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So Apple basically promised you future magic solution and bribed you not to return or replace the defective product? Sounds like one of my conversations with the relations department.

Apple is grasping at straws here. They have already released firmware updates that did nothing, replace panels with the same defective ones, now there is a new "future" firmware update.

I'm sure there cursing whoever came up with that test for yellow tinge. I have seen multiple posts were the user didn't even know they had a problem until they tried the test.....
I'm sure there cursing whoever came up with that test for yellow tinge. I have seen multiple posts were the user didn't even know they had a problem until they tried the test.....

I'm in that boat, however, I didn't need the 'test' to realise I had the problem. It was noticeable on white. I guess my vision was clouded by excitement of finally owning a Mac over PC - that excitement soon dashed and destroyed though. My only thoughts now are whether to accept an exchange, or just get a refund and spend half the money on a new PC that I know will work, and the other half on a holiday...

yeah i'm on my second 21 and guess what. It still has the yellow screen. i just want them to have a fix before i waste my time going back to the apple store. hay i want compensation.
As far as your possible solution goes I think it's great that you've got some hope again.. I've been in the situation where your computer isn't right and it doesn't seem like a long-term solution will ever be found.. It's a pretty crappy, and helpless feeling.. Glad to hear this may work out for yourself and others going through this..
I have made my first Imac purchace on the 12 of january and been exchanging ever since, 14 days dtore policie for full refund, this only worked after calling 5 or 6 times apple tech.

got a phone call last evening from Apple Realtions and will be having one tonight as well for a follow up!

He actually said that I had a serious issue with my Imac and that they are working on it to try and fix the problems...he said to wait until the 15 of february!
it is MacRumors

not MacLies


For instance, I heard from the highest level of authority that the current iMac line will be withdrawn completely and a new iMac line will come out on March 5th... I mean 8th! Yes, March 8th, so hold on to your hats, people, and mark March 8th on your calendars.

For instance, I heard from the highest level of authority that the current iMac line will be withdrawn completely and a new iMac line will come out on March 5th... I mean 8th! Yes, March 8th, so hold on to your hats, people, and mark March 8th on your calendars.

Nobody wrote that!
As far as I remember referring to conversation with Apple Relations was accepted as a source before.
Somehow the difference still escapes me... But if you know something is a lie, it simply must be.

Tom B.
I'm in that boat, however, I didn't need the 'test' to realise I had the problem. It was noticeable on white. I guess my vision was clouded by excitement of finally owning a Mac over PC - that excitement soon dashed and destroyed though. My only thoughts now are whether to accept an exchange, or just get a refund and spend half the money on a new PC that I know will work, and the other half on a holiday...


Really now? That's a bit presumptuous on your part don't ya think? So you KNOW that whatever PC you buy will be without fault and the screens as well??? RIGHT. :rolleyes:
He actually said that I had a serious issue with my Imac and that they are working on it to try and fix the problems...he said to wait until the 15 of february!

He figured by the 15th, you'd be too apathetic to do anything and just deal.

The rep must've really made you feel special. 4 GBs of RAM?!?! ::p
Not exactly, I am still in my 14 days of store policy return for full refund, The way I see it is that I am on board as you are just waiting for something to happen, I have 4Gb in the bag, what do you have except hopping for a fix.

That is were I will be stepping up and turning the tables on Apple Relations.

I will get more then 4Gb, it's simply a matter of playing the cards right.

And by the way this ain't no rumour, Maybe simply a case by case situation, but he specifically told me to wait for the 15 of February even probably before that!
Not exactly, I am still in my 14 days of store policy return for full refund, The way I see it is that I am on board as you are just waiting for something to happen, I have 4Gb in the bag, what do you have except hopping for a fix.

That is were I will be stepping up and turning the tables on Apple Relations.

I will get more then 4Gb, it's simply a matter of playing the cards right.

And by the way this ain't no rumour, Maybe simply a case by case situation, but he specifically told me to wait for the 15 of February even probably before that!

Okay, but ultimately you DO want the issues ironed out right? I certainly hope your not just in it for the compensated freebees? Is that really gonna make you happy? As I mentioned in my previous post, Apple gave me $260 credit to use on their website. Yes, it was nice and I got some nice accessories to go with my new i7 iMac, but ultimately I wanted my iMac shipped on time, the extras weren't something I was fighting for.
What I want is a freaking Imac that will be perfect "out of the box" period.

The freebees are a sign of good will by Apple and I will not say no to that!

But you are right I am in this for mainly a pristine Imac.

That's actually what Apple Relations told me: That they don't want to "bandaid" the problem with extra RAM! They want my satisfaction first and compensation afterwards!

I made the switch from PC to Mac cause I heard they were the best computers.

I guess I wasn't so lucky with that.

But I am willing to wait...1 weeks tops, then I will exchange, till Apple finds a cure. I will be doing the same thing every week!

The infinite loop of exchanging. I figure they will loose more money this way and be obligated to find a fix quickly then if I keep it and wait for a firmware.
I made the switch from PC to Mac cause I heard they were the best computers.

I guess I wasn't so lucky with that.

But I am willing to wait...1 weeks tops, then I will exchange, till Apple finds a cure. I will be doing the same thing every week!

The infinite loop of exchanging. I figure they will loose more money this way and be obligated to find a fix quickly then if I keep it and wait for a firmware.

Well, you certainly deserve to have a good working iMac as the rest of us do, however don't count on consistent exchanges at your own free will. Most companies, regardless if they have a "confirmed" defective machine are not going to continuously exchange their products. Usually after 5 exchanges they give (not offer) the customer his/her money back.
Apple's Macintosh computers are very good computers, however these are consumer mass produced products and there is bound to be quality control issues.

Also, just a suggestion, because the mods may temporarily ban you if you don't cooperate, but you should put everything you need to say into one post. They've already merged your multiple posts before. You keep creating new posts one after the other before anyone replies, that's on the order of "bumping".
I see thanks for the heads up!

Regarding the exchange, I exchanged 3 Imacs at "Best B." third one got a full refund, fourth and fith were at a different store! Future S. the clerk at Future told me I could come back at any time and exchnage for another one as many times that I need to. In order that I stay in my 14 days of Return policy!
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