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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 13, 2012
Ottawa, Ontario
I don't have any practical reason for doing so - my M1 was perfectly fine.

I sold my M1 MBA, just ordered an M2 MBA, and I feel like a kid at Christmas.

Tech is a hobby of mine. I like the latest and greatest gadgets, and don't mind spending money on them. It's certainly not from any kind of 'need', but rather a 'want'. I know this, and there's nothing wrong with that mindset.

As some have called it, it may be a "fool's game" to some, but I could say the same for the way many others spend their time, energy, and money. That is something I would never do, however, as it is their life to live as they see fit - to each their own.

As I said, tech is not a collection of tools for me, it's a hobby. I don't want to just read about the latest gadgets and gizmos, I want to feel them, to use them, and to truly appreciate the design and engineering that goes into them. I can't afford all the tech I would like to try, but I can afford to take a financial hit every few years in order to sell my current device and buy the newest one I'm interested in. This year, it's the M2 MBA.

Some like clothes, some like jewels. Others like fancy food, while still others like plays and concerts. Me, I like a desk full of gadgets to tinker with.

I wish more people on these forums understood that, and stopped telling others how misguided their priorities are. I wish we could be excited for each other, rather than having a judgy holier-than-thou attitude I've been seeing more and more on these forums. I wish we were allowed to enjoy our tech without fear of being mocked for not going with what others believe to be the "better" choice.

You do you, and I'll do the same.
I don't have any practical reason for doing so - my M1 was perfectly fine.

I sold my M1 MBA, just ordered an M2 MBA, and I feel like a kid at Christmas.

Tech is a hobby of mine. I like the latest and greatest gadgets, and don't mind spending money on them. It's certainly not from any kind of 'need', but rather a 'want'. I know this, and there's nothing wrong with that mindset.

As some have called it, it may be a "fool's game" to some, but I could say the same for the way many others spend their time, energy, and money. That is something I would never do, however, as it is their life to live as they see fit - to each their own.

As I said, tech is not a collection of tools for me, it's a hobby. I don't want to just read about the latest gadgets and gizmos, I want to feel them, to use them, and to truly appreciate the design and engineering that goes into them. I can't afford all the tech I would like to try, but I can afford to take a financial hit every few years in order to sell my current device and buy the newest one I'm interested in. This year, it's the M2 MBA.

Some like clothes, some like jewels. Others like fancy food, while still others like plays and concerts. Me, I like a desk full of gadgets to tinker with.

I wish more people on these forums understood that, and stopped telling others how misguided their priorities are. I wish we could be excited for each other, rather than having a judgy holier-than-thou attitude I've been seeing more and more on these forums. I wish we were allowed to enjoy our tech without fear of being mocked for not going with what others believe to be the "better" choice.

You do you, and I'll do the same.
100000% this!!! Hallelujah... Preach on... I'm right there with you on this. I'm waiting until our state tax-free weekend and am probably going to do exactly what you did.... Let us know if you do feel the M2 is different than M1... I gotta pin this post... !!! :p
Well said. I tend to do same thing with phones every year, usually. This is actually the first laptop I've purchased in awhile, so the "kid on Christmas" feeling certainly isn't going away anytime soon. Enjoy your new Air!
I used to do that with phones, but I've been so happy with my 12 pro that I haven't felt the need to upgrade, and don't think I will for a while yet. That works out nicely, as I now have fewer gadgets from which to choose :p
I used to do that with phones, but I've been so hapy with my 12 pro that I haven't felt the need to upgrade, and don't think I will for a while yet. That works out nicely, as I now have fewer gadgets from which to choose :p
I think this year might be the first one in awhile where I don't get a new phone either. My 13 pro max still feels essentially brand new & I'm still extremely satisfied with it. Plus with all the accessories/cases I've bought for it, I might just stick with it for another year.

My next apple purchase will more than likely be the new iPad Pro models (whenever they release) since I'm still on the 2020 model & starting to get that itch!
I think this year might be the first one in awhile where I don't get a new phone either. My 13 pro max still feels essentially brand new & I'm still extremely satisfied with it. Plus with all the accessories/cases I've bought for it, I might just stick with it for another year.

My next apple purchase will more than likely be the new iPad Pro models (whenever they release) since I'm still on the 2020 model & starting to get that itch!
Same - I'm still using my 2018 ipad pro, but next year will likely be time to get a new one... (though, again, my current one is perfectly fine - I just want...)
I don't have any practical reason for doing so - my M1 was perfectly fine.

I sold my M1 MBA, just ordered an M2 MBA, and I feel like a kid at Christmas.

Tech is a hobby of mine. I like the latest and greatest gadgets, and don't mind spending money on them. It's certainly not from any kind of 'need', but rather a 'want'. I know this, and there's nothing wrong with that mindset.

As some have called it, it may be a "fool's game" to some, but I could say the same for the way many others spend their time, energy, and money. That is something I would never do, however, as it is their life to live as they see fit - to each their own.

As I said, tech is not a collection of tools for me, it's a hobby. I don't want to just read about the latest gadgets and gizmos, I want to feel them, to use them, and to truly appreciate the design and engineering that goes into them. I can't afford all the tech I would like to try, but I can afford to take a financial hit every few years in order to sell my current device and buy the newest one I'm interested in. This year, it's the M2 MBA.

Some like clothes, some like jewels. Others like fancy food, while still others like plays and concerts. Me, I like a desk full of gadgets to tinker with.

I wish more people on these forums understood that, and stopped telling others how misguided their priorities are. I wish we could be excited for each other, rather than having a judgy holier-than-thou attitude I've been seeing more and more on these forums. I wish we were allowed to enjoy our tech without fear of being mocked for not going with what others believe to be the "better" choice.

You do you, and I'll do the same.
I did the same exact thing. My M1 has been the best computer I've ever owned and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
Awesome enjoy it. I always say better to like these gadgets and make it a hobby versus dudes addicted to strip clubs/drugs. At almost 40 I feel like a little kid at a candy shop with my gadgets and sneakers. My wife doesn't get it. I tell her you are good. I like electronics/sneakers not a strip club lol
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It's a rare use case that someone upgrades to a new machine because they 'need' it, or rather, that it unlocks power that pays for itself (ie. video editors w/ high-powered workstations and the like, software devs where seconds here or there add up over the course of a day).

Folks who update every cycle or two do it because they love having the latest and greatest. No shame in that. Those who get a new machine every 5+ years are the types that barely push things and it's arbitrary... either the thing they have has become too much to maintain, or it's enough of an upgrade to be meaningfully worth it for them.

I do feel advice to 'not' upgrade from an M1 -> M2 is misplaced. To me, the main reason *most* choose to upgrade is because a machine has had a general refresh, ie. it's a new form factor, has new tech, etc. The MBA finally got one after years. It's rather silly to suggest to someone not upgrade because performance is marginally improved... while that's often used as justification, it's rarely a true value-add for most.
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My biggest reason for buying a loaded M2 Air instead of a 14” Pro was portability and looks.

Yes, the Pro would be faster at the same price point, but guess what? - It’s not an Air!

I could easily afford a loaded $4k MacBook Pro 16”. But I chose form over function. Sue me.
Nice one :) What colour did you order?

I'm the same with tech, I love and find so much fascination in just how amazing these devices are. I think a lot of people these days don't ever really take a moment to realise just how mind blowing modern tech is, because it's everywhere. All of this tech has become so normal to us in life that it's like a natural part of our human world. We've managed to turn raw materials we found on our earth into devices that effortlessly perform trillions of operations per second, that are able to connect and communicate with each other all over the world, practically instantly, all while being able to do it all day long from anywhere on ultraportable batteries.

Sometimes it's just a want, and not a need, and that's perfectly fine.
This is great! I always flip flop between iPads and MacBooks, and was using an iPad, so this was perfect timing. I don't do anything crazy, so I went with a base model that I could pickup same day at my local Apple store. I'm loving silver, sick of the chips on the space gray and gold I've had over the years.

Moving soon, and downsizing, so it'll also double as a bedroom TV...still gotta find ways to justify the purchase haha.

Not all of us are editing 9 8K videos at once lol. Apple products are cool, that's why I'm here.
Nice one :) What colour did you order?

I'm the same with tech, I love and find so much fascination in just how amazing these devices are. I think a lot of people these days don't ever really take a moment to realise just how mind blowing modern tech is, because it's everywhere. All of this tech has become so normal to us in life that it's like a natural part of our human world. We've managed to turn raw materials we found on our earth into devices that effortlessly perform trillions of operations per second, that are able to connect and communicate with each other all over the world, practically instantly, all while being able to do it all day long from anywhere on ultraportable batteries.

Sometimes it's just a want, and not a need, and that's perfectly fine.
I usually go with space grey, but I went silver this time :)
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