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You're clearly a FB/Twitter user, but this is not about a "feature not everyone uses"-- if I don't have these third-party, non-factory installed FB Twitter apps or accounts installed on my phone, then why is it presented as an option every time I tap share for the rest of eternity??? I spend 12 hours a day interacting with this Apple stuff, so in all seriousness, that's a lot of confrontations with my delicate sensibilities!

As I said in my previous post, and as another poster echoed, it seems like Apple got paid by these companies at the expense of my user experience, and that makes me feel sad.

These companies are not Apple, they are outsiders that I do not support and choose to have nothing to do with. Now, they are in my ****ing house, sleeping on my couch, and impossible to get rid of-- that's why some of us are flipping out!

Let's try putting something really offensive to you in your house, where you eat, and then we can watch you flip out over it! :)

This is a valid concern, but being overdramatic doesn't help your argument. The OS isn't perfect, but it's the option that's currently available. Just as anything with else in life, you'll have to make a determination about cost versus benefit. There's no need to upgrade if you think that the disadvantages are too much to deal with.

There's a laundry list of small 'additions' I don't like, but when taking a look at the whole system I think it's worth to it me. It isn't life-changing and it isn't an invader in your household. It's just an OS.
Tataa! Welcome to OS X 10.9 Housecat. Thanks for buying an Apple product. Please sign in to your Facebook account for being able to proceed with the install of your Mac operating system. Enter name and password here or Cancel. :p

Now, they are in my ****ing house, sleeping on my couch, and impossible to get rid of--

Those buttons are not only on your couch, they are omnipresent. You have them in iOS, on almost each webpage (even MacRumors frontpage and no, you can't remove them with AdBlock), in almost each game, in all apps. All over the world in the internet. Open 24hr. They found out that the like button is kind of spyware even if you don't press it.

Please realize: Those networks have already taken over the whole thing. They are even hosting their own hate pages.

Seems that the only thing you can do against it is to get buried in some Atari emulator software for the rest of your days. Or found a new internet/os without commercial social networks.
im downloading ml, 1 hr left, but after reading this im not sure i will install it.... is it really better than lion???

or it will convert my mbp into a samsung galaxy?
Jesus Christ, the things people complain about! :rolleyes:

I don't use AirDrop. What do I care if that option is in the share menu or not?!

I suppose you'd be happier if we were the types to take an electron microscope to our iPads to check for light bleed. :rolleyes:

And AirDrop is an Apple invention, is part of the OS, and it doesn't require an account or a sign-up with a nefarious third-party.

What don't you "people complaining" about us complainers understand about this? It defies logic to have contextual menus throughout the OS present account specific no-go options to users, period! If you're fine with that, so be it. It bothers me, and clearly it bothers others, too.

I guess we can sign up you and some of the others here to be first in line for the afore-mentioned Burger King and Coca-Cola icons, then. Or how about a big ugly Verizon logo on the front of your iPhone? I mean, Jesus Christ, what's the difference, right? :)
Hotmail is owned by microsoft and so is skype,

I refuse to use hotmail for regular work emails. Skype well its not hard to share with it if you want, drag and drop the file on the conversation.

the shiar menu wont have windows in it, why would it, if you want to shiar a document you can email it with a windows user email it.
look if you dont like the shair buttion you can remove it all together from finder.

Stop saying "shiar"...


You're clearly a FB/Twitter user, but this is not about a "feature not everyone uses"-- if I don't have these third-party, non-factory installed FB Twitter apps or accounts installed on my phone, then why is it presented as an option every time I tap share for the rest of eternity??? I spend 12 hours a day interacting with this Apple stuff, so in all seriousness, that's a lot of confrontations with my delicate sensibilities!

As I said in my previous post, and as another poster echoed, it seems like Apple got paid by these companies at the expense of my user experience, and that makes me feel sad.

These companies are not Apple, they are outsiders that I do not support and choose to have nothing to do with. Now, they are in my ****ing house, sleeping on my couch, and impossible to get rid of-- that's why some of us are flipping out!

Let's try putting something really offensive to you in your house, where you eat, and then we can watch you flip out over it! :)

Yes, because Twitter and Facebook are SO offensive... :rolleyes:


It is a very real issue and a very real annoyance.

I can't stand facebook/twitter integration on phones, and I hate it even more on my computer.

Might as well have a giant Coca-Cola icon permanently placed in the dock just in case you want to order a tasty beverage. Or maybe a mandatory Pizza Hut icon in case you are in the mood for some pizza.

I would love that!
OMG! Apple added a font i don't like!!! WHY?!?! Any unactivated font should be removed!!! OH NOES!!! :rolleyes:
I only know about 2 people who dont have social network acoutns,
Anecdotes != data.

Now that Apple has forced us to obtain OS X updates and new versions through the Mac App store, the foreboding message this sends is quite clear.

Guess what. You get updated from the same source (same servers) as you did before. It's just a different app. And getting your upgrades from one source isn't a foreboding of anything - if anything it's an indication of cheap prices which I am all for.

Might as well have a giant Coca-Cola icon permanently placed in the dock just in case you want to order a tasty beverage. Or maybe a mandatory Pizza Hut icon in case you are in the mood for some pizza.
Not comparable. First, the dock is omnipresent. Sharing menus are a more overt act since you to roll over them into a menu where you share stuff. Menus are always going to contain elements that aren't related to what you want. You ignore them.

But twitter and facebook wouldn't be getting their money's worth.

Unless you can cite a very strong source that Facebook/Twitter is making money off of this you should not be making such a claim. While you are at it, prove that the integration is based solely on finances and not "this is a cool idea and it looks like other companies are already integrating services that are hugely popular with our customers. Best of all, they are optional!

That's right folks. They are 100% optional and mostly hidden (my guess is that twitter always showing up in sharing services is unintentional and will be addressed down the line). There is no indication that any of these services will ever be required. None!. If anything were to be required to use the OS it would be an Apple ID and that to date is purely optional until you upgrade (and even then it is solely for purchasing). You can buy the OS and never use any of Apple's services and never use an Apple ID for anything.

We need to stop with the sky is falling mantra until we have hard proof. Not "Apple is doing X and that means they are going to do Y! It's possible! Get your grubby mitts off my OS Apple!" type rants. Lets be calm and reasonable and deal with facts calmly. Ranting and anger won't accomplish anything.

We should assume a mistake before we assume malice.
... They are 100% optional and mostly hidden (my guess is that twitter always showing up in sharing services is unintentional and will be addressed down the line).

That's a lovely dream and would certainly shut the traps of all of us naysayers, but the implementation has been the same in all the betas of iOS 6 and ML, and it's in the ML final release, so the odds of it being some sort of oversight and not intentional are very slim.

Reading this thread, it also appears the odds of Apple changing this are equally slim, because the rest of you guys clearly don't seem to give a ****, which is of course your prerogative. :)
Sorry about that, real suggestion, but real error typing the path.


Thanks, but unfortunately that doesn't work either. It might just be hardcoded into Safari, but the Twitter icon doesn't show up anywhere in the Resources folder ...
I don't have Twitter listed in the sharing menu after I removed my account.

EDIT: It is still in Safari though.


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That's a lovely dream and would certainly shut the traps of all of us naysayers, but the implementation has been the same in all the betas of iOS 6 and ML, and it's in the ML final release, so the odds of it being some sort of oversight and not intentional are very slim.

Or it could have been something that they saw as low priority and something that few people complained about. Who knows? I think Apple knows about it and doesn't really care all that much. I guess my point is that the only way Apple is going to change things is that we let them know via their feedback channels. Rants and raves are almost guaranteed to get ignored.

Reading this thread, it also appears the odds of Apple changing this are equally slim, because the rest of you guys clearly don't seem to give a ****, which is of course your prerogative. :)
Who knows? Apple has responded to feedback on things before. I don't see it likely though since most people are going to do the rational thing and treat it like any other feature that they won't use - they will ignore it.

Look we can argue what could or should be ideal. We are never going to agree on what that idea might be. We should be talking about this stuff rationally and calmly though. Trouble is talking about the ideal isn't going to get us anywhere. Ideally I would be a billionaire and live in a mansion and so would everyone else. We don't live in an ideal.

For the record, I agree with the concepts being argued here. Sharing should only include services that you are using. I don't care too much about the integrated third party services (I happen to like them and use them, but to each their own), but I can understand people not wanting them to not show up if they aren't using them. But this isn't something to complain about as people are. People are treating this as though the sky is falling and it's some kind of forced advertising and some sort of infringement of their freedoms. It's not. If you (g) don't like it, you can complain and even get people to join you in such a campaign to implement this. Trust me, if it gets enough attention Apple will listen. They have done this before. Until then, it's presence is something that the vast majority of people will likely ignore and treat it like something they never ever use yet is baked into the system.

There are tons of third party (non Apple stuff) that is baked into the OS - some more visual than others. Lets just live with the idea that Sharing services are here and live with that - It's Apple's choice to put them there and arguing about your personal opinions about social networks is pointless and is not going to get us anywhere.

Users think that sharing services should be hidden unless signed into. I agree. Lets tell Apple this and leave it at that. Frankly talking about the feature itself (the overall inclusion that is) is pointless - it's there and it's something that will stay just like iCloud (which not everybody wants) as well as getting into discussions about social integration or social networks in general. Or we can get people to say that you are wasting time and the feature should stay as it is. But I say we should keep it on track and talk about the specific thing and not other rants.

I don't have Twitter listed in the sharing menu after I removed my account.

EDIT: It is still in Safari though.
That is the thrust of this thread. It's the inconsistency that is a problem.
Since a number of you are complaining so loudly, I'm assuming you have all submitted this as a bug report to Apple already right? :confused:

If you haven't, might I suggest that would be a better use of your time since that at least has some chance of getting something done about it...unlike complaining here which has zero chance...

Free registration:


I love how EVERY single person in here complaining chose not to address this post.

How many of you have done this? I'm guessing a big fat zero...
OP wants to know a way to remove Twitter from Share button in Safari.
Why does every time has to be a group of users that tries to convince the contrary or say this is so insignificant and ...?

If you can't answer the question, just mind your own business.
I love how EVERY single person in here complaining chose not to address this post.

How many of you have done this? I'm guessing a big fat zero...
In this case, that is the answer. You have to report it to apple on a channel that they pay attention to. There isn't any other thing that can be done.

OP wants to know a way to remove Twitter from Share button in Safari.
Actually it is the share menu in safari. Not the share button - those are two different things.
When you press the button on the toolbar you get Twitter option. Why is not a button?
When you press the button on the toolbar you get Twitter option. Why is not a button?
The OP is not talking about the button - he is talking about the sharing menu in Safari. The share button is a system resource that is totally separate to this thread. The menu item in safari is a totally different thing and it appears to be not related to the sharing services (although it may be able to use it).

Can anyone with Safari 6 on Lion see if there is anything on the sharing menu there?
I love how EVERY single person in here complaining chose not to address this post.
That's quite the assumption as this requires you to know each and every person in this thread even more than they know themselves (you need to look into their mind). What makes you think that they didn't report it to Apple already (especially since you end your post by asking who did)?

I'm still going through the OS, see where it is exactly, what it does and how much it troubles me which will probably somewhere this weekend (my life consists of more than just hunting bugs in ML and submitting those to Apple). When I'm done I'll submit it to Apple via the usual way because that's the only way of getting Apple to know the problem and how they could solve it.
You can't disable unwanted services in the Share menu? That's awfully annoying. I guess we're all supposed to be nacassists...
Remove Twitter

This worked for me,

go to /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ShareKit.framework/Versions/A/Plugins

delete Twitter.sharingservice

(or compress it & then delete it in case you want it back)


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