All max with no AA (what do you want AA when you are playing at 2560x1440 xDD)
Other games I tried:
Mass Effect: All max native res 30 fps.
Gears of war: All max native res 50-60 fps (DX 10 mode OFF)
Team Fortress 2: All max 1080p 60 Fps, native res 40 Fps
Borderlands: 1080p all max 40-50 Fps
Crysis: 720p Very High 20-30 Fps , High 25-30 fps (This game sucks)
It's incredible that COD MW 2 it's the game that runs best on the imac XD
Later i will open a post with 3dmark score and pics!
On Dragon Age
Res: 2560X1440
30 - 45 FPS
Graphic Detail: High
Texture Detail: High
Framebuffer Effects Enabled
No Vert Sync.
Maybe a dumb question, but can you run games like Dragon Age in a window? Or you can't because you're running it under boot camp (don't have a Mac so I don't know how these things work).
Seems to me that the full 27" screen might be *too* big when gaming? (plus maybe it'd be better to run it in a 1600x1200 window and be able to turn on all the AA, effects and everything?)
The DA:O results are hard to believe... The 4850m is a little less powerfull than a 4830 and yet you are posting 4870X2 / 5870 like results...
All I hope is that I will be able to run MW2 and L4D without lags..
Can you record temps plz ? ( To see how much it can be overclocked)
are you running bootcamp in windows xp, vista or windows 7?
do you know if you can run dragon age in windows 7?
Also how bad does the fps get with AA on?
Thanks. ^^
Its looking promising for gaming, just found this!
Would still like numbers and details though!
He is playing in 1024x768!
Anyone here play age of conan? Or be so kind to download the trial and give it a go? It would be a good indicator of processor/ram power.
Windows 7.
No idea about AA. You really don't need AA above 1600x1200.
My 3dMark result.
I also tried Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, which runs at full screen, full resolution and high detail. Looks pretty! Runs smoothly, I think, although I haven't done more than load it up and have a look around to see how it runs.
Only 6k? Thats quite dissapointing... =/