Yes, it’s still a little buggy sometimes, but it’s still a brand-new feature that necessitates a complete redesign of window management while still maintaining backwards-compatibility with Split View and SlideOver for users who prefer to use those - it’s bound to be buggy for a while. Ultimately it has come leaps and bounds since Beta 1, and it’s in a perfectly usable state at the moment. The only bugs I’ve experienced on the current release are a couple minor visual glitches.
Stage Manager fulfills its intended purpose perfectly - it brings resizable window support to the iPad in a way that offers a compromise between the fine-grained control you have on macOS and the necessity of an intuitive touch-first interface for the iPad. This is what we’ve been asking for for years, and now that we finally have it it seems nobody is truly excited about it like I am.
Stage Manager fulfills its intended purpose perfectly - it brings resizable window support to the iPad in a way that offers a compromise between the fine-grained control you have on macOS and the necessity of an intuitive touch-first interface for the iPad. This is what we’ve been asking for for years, and now that we finally have it it seems nobody is truly excited about it like I am.