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macrumors regular
Jun 14, 2003
in a country

1. You can attach any number of unique lenses to provide anywhere from a wider angle than any point and shoot to a much longer reaching telephoto lens than you can find on even a prosumer super-zoom.

2. Sharper lenses; there are no P&S cameras that have absolutely no issue with purple fringing or resolution loss (softness) at the corners.

3. Dynamic range is greater with almost all dSLRs than P&S cameras; they can capture considerably more contrast in a scene without making completely black and completely white areas. Newer dSLRs can adjust the curves even more to offer more retention of highlights.

4. ISO sensitivity for NOT using flash in dark places: almost any dSLR will beat almost any P&S in terms of image quality and lower noise.

5. Faster reaction times for many things; faster burst mode in many cases (3, 5, 6, 8, or even more frames per second); many of them offer the ability to not have to refocus with every shot, allowing faster shooting; many of them have an AI servo that constantly focuses on a moving target; some of them have PC sync ports and all of them have hot shoes; many dSLRs have better battery life than P&S cameras; many dSLRs have much better viewfinders than P&S cameras; many dSLRs can do longer and shorter exposures than P&S cameras.

6. dSLRs have better processing algorithms that allow for better overall image quality without oversharpening and artifacts reducing the quality of the image during processing.

7. There is no P&S that can offer apertures like f/1.4 or produce nearly the same soft bokeh as a dSLR under similar cirtucumstances (like focal length and subject distance).

8. There is greater ability to make use of on and off-camera flash units, like hot shoe flashes and studio strobes.

9. dSLRs look more impressive.


macrumors regular
Mar 19, 2007
I didn't say you could. I'm talking from an aesthetics POV. There are some VERY sexy P/S cameras out there....


macrumors newbie
Jul 8, 2008
There are professionals who shoot amazing work with disposables, and cheap plastic cameras. Good, solid photography has virtually nothing to do with gear and everything to do with your "eye" and personal vision. GO shoot! Don't worry about your gear until you're selling photos.


macrumors newbie
Jul 21, 2008
SLRs can do things no compacts can. but you can easily take a compact anywhere, while i find my SLR to be a pain to carry around a lot of the time.

things that easily impress non-photographer types (besides the size haha) is usually the 3fps+ shooting, and being able to take a sharp photo in lower light without flash (f2 or lower required). also shallow depth of field ("that cool blurry background") usually wins people over. also compare the quality of two ISO 1600 shots side by side - no contest.

straight out of the camera, the result is not going to blow anyone away (technically speaking). most of the fantastic photos people take online have had heavy post-processing done to make the colors more fantastic, the contrast where it should be, etc. photos from an SLR can withstand more extreme curves and processing without deteriorating.

oh, also, only SLRs can take ultra wide-angle and "real" fisheye shots. if you're into that.

I've heard this line before and have yet to see any proof of it.

this guy is well known for using compact cameras in his celebrity photoshoots. click on "images," you'll find some easily recognizable shots of pharrell, johnny knoxville, leonardo dicaprio, jake gyllenhaal, and justin timberlake (to name a few)..


macrumors 6502
May 31, 2006
Greenville, SC

Both of you hold your cameras, powered off.

Have an impartial third party (mom?) count down from ten to one.

At the count of one, each of you changes lenses.

Fastest time wins.

I wanted to say the same thing, and probably wouldn't have been as funny. +1 for this reply.


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->

this guy is well known for using compact cameras in his celebrity photoshoots. click on "images," you'll find some easily recognizable shots of pharrell, johnny knoxville, leonardo dicaprio, jake gyllenhaal, and justin timberlake (to name a few)..

Thanks for the link, but nothing there makes me want to chuck the SLR. The grungy look is apparently that photog's aesthetic, so poor IQ works for him...most of the time.
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