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What is my annoyaces about apple?????
LEOPARD. Announcing a product we wont have til spring that is 8, count them EIGHT months away. Why was this done? So when Vista comes out and it looks like OSX (and it does) Apple can say, "SEE SEE LOOK, they are trying to be a mac, so go ahead and buy the real deal." Remember this, i'll be proven right.
For those who don't like the 'cheap and nasty' feel of the mighty mouse - would it make it better if apple filled them with lead to make it 'feel' expensive? - i like a weighty mouse personally

My only gripe is with the mac software not having a wide set of prefs; like garageband always puts a metronome beat on, pages always hyphenates as a default (and uses english dictionary rather than british english). Unless i'm being dense (feel free to point out a way), there's no way around this and i have to reset to my settings every time i start something new :mad:
And Apple is, of course, the only company who has major problems. So they screwed up. So what?
So what? They screwed up.

If I run over your dog, is "oopsie, my bad, I just messed up - what's your problem, man? I SAID MY BAD, dude..."

Apple isn't the only corporation who screws up - why does that exempt them from criticism? They're the only one I'm buying from, so I don't care if Gateway can't do things right.

Really? What kinds?
Heat. You rarely, if ever hear about other manufacturers' Core Duo laptops burning consumers or over-heating to the point where usability is severely impaired (processors stepping down, etc.).

Why? Because they realize that extra height allows for more airflow between components making the whole package cooler to the touch.

My point is, Apple doesn't revolve around you.
Of course they do. As a retailer, they 'revolve' around every individual consumer's needs - we keep them in business because they provide a resource to us.

(Which gets to a Jobs-centric issue - his concept of consumption is top-down, Unca Steve will tell us what's going down and we'll like it. If I'm forced to consume, it won't be based on the desires of a billionaire.)

I haven't seen many of those people on Macs – I see them using Linux.
Ah, the 'head in the sand' defense - "I haven't seen them, they can't exist!" (see also: your Genius Bar arguments)

You missed all of the 'My MBP/MB/iMac is whining/mooing/overheating/blowing up/etc.' threads of the last eight months, I guess.

You're expecting Apple to pander to your needs specifically, when they sell machines to millions of people. They have to appeal to the broadest possible base while still making money, which they're doing.
That's the point, they aren't appealing 'to the broadest possible base.' They're appealing to a relatively small, relatively privileged, usually white customer base that buys based on trends and can be incredibly fickle.

Show me how Apple no longer innovates
OK - they don't innovate. They've come up with nothing new and amazing since the iMac - seven years ago? They charge me (well, not me) $130 every two years for a new OS that rarely adds anything but flair to previous outings. Oh, and occasionally fixes prior problems.

has good build quality (and do NOT bring up the MacBook and MBP because the Internet has blown the 'problems' way out of proportion).
Ah, yes, the 'cuz I say so' argument. Do you have evidence that those problems don't exist and aren't widespread? No, of course not. You just want to discount the available evidence because it contradicts your rosy view of Apple's doings.

By 'omnipresent branding' I'm assuming you mean having an Apple on all of their products and renaming the computer brands so they all have 'Mac' in them?
Look up what 'branding' means.

How many people do you know from DC to San Francisco? How many stores do they account for? I'm curious.
I'd say a dozen stores, maybe 15+. (And, of course, all the AppleCare calls that are essentially 'Genius Bars' by phone.)

Well, since I don't know why you're whining, why not tell me what your experience with AppleCare is?
I don't have one, I refuse to pay. AppleCare did try to charge me $60 when my seven-month old Quicksilver G4's hard drive had a bearing slip so they can 'talk me through it.' Uh, no.

Some people call the ghetto people scum too.
Yes, but 'ghetto people' is usually just code for "poor and black" or "poor and Latino," so we call them racists where I'm from.
Yeah, Applecare is pretty terrible. Someday Apple will have enough $$ to hire people with a high school degree...

Anyway, I'm most disappointed in a $1500 computer randomly turning off. The top 4 results in Google are all threads with people bitching about the problem. There are 2 threads routinely active in Apple Discussions bickering about the problem. And yet AppleCare hasn't heard of this problem. I guess these people don't care enough about their customers to just do a google search or at least check Apple's Discussion boards. Either that or Applecare personal don't know what the internet is. Maybe I should explain it to them. You see there's this series of tubes...
I find apple to over price things.
I'm going to be ordering a Maxed out MBP, for CHEAPER I can get a low end MB and low end iMac... There Wireless Might Mouse is $80, and Wireless keyboard is $70.

I got a Microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse for $60.(canadian)

I love there products, but they should really lower there prices. Also, if you buy iPod headphones, there $60!!! I must say, there headphones are HORRIBLE! and they charge $60 for them!?!

I still love apple, and am willing to pay that much for there items (- the headphones, but iPods come with them..)
DJMastaWes said:
I find apple to over price things.
I'm going to be ordering a Maxed out MBP, for CHEAPER I can get a low end MB and low end iMac... There Wireless Might Mouse is $80, and Wireless keyboard is $70.

I got a Microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse for $60.(canadian)

I love there products, but they should really lower there prices. Also, if you buy iPod headphones, there $60!!! I must say, there headphones are HORRIBLE! and they charge $60 for them!?!

I still love apple, and am willing to pay that much for there items (- the headphones, but iPods come with them..)

That MS kb/mouse bluetooth or RF?

Another gripe of Apple I have is not the Price - but not offering lower cost items. Though I'm more than content to go 3rd party - I'm sure Apple Stockholders would want Apple to deliver some economy goods.
My biggest complaint is the fact I have to make an APPOINTMENT at an apple store in order to get them to look at a defective product. Apple is the ONLY company that pulls this BS. (Well, maybe there are specialized places and what not)
ga1lyons said:
What is my annoyaces about apple?????
LEOPARD. Announcing a product we wont have til spring that is 8, count them EIGHT months away. Why was this done?
You think that's bad, try announcing an OS that ends up not being available for years after its announcement, after countless delays: Vista! ;)
Home and End keys alone never work
Windows can only be resized with the bottom right corner
Apple mice
milozauckerman said:
So what? They screwed up.

If I run over your dog, is "oopsie, my bad, I just messed up - what's your problem, man? I SAID MY BAD, dude..."

And I'd be mad at you, but it wouldn't be the end of the world and I certainly wouldn't try to 'get you back' in any manner of the word.

milozauckerman said:
Apple isn't the only corporation who screws up - why does that exempt them from criticism? They're the only one I'm buying from, so I don't care if Gateway can't do things right.

It doesn't. But excessive criticism (especially when it's on out-of-proportion problems) is stupid.

milozauckerman said:
Heat. You rarely, if ever hear about other manufacturers' Core Duo laptops burning consumers or over-heating to the point where usability is severely impaired (processors stepping down, etc.).

Why? Because they realize that extra height allows for more airflow between components making the whole package cooler to the touch.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Realy? Rarely? Remember that PC laptop that exploded a while back? No? Here's a link in case you missed it.

milozauckerman said:
As a retailer, they 'revolve' around every individual consumer's needs - we keep them in business because they provide a resource to us.

(Which gets to a Jobs-centric issue - his concept of consumption is top-down, Unca Steve will tell us what's going down and we'll like it. If I'm forced to consume, it won't be based on the desires of a billionaire.)

No, you still don't get it. I'm talking about you personally – and are you the average consumer? For some reason I doubt that.

milozauckerman said:
Ah, the 'head in the sand' defense - "I haven't seen them, they can't exist!" (see also: your Genius Bar arguments)

Oookay…*I didn't say they didn't exist, I was saying that not all of the Genuises could be idiots. How does "not all of the Genuises are idiots" translate into "none of them are?" Are you speaking some odd variant of English or selectively interpreting my words?

milozauckerman said:
You missed all of the 'My MBP/MB/iMac is whining/mooing/overheating/blowing up/etc.' threads of the last eight months, I guess.

No, I didn't miss them. What I said was the problem has been blown out of proportion. Stop jumping to conclusions.

milozauckerman said:
That's the point, they aren't appealing 'to the broadest possible base.' They're appealing to a relatively small, relatively privileged, usually white customer base that buys based on trends and can be incredibly fickle.

Really? I'm shocked. So how come in the keynote Jobs announced that fifty percent of the people who bought Apple products were brand-new to the Mac platform?

milozauckerman said:
OK - they don't innovate. They've come up with nothing new and amazing since the iMac - seven years ago? They charge me (well, not me) $130 every two years for a new OS that rarely adds anything but flair to previous outings. Oh, and occasionally fixes prior problems.

Or the stuff they come up with isn't what you want, and therefore you dismiss it.

milozauckerman said:
Ah, yes, the 'cuz I say so' argument. Do you have evidence that those problems don't exist and aren't widespread? No, of course not. You just want to discount the available evidence because it contradicts your rosy view of Apple's doings.

Because you insist the problem is huge, I did some research for you: Softpedia says " 'A small, but still significant number of people have been reporting an unnaturally fast discoloration.' " This guy says in his blog that 20 % of the MacBooks were being stained –*that's a lot (too many IMO) but he doesn't say where he got his numbers so I'm not giving that my full credit for now.

What 'rosy' view? By rosy that'd mean I would deny that Apple can fail, can have problems, and can make a mistake –*none of which I have done. Looks like you lose again.

milozauckerman said:
Look up what 'branding' means.

I did already, and you're still wrong.

milozauckerman said:
I'd say a dozen stores, maybe 15+. (And, of course, all the AppleCare calls that are essentially 'Genius Bars' by phone.)

Ah, so in order to pad your numbers you're counting AppleCare. And last I checked, there were a lot more than 15 Apple stores in the US.

milozauckerman said:
I don't have one, I refuse to pay. AppleCare did try to charge me $60 when my seven-month old Quicksilver G4's hard drive had a bearing slip so they can 'talk me through it.' Uh, no.

Good for you. Don't you feel all elitist and special?

milozauckerman said:
Yes, but 'ghetto people' is usually just code for "poor and black" or "poor and Latino," so we call them racists where I'm from.

I see. So it's all right to insult white people but not to insult Latinos and blacks? I'm not promoting either, but that's a double standard.
My annoyance with Apple is how they thought their widgets was revolutionary and that they brought it to computers first...


Vista (or when it was first found) had it first in its alpha releases before OSX even came out.
The large, all-white (or all-black) Apple logo.

Bring back the tiny, cute little rainbow Apple logo!

wako said:
My annoyance with Apple is how they thought their widgets was revolutionary and that they brought it to computers first...


Vista (or when it was first found) had it first in its alpha releases before OSX even came out.

I’m not sure on your sources, but your general point is valid. Apple, and many other software developers have done this since the wee days of programming. While Microsoft has done it in candid, yet equally sinister ways in Vista, Apple proudly claims their features as innovative, even when they also lift them. The Watson/Sherlock controversy comes to mind. I’m not sure if Arlo Rose and company invented widgets, but Dashboard practically forced Konfabulator to the Windows platform and Yahoo.

The one time I think Jobs was humble and respective was when they took the idea of Quick User Switching and threw it in OS X. The success of Media Center can very well be argued as the inspiration of Front Row. Imitation is part of the game; Apple should get off its PR pedestal about how it is the premier innovator.
And I'd be mad at you, but it wouldn't be the end of the world and I certainly wouldn't try to 'get you back' in any manner of the word.
I don't know why you're putting "get you back" in scare quotes, as I've not suggested any desire to "get back" at Apple.

I'm just not going to buy flawed products and I'm going to tell other people why they shouldn't, either.

It doesn't. But excessive criticism (especially when it's on out-of-proportion problems) is stupid.
How is it excessive or out of proportion? Because it undermines your rosy view of Apple's products, right? There's no other reason you can say that with a straight face.

(Though the 'out-of-proportion' thing is funny, given our Mac Cult exchange where you didn't know anyone who pooh-poohed the whine and moo problems. No wonder you'd never seen those people, you haven't looked in a mirror!)

Remember that PC laptop that exploded a while back?
Right, because one freak, undocumented accident certainly offsets thousands of laptops that overheat due to a design flaw.

Remember G5 iMacs catching fire? Hmmm?

I'm talking about you personally
And so am I, duh.
They revolve around me just as they revolve around everyone else giving them money.

They can choose to ignore my complaints and someday when Microsoft has it's sh*t together (probably never), or Linux has Adobe CS3/4/5/etc. (this is a real possibility down the road), and they'll lose my business.

Or they can meet my needs, just as they can meet everyone else's and I'll continue to buy from them.

It's all very simple.

What I said was the problem has been blown out of proportion.
I didn't say you had. We were discussing the Mac Cult and I gave an example. Do you remember that exchange? You quoted it.

So how come in the keynote Jobs announced that fifty percent of the people who bought Apple products were brand-new to the Mac platform?
Because white college kids thought the black MacBook would look totally awesome next to their Cancun shot glass collection?

I don't know what this was supposed to be a response to in regard to my characterization of the Apple demographic.

Or the stuff they come up with isn't what you want, and therefore you dismiss it.
Kinda like I dismiss the Ab-Blaster and Super Spaghetti Maker on TV - they're useless.

I did some research for you
No, you posted some stuff about staining in response to my comments on the quality-control problems facing MB/MBPs - whining, mooing, overheating, screen buzzing, etc..

Can you read, or did you just get confused about what we're discussing?

And last I checked, there were a lot more than 15 Apple stores in the US.
Strangely enough, I never said that I know someone who's had a Genius encounter at every store in North America. Funny, huh?

Don't you feel all elitist and special?
Which is it? Am I elitist or ghetto?

o it's all right to insult white people but not to insult Latinos and blacks?

God I love white kids.
milozauckerman: I don't see why you keep insisting that I think Apple is God and that they can do no wrong. I also can't understand why you think that I believe there are no problems with Apple's products. As neither of those are true, you lose again. And, since neither of us are ever going to agree with the other person, and I'm seeing that you can't hear what I'm saying over your own prejudices, I'm not going to argue with you anymore.
DJMastaWes said:
It's not Blutooth, so I gues RF... something is plugged into the USB port and then I get the wireless Keyboard and mouse working.
Since it's only RF, that's why it's cheaper. The average bluetooth keyboard or bluetooth + laser mouse will run around the same cost as Apple's offerings.
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