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Sep 19, 2013
I'm sorry 10.5 owners, you can dispute me as much as you wish, but those precious few inches really do transition the iPad from a "big iPhone" to something much deeper, much more immersive, and much more enjoyable than that. It really does make the iPad feel like a mobile super-computer that you can take anywhere, and view anywhere. You have so much room to view things, to touch things, and you never feel like you're getting a lesser experience than on your desktop or laptop.

If you're reading this and trying to decide between the portability and cheaper price of the 10.5 or the more-expensive 12.9 version, pony up the extra dough and get the 12.9 iPad Pro. It will knock your socks off.
I find the 12.9 a joy to use.

Whenever I grab my old 9.7 it feels so cramped.

I haven’t used a 10.5, so I can’t comment on how that one feels, but I doubt I’d like to go back to anything smaller than 12.9”, specially with split screen.

Portability wise I find it no different than my 9.7, once it goes in the bag the size and weight difference are not noticeable. (personal choice here, ymmv)
I have both. The 12.9 Pro is very nice, no doubt. I'm using it every day at home since 2015.

But if you need to bring it out, the 10.5 will be the perfect choice. The 9.7 is a bit too small especially for the Smart Keyboard, the keys are too close to each other.
Agree! 12.9 is sensational. I had a play with the 10.5 and felt a bit claustrophobic but the 12.9 fit the bill perfectly. As a musician it is perfect for sheet music too and for productivity apps like Explain Everything and Goodnotes or split screen I can't go wrong.
Everyone has their own opinion on this. I had the 12.9 first gen for over a year and I've since sold it and replaced it with the 10.5. For me I found with the 12.9 I wasn't using it much like an iPad and was always using it at my desk because of how big it was. I find the 10.5 much more comfortable to use in my hands.

I also found that many apps were not optimized for the larger screen, so you would have extra dead space. And most websites also are not optimized for such a high resolution, so in landscape mode you get huge amounts of white space on the left and right sides of most websites, including this one!
I'm sorry 10.5 owners, you can dispute me as much as you wish, but those precious few inches really do transition the iPad from a "big iPhone" to something much deeper, much more immersive, and much more enjoyable than that. It really does make the iPad feel like a mobile super-computer that you can take anywhere, and view anywhere. You have so much room to view things, to touch things, and you never feel like you're getting a lesser experience than on your desktop or laptop.

If you're reading this and trying to decide between the portability and cheaper price of the 10.5 or the more-expensive 12.9 version, pony up the extra dough and get the 12.9 iPad Pro. It will knock your socks off.
Nice to see that you're enjoying your choice, though I'm confused by your defensive tone.

I own a variety of tablets/touchscreen notebooks ranging in size from the iPad Mini 4 to the 12.9 Pro (and a Lenovo Yoga Book (10.1-Android) and Acer R11 (11.6-chromeOS/Android) in between). I do not find the 12.9 Pro to be "much more immersive". The only two use cases where the 12.9 Pro stands out from the rest for me is in (A) split-window-each app displays in the full iPad UI and (B) reading magazines. The biggest downside for me is the inability to use it on a plane. (though I know there are many others who have no problems using it on a plane)

If you "never feel like you're getting a lesser experience than on your desktop or laptop" then you don't need a laptop. :p
I'm glad you are pleased with the purchase. I'm happy with the 10.5 as it's easy to hold with one hand and fits anywhere I put it in the house when pottering or cleaning. When I need a bigger screen I use my Macbook which is also quicker for "intense browsing" like researching holiday flights and accommodation.

Each to their own I guess.

I also found that many apps were not optimized for the larger screen, so you would have extra dead space. And most websites also are not optimized for such a high resolution, so in landscape mode you get huge amounts of white space on the left and right sides of most websites, including this one!

Does the 12.9 inch show desktop of tablet versions of websites?
I'm sorry 10.5 owners, you can dispute me as much as you wish, but those precious few inches really do transition the iPad from a "big iPhone" to something much deeper, much more immersive, and much more enjoyable than that. It really does make the iPad feel like a mobile super-computer that you can take anywhere, and view anywhere. You have so much room to view things, to touch things, and you never feel like you're getting a lesser experience than on your desktop or laptop.

If you're reading this and trying to decide between the portability and cheaper price of the 10.5 or the more-expensive 12.9 version, pony up the extra dough and get the 12.9 iPad Pro. It will knock your socks off.
12.9 is amazing but not having a smaller iPad was missed for me. When on the sofa it’s nice to use an iPad easily and you can’t do this with the 12.9

It’s why 10.5 and MacBook Pro is a far better combo personally
but those precious few inches really do transition the iPad from a "big iPhone" to something much deeper, much more immersive
I thought so too, and returned my 10.5 for the 12.9. BUT, I then noticed that 12.9 is too big and unwieldy and did another exchange and now I'm back with 10.5.

As for it being a big iPhone, that statement is plane silly. Why knock the 10.5 and the owners who are happy with their choice. I know you need to justify your decision but ever think others are happy with the 10.5 and will not like the 12.9?

If you're reading this and trying to decide between the portability and cheaper price of the 10.5 or the more-expensive 12.9 version, pony up the extra dough and get the 12.9 iPad Pro. It will knock your socks off.
One size doesn't fit all, and its great that the 12.9 works for you, but if you think that choice between the two is just mobility or money, then you're wrong. I find the 10.5 to be the perfect size for me. Just like how you said the 12.9 is immersive, I too think that of the 10.5. I can easily hold the 10.5 one handed and use it while sitting down, where as the 12.9 was too unwieldly, it seems more at home sitting on a desk being used, where as that's not my use case.
I'm sorry 10.5 owners, you can dispute me as much as you wish, but those precious few inches really do transition the iPad from a "big iPhone" to something much deeper, much more immersive, and much more enjoyable than that. It really does make the iPad feel like a mobile super-computer that you can take anywhere, and view anywhere. You have so much room to view things, to touch things, and you never feel like you're getting a lesser experience than on your desktop or laptop.

If you're reading this and trying to decide between the portability and cheaper price of the 10.5 or the more-expensive 12.9 version, pony up the extra dough and get the 12.9 iPad Pro. It will knock your socks off.

The 12.9 is not for everyone. I returned mine and bought another 10.5. The 12.9 is just too big for me to put up with. Even the keyboard was not near as good as the 10.5. It is good we have choice and you 12.9 users, more power to you!

"Big Phone"? Shame on you.
‘Tis the best and my favorite Apple Product ever made, followed by the iPhone X, and iMac 5K.
I got rid of my 2015 MacBook Pro 15” as the 1st gen. iPad Pro did everything and more than what I needed.
It served well as my main computer until the new one was announced and I got it... holy crud this iPad is amazing, the screen, the processor, the RAM, everything is so amazing. It’s such an amazing piece of technology, but if Apple does indeed do a re-design like rumors say and the next iPad is more like the iPhone X... I will be all over that like a hobo on a ham-sandwich. lol ;)

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If you're reading this and trying to decide between the portability and cheaper price of the 10.5 or the more-expensive 12.9 version, pony up the extra dough and get the 12.9 iPad Pro. It will knock your socks off.

Been there, done that and after a year with the 12.9 I got fed up of the sheer size of it and moved to a 10.5.

I couldn't be happier with the 10.5 - it's the perfect size for taking notes and portable enough that it doesn't feel like a second laptop in my bag.

At the end of the day, it's horses for courses - if the 12.9 suits you better then that's great, but don't assume everyone's use case is the same :)
I looked at an upgrade from my Air 2 and tried out both the 12.9 and 10.5 iPPs. I went with the 10.5 - I didn't like or need the larger size. Glad you like your 12.9 but it's a personal preference and the Big Phone statement is ridiculous.
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Why does one have to be better than the other? Does it make people feel superior to think the model they decided on is the best by far. People choose the model that suits them best. THAT is the bottom line.

I did move from the 9.7" to 12.9" last summer and love the hell out of it. I take it everywhere, even cramped coach on airlines. It's not to big for me. (I just bought a heavily discounted cyber week 10.5 as a companion and, sure, it feels like a mini.)

But the 10.5 and mini are great form factors and iPads too. Let's not denigrate them for their choices. They made them for a reason. The 12.9 is by no means one-size-fits-all.
It's literally the exact same thing, only bigger. They both run iOS, so how is the larger model any more of a Pro than the 10.5? I own the 10.5 and I love it, but it won't replace my computer. The 12.9 size is a big premium that isn't entirely necessary, especially since it's just a blown up 10.5. Your making it sound like it's a MacBook Pro inside of an iPad, when it's still just an iPad running iOS. Even if it's your main device I wouldn't recommend the 12.9 to anyone. At that price point your going into laptop territory, and that doesn't even include the accessories to make it "Pro". Unless your dead set on the Pencil I would just go with the MacBook Air for the average user. Just because the 12.9 is more expensive that doesn't make it superior to the 10.5.
I love the 12.9.. but it's waaaaaaay to big to use on the couch or in bed or reading or just pulling it out quickly.. or other examples. Depending on your use, the mini might even be the best. Nothing to dispute on, different strokes for different folks.
Sold off the 2015 12.9" model and got a 10.5" Pro.

I love to read before sleep with iPad on my chest. But with 12.5" model, the weight and screen size was too overwhelming and it feels uncomfortable so close to the face with big fonts and awkward hand gesture movements. Even tapping on big arse screen so close to my face felt strange.

10.5" is the ideal size and weight and I am 100% sure it is healthier for using it in hand due to less strain on our neck.
The 12.9 screen size is generally an objective improvement, right? Who doesn’t want more screen real-estate? Same pixel density as 10.5... just more of it.

The handling of the physical size and extra weight is what makes the comparison completely subjective based on how you want to hold your device, how much you want to use it standing or moving around, individual arm size and strength... the way an iPad “feels” in your hands will always vary from person to person.

All that to say, the 10.5 vs 12.9 debate isn’t a purchase decision that can be based on anyone else’s opinion. Try it at the store, try it at home, and it will likely be clear which one works for you.

My personal experience: I picked up a 12.9 a few years back and love it so much I’m not at all interested in trying out a 10.5. I’m sure others feel the same way about their choice, whatever it may be.
It's literally the exact same thing, only bigger. They both run iOS, so how is the larger model any more of a Pro than the 10.5? I own the 10.5 and I love it, but it won't replace my computer. The 12.9 size is a big premium that isn't entirely necessary, especially since it's just a blown up 10.5. Your making it sound like it's a MacBook Pro inside of an iPad, when it's still just an iPad running iOS. Even if it's your main device I wouldn't recommend the 12.9 to anyone. At that price point your going into laptop territory, and that doesn't even include the accessories to make it "Pro". Unless your dead set on the Pencil I would just go with the MacBook Air for the average user. Just because the 12.9 is more expensive that doesn't make it superior to the 10.5.
While I agree with most of your points I don’t think a MacBook Air should be recommended to anyone now. The screen is ancient and terrible. The MacBook is much better for casual use.
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