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My 6+ was a little 'laggy' with 9.0 also had issues with the screen rotation. 9.0.1 (a 2GB download) updated via iTunes.
Much smoother, no noticeable lag, and the screen rotation issue is gone.

Happy so far :)
Works fine on my phone, but since the update my father has some trouble with his 5C while using the stock calendar app. The issue is that when he's tapping on a day, the phone registers the tap maybe 1 out of 5 times. Infuriating, he says and I can imagine it is. This issue seems to be confined to the calendar app, otherwise everything is in working order.

Has anyone else experienced this, and better yet, any idea how to fix it (if possible at all)?
I've discovered something about Notes. Plug your iPhone into your computer, log into iCloud, change or update a note: A new one is added instead of just updating the note that is already there. It used to be that it would update the note and not add duplicates. Totally idiotic.
Not sure what you mean "log into iCloud" unless you are talking from the computer. I am not having this issue at all. Any edited note from either the iDevice or gets updated for me not a new note created.
Battery life seemed a little poor but not too bad really so reset and setup as new device. Performance was good on new setup.

I am always wondering what people do after they setup iPhone as new device. I do want to setup my phone as a new device every time there is major iOS release in the belief that a clean installation would fit the new OS to the device as much as possible. But what if I restore my backup to the newly configured device? Does that make setting up as new device useless?

Do you, after setting up as new device, restore your backup back to your updated device (via iCloud or iTunes?) or use your device as a new device and reinstall all your apps from app store? Your answer is appreciated.
I am always wondering what people do after they setup iPhone as new device. I do want to setup my phone as a new device every time there is major iOS release in the belief that a clean installation would fit the new OS to the device as much as possible. But what if I restore my backup to the newly configured device? Does that make setting up as new device useless?

Do you, after setting up as new device, restore your backup back to your updated device (via iCloud or iTunes?) or use your device as a new device and reinstall all your apps from app store? Your answer is appreciated.
I always restore backups. The key is to afterwards use the "reset all settings" option. That defaults the settings to the new iOS version defaults and clears any hung up items. But restores your apps and data. This has been a known solution to battery and other issues after an update of iOS. Of course you have to run through your settings to setup as you prefer but you would have to do that on a clean install too. Always worked fine for me doing it this way. (and sometimes don't really need to reset) Only if having issues afterwards or typically a good idea with major version changes of iOS. Most of the time there is no need for a "clean" install. If you want a full "clean" install so to speak use iTunes to do your updates. It downloads the full iOS not the deltas that the OTA does so in effect it is a clean full install od the OS.
Works fine on my phone, but since the update my father has some trouble with his 5C while using the stock calendar app. The issue is that when he's tapping on a day, the phone registers the tap maybe 1 out of 5 times. Infuriating, he says and I can imagine it is. This issue seems to be confined to the calendar app, otherwise everything is in working order.

Has anyone else experienced this, and better yet, any idea how to fix it (if possible at all)?

You need to double tap now. Was driving me mental until I saw the answer on here!
^Thanks to the both of you!

Interesting that it works on my phone, but not the 5c in question. iOS works in mysterious ways, indeed.
Too soon to judge. I don't expect reliable smooth performance till at least 9.0.4.
I doubt there will be an iOS 9.0.4 but you never know, from what I've read 9.0.2 is in the works. And the iPad pro will be released in November along with 9.1
See this screenshot, this is after 5 minutes and it is still loading. This is not every time but it shouldn't happen at all. My wifi is around 140mbps so that isn't the problem. I only noticed this since the update and it is both with and without ad blockers.

Also battery life is crap. All this on my Air 2 btw.
Yup, battery life is worse by about 15% but turning on low power mode helps a bit. iPhone 5 here.
I love everything about it except the stutters, lags, and little freeze ups. I reeeeeeeeally hope they clear that up on 9.1 and I hope it comes soon.
6 Plus user here on 9.01 - I'm running into what I call a "touchier touch screen".

It's not lag (that's there to some degree too but it's better than 9.0 by just a little bit), no, this is more of a subtle and irritating problem: I have to touch the icons in the exact center to launch an app or select an item. It seemed like it was more forgiving prior to the 9.0 and 9.01 update.

Then the other issue is that I find I have to tap the screen a lot harder to get things to work too- if I tap lightly like before it just doesn't seem to do the job.

Surely others are experiencing this?
I've got iPhone 4S with iOS 9.1 beta 2 and iPhone 5 running iOS 9.0.1.
And my subjective observation is that the iPhone 4S runs better...
I love everything about it except the stutters, lags, and little freeze ups. I reeeeeeeeally hope they clear that up on 9.1 and I hope it comes soon.

It's MUCH worse, or was for me, with the public beta of 9.1. What you're describing - especially the hangs - got so bad this morning that I had to downgrade to 9.0.1 (6+, 128BG) now working fine so far.

6 Plus user here on 9.01 - I'm running into what I call a "touchier touch screen".

It's not lag (that's there to some degree too but it's better than 9.0 by just a little bit), no, this is more of a subtle and irritating problem: I have to touch the icons in the exact center to launch an app or select an item. It seemed like it was more forgiving prior to the 9.0 and 9.01 update.

Then the other issue is that I find I have to tap the screen a lot harder to get things to work too- if I tap lightly like before it just doesn't seem to do the job.

Surely others are experiencing this?

Was definitely experiencing this in the PB of 9.1. Just downgraded to 9.0.1 for other reasons (see above) so haven't had it long enough to see if this persists for me...
6 Plus user here on 9.01 - I'm running into what I call a "touchier touch screen".

It's not lag (that's there to some degree too but it's better than 9.0 by just a little bit), no, this is more of a subtle and irritating problem: I have to touch the icons in the exact center to launch an app or select an item. It seemed like it was more forgiving prior to the 9.0 and 9.01 update.

Then the other issue is that I find I have to tap the screen a lot harder to get things to work too- if I tap lightly like before it just doesn't seem to do the job.

Surely others are experiencing this?
^this! And how it's soo easy to bring the spolight? Screen down, by the faintest touch

I had the same issues in earlier iOS 8 releases minus the IMO useless spotlight screen. so I just chalked it up to an early release bug that will get fixed in later versions
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Works fine on my phone, but since the update my father has some trouble with his 5C while using the stock calendar app. The issue is that when he's tapping on a day, the phone registers the tap maybe 1 out of 5 times. Infuriating, he says and I can imagine it is. This issue seems to be confined to the calendar app, otherwise everything is in working order.

Has anyone else experienced this, and better yet, any idea how to fix it (if possible at all)?

To update my earlier post I am experiencing what might be best described as "touch screen non-responsiveness" where it could possibly be related to delay/lag but it feels more like that I must press the screen much harder than usual (and often in the exact center of an icon) to get it to respond to anything I do much of the time with 9.01.

I am running a 6+ 128 gig and feel this is almost like a touch screen calibration problem rather than lag or slowness as if I tap normally it won't respond but if I tap harder it will. I initially tapped normally, then progressively harder until it finally responded. It got to the point where I'd just tap hard to begin with since it wouldn't respond otherwise.

I'm glad you posted this because I thought I was either getting impatient or there was something seriously wrong with the touch screen algorithms.
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My company is standardized on iPhone and several of us jumped the gun and installed the 9.0 update. Our corporate IT service desk sent out this email back on the 22nd:

A flaw in the new Apple 9.0 update has been identified that keeps the native calendar from syncing correctly. This can impact your ability to see calendar notices and reminders on the mobile device. Until Apple releases a patch for this flaw, and a few others that have been reported, we recommend adding Google Calendar for iOS to your device. While this may not offer all the functionality you are used to, it does reliably stay in sync with your company calendar.

I have 9.01 installed and this issue remains unresolved. I hope it gets fixed soon. What a pain....
My company is standardized on iPhone and several of us jumped the gun and installed the 9.0 update. Our corporate IT service desk sent out this email back on the 22nd:

A flaw in the new Apple 9.0 update has been identified that keeps the native calendar from syncing correctly. This can impact your ability to see calendar notices and reminders on the mobile device. Until Apple releases a patch for this flaw, and a few others that have been reported, we recommend adding Google Calendar for iOS to your device. While this may not offer all the functionality you are used to, it does reliably stay in sync with your company calendar.

I have 9.01 installed and this issue remains unresolved. I hope it gets fixed soon. What a pain....

I have the same issue. I work around it by tapping "Today" in the lower left hand corner.
Doing this has no affect on the problem. Wish it did.
Have you tried going to all the calendars, unchecking and checking back the ones you want, then pulling down on that screen to refresh, and then tapping on "Done" to see if that would get things updated an in sync?
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