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To me this makes only sense! Its like basically having the iPad in my pocket.

Sure I get less battery life and screen realestate, BUT its incredible that the iPhone 4 will have the same IPS panel and the same amount of pixels! If the iPod Touch gets the same specs without the phone functionality I'd end up getting that instead.

Wait...someone actually made an iPad-related decision by themselves and didn't start a pointless thread seeing what other people thought? This has to be a first. :D

The person actually is smart, he/she just made the question into a statement. :)
I never meant to make this post to say that the iPad sucks, its just that for my needs the iPhone 4 would fit my needs. I still think the iPad is one slick piece of hardware and maybe in the future, I might jump back.

Oh and you will. You seem like the impulse buyer type that has to have the absolute latest of everything (I'm the same way). I'd bet if an ipad with an improved display and iOS 4.0 came out a month after the iphone 4, you'd be jumping ship right back to the ipad and selling that so yesterday iphone.
I will just enjoy my iPad until I get the iPhone 4 this summer. If for some reason I find myself not using the iPad because the iPhone becomes the device I use all the time I will just sell the iPad. I have such a huge extended family that I would not need ebay/craigslist to sell it. The iPad has pretty much become my netbook, it does everything I would do on a netbook and more. I can't browse the web on my iPhone for very long and love the screen real estate and speed on the iPad.

I would have waited until you actually have the iPhone 4 in your hands and see how you use the two devices. Perhaps the iPhone will not be the replacement you thought it would be.
Smaller is not always better. There is no way the iPhone 4 can replace the iPad. The bigger screen is such a joy to use and much easier to read.
The only reason anyone would ever pick an iPad over an iPhone is screen SIZE.

That argument is not arguable.

I will never go back to playing games on the iPhone. The iPad is where it's at.

You can't really argue these points either:

1.) Typing is FAST on the iPad, and... well... not as fast on the iPhone

2.) Watching videos is way more fun on the iPad because it's bigger!

3.) Gaming is way more fun on the iPad cause it's... bigger!

4.) Battery life is stupendous on the iPad

That said, my iPhone 4 is getting preordered on June 15, but I wouldn't want to be without either my phone or pad. It's that simple.

Truly, the iPad does things the iPhone simply cannot do.
The funny thing is I know alot of people who wish their iphone's screen was larger to browse the web and watch videos. To each his own I guess.
The only reason anyone would ever pick an iPad over an iPhone is screen SIZE.

That argument is not arguable.

I will never go back to playing games on the iPhone. The iPad is where it's at.

You can't really argue these points either:

1.) Typing is FAST on the iPad, and... well... not as fast on the iPhone

2.) Watching videos is way more fun on the iPad because it's bigger!

3.) Gaming is way more fun on the iPad cause it's... bigger!

4.) Battery life is stupendous on the iPad

That said, my iPhone 4 is getting preordered on June 15, but I wouldn't want to be without either my phone or pad. It's that simple.

Truly, the iPad does things the iPhone simply cannot do.

I agree about the screen size but depending on how developers use the gyro in the iPhone it may give some games on the iPhone 4 a leg up on the iPad regardless of the screen size.
The Evo screen isn't that much larger. My point is the screen size isn't practical to comfortably browse like one may assume.

My point was that everyone (well not everyone as I can't speak for everyone) who wishes their phone's screen was a little larger isn't talking about an iPad size as its not take-everywhere-able like your phone, they're talking about a little larger like the Evo.
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