Thinking Jobs had all the correct answers is a bit tiresome. The reality is Jobs made a bunch of mistakes in his tenure and the market eventually determined which products and features sold.
Lisa, so expensive it didn’t sell, but the GUI became the Mac.
Mac Air was small, but had all the power of the envelope it was displayed in. The market liked the size but demanded more power.
Original iPhone/iOS was supposed to be a closed system only allowing internet apps.
And let’s not forget how well the Next computer sold. But of course the technology and Objective C came to Apple when they brought back Jobs.
He was famous for working his staff to the edges of sanity (and exhaustion).
The man had a flare, great marketing hype, knew how to differentiate his products from the rest, loved the stage, but he wanted to make a living at the same time. He died too young to really see how his legacy would span itself out.
Of course I have a MacBook, iPhone, iPad and watch and I guess that makes me an Apple Fan. But seriously there isn’t any other manufacturer who can put that whole package together as seamlessly and without some sort of hack to make it work.
The king is dead, long live the king.
Sorry this thread was about returning an iPad.
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