you dont even know the whole story behind what happened and what th situation was like. My dad is satisfied with his camera and I happy about that and for him. I am satisfied with my camera but my dad aint happy about the camera and thinks its a waste of money cuz he icant see any difference on the small screen. So he kept kinda telling me that the dSLR was a waste of money and I couldnt even show him the clear difference in quality. So when this camera camera came I showed him the difference and I was satisfied by the fact that even he agreed finally that my camera wasnt a complete waste of money. I am not really good at adjectives and stuff becuz English isnt my first language. By disappointed I meant that his reaction was "oh man your camera IS really good. I didnt think it was so. I think I was wrong in saying that your camera is a complete waste". I know disapointed isnt the right word to use here but ENg isnt my first language. :eek:

for now we are both satisfied with our cameras. they both meet our seperate needs. he wants it to be easy to use and carry and his camera does that and i am happy for him. I want a camera with good image quality and the ability to use manual controls and stuff wich my camera does and i am happy aout it.

I wont compare my cam with my dads becuz in one way my cam is better while his cam is better than mine in another way. none of us have a superiority complex or anything.

i hope i ahve cleared myself and I dont sound like a spoilt selfish self conceited idiotic guy anymore. :eek:


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 1, 2007
I DO know that 512 MB is half of 1 GB:confused:.

I think I will just go for a 1GB card just to have some extra safety space when shooting in JPEG and have enough space when shooting in RAW.


macrumors member
Aug 19, 2006
I agree this whole comparison "my camera is better than your camera" idea in this thread is silly; but man liveexpo, you sure contradicted yourself in those two paragraphs you typed!


Dude! You missed the point! I don't actually feel the need to compare!lol.


macrumors 68020
Nov 30, 2004
woo woo woow hold on folks. why have u started assuming stuff? I respect my dad more than any of you can (I think). you dont even know the whole story behind what happened and what th situation was like. My dad is satisfied with his camera and I happy about that and for him. I am satisfied with my camera but my dad aint happy about the camera and thinks its a waste of money cuz he icant see any difference on the small screen. So he kept kinda telling me that the dSLR was a waste of money and I couldnt even show him the clear difference in quality. So when this camera camera came I showed him the difference and I was satisfied by the fact that even he agreed finally that my camera wasnt a complete waste of money. I am not really good at adjectives and stuff becuz English isnt my first language. By disappointed I meant that his reaction was "oh man your camera IS really good. I didnt think it was so. I think I was wrong in saying that your camera is a complete waste". I know disapointed isnt the right word to use here but ENg isnt my first language. :eek:

for now we are both satisfied with our cameras. they both meet our seperate needs. he wants it to be easy to use and carry and his camera does that and i am happy for him. I want a camera with good image quality and the ability to use manual controls and stuff wich my camera does and i am happy aout it.

I wont compare my cam with my dads becuz in one way my cam is better while his cam is better than mine in another way. none of us have a superiority complex or anything.

i hope i ahve cleared myself and I dont sound like a spoilt selfish self conceited idiotic guy anymore. :eek:

Thank you for explaining. I feel better now. :)


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 1, 2007
I agree that I shouldnt be trying to compare my dads camera with mine. But I did want to show him that my camera wasnt a complete waste of money as he thought.:rolleyes:

SLC Flyfishing

Nov 19, 2007
Portland, OR
I agree that I shouldnt be trying to compare my dads camera with mine. But I did want to show him that my camera wasnt a complete waste of money as he thought.:rolleyes:

Ahh OK that makes a lot more sense now that you've explained the situation fully! I did think you were just trying to squash any enjoyment your dad might have had with his new camera because you thought it wasn't as good as yours!

Now that I see that wasn't the case I no longer think that you are immature.

It would be important to demonstrate to your father that you weren't simply wasting money when you got your camera, I remember when my parents thought it was a waste when I spent a load of cash on the first Generation iPod. Now I'm out on my own and everyone else back at home (including my parents) have iPods. They can see the utility in them now, they didn't when I was 19.


SLC Flyfishing

Nov 19, 2007
Portland, OR
Dude! You missed the point! I don't actually feel the need to compare!lol.

And could that possibly be because you have a superiority complex with regard to your camera? Sorry but that's just the impression I get from your post. I realized that you were trying to be sarcastic, but you still implied that your camera is worlds ahead of dingdongbubbles, (and it probably is) and to me that sorta flies in the face of what you were trying to get across.



macrumors 603
Sep 19, 2003
Canada, eh?
This whole debate is insane, and stems from people buying into a type of superiority to make themselves feel more important than the 'masses'.

... said the poster on the Mac users forum ;)

No, no, I'm kidding.

While I do believe the OP's words could be taken selfishly out of context, I do also understand where he is coming from. My dad is much the same way. Given a category of devices (digital camera, laptop, TV, table saw, portable DVD player, whatever) he tends to find the lowest-priced one, and if the results are not good, he dismisses the entire category ("eh, digital cameras are junk"). He too reacts strongly when he finds out I spent $1000 on a DSLR or $2000 on a Mac. It takes some convincing to show him it's worthwhile.

My short list of photos that look way better on a DSLR than on a P&S - portraits with shallow depth of field, low light (dusk, for example) without the need for flash, and bulb exposures of city lights or starry nights.


macrumors G3
Apr 6, 2007
Portland, OR
I DO know that 512 MB is half of 1 GB:confused:.

I think I will just go for a 1GB card just to have some extra safety space when shooting in JPEG and have enough space when shooting in RAW.

By the way... 2 Gig is no where near big enough for RAW. You'd get less than 100 photos on that card.
I'd get three or four two gig cards.

SLC Flyfishing

Nov 19, 2007
Portland, OR
By the way... 2 Gig is no where near big enough for RAW. You'd get less than 100 photos on that card.
I'd get three or four two gig cards.

I've got the top-end Pentax camera and I get 125 RAW files (16 MB each) on a 2 gig card, I get by just fine with it. But I am looking for another one! for those few times when I shoot more than that between sessions at the computer.



macrumors regular
Jul 21, 2005
New England USA
I've got the top-end Pentax camera and I get 125 RAW files (16 MB each) on a 2 gig card, I get by just fine with it. But I am looking for another one! for those few times when I shoot more than that between sessions at the computer.


I have an XTi and I can fit 200+ RAW files on a 2gb card. I usually don't fill it up.

For anyone interested Amazon is having a great sale on Sandisk - I picked up two more 2gb Ultra II Compact Flash Cards (SDCFH-2048-901) for $20 each. They are usually more expensive.

I would rather use more smaller cards, than one (or two) larger card.
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