Bends easy, scratches easily, fargile, costs thousands of dollars.
Don’t know what to tell you, I had my 12.9” 2018 since launch, it was very durable, didn’t bend, didn’t scratch and wasn’t fragile - and I didn’t use a case or a screen protector, just a Smart Folio from time to time. Handled it like any other device, really. So, no, I don’t think it bends easily, scratches easily and it’s no more fragile than any iPad (and iPads are build well).
It didn’t even cost “thousands” (as in multiple) of dollars, but that one is closest to the truth, I guess.
These iPads are built quite well, mine endured transatlantic flights, airports, nature, parks, daily commutes in the backpack for two years - and literally looks like new. I sometimes wonder what people do with these devices when they call them fragile. I mean, it’s not knife-resistant or anything