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I don't see how Apple fans can still consider Microsoft an evil empire anymore, and how Microsoft would be the last company they turn to. :rolleyes:

That gimmick was fun, back in 2001.

Oh, it's still relevant.
Just because MS is in decline and they cleaned up their act a little doesn't make them less evil. It's a bad, bad, naughty company that makes generally crummy products. Dealing with MS should be a last resort kind of thing.

Yes, I realize that they can't get away with as much theft and fraud as the old days, and they've halfheartedly improved their products in reponse to competition. Even The Almighty XBox wouldn't be enough to win me over if I was into Gaming.

Have Fun,
Yippie! It's Friday!

PS. "Friday Eve" is just like New Years Eve, only better! Why? Because there's 52 in a year instead of just one.
different leadership, different focus. It was a mistake for Jobs to hire sculley in the first place. You cannot gauge life without jobs will be a repeat of the 80s
No Google can never appeal to me as long as they have no taste. The comment Jobs did about Microsoft not having any taste is as true as it was about MS for Google today. Google can't make things look pretty at all.
No Google can never appeal to me as long as they have no taste. The comment Jobs did about Microsoft not having any taste is as true as it was about MS for Google today. Google can't make things look pretty at all.

SJ commented year ago that Apple puts "culture" into their products. It's exactly that intangible that has afforded them a ridiculous amount of differentiation from the also-rans. It's that kind of attitude toward tech that ensures the continual release of great products that are the envy of the industry.
SJ commented year ago that Apple puts "culture" into their products. It's exactly that intangible that has afforded them a ridiculous amount of differentiation from the also-rans. It's that kind of attitude toward tech that ensures the continual release of great products that are the envy of the industry.

Yeah I think that's exactly it. Also SJ also said that Apple operates as a startup and I just read an article called Internally, Google Knows It Has An Innovation Problem and it doesn't seem like Google operates at all as a startup and it shows in many of their products.

But take a thing like Gmail, it has great features but it looks like hell! How is that possible, is there no one at Google whom recognize good design?
Yeah I think that's exactly it. Also SJ also said that Apple operates as a startup and I just read an article called Internally, Google Knows It Has An Innovation Problem and it doesn't seem like Google operates at all as a startup and it shows in many of their products.

But take a thing like Gmail, it has great features but it looks like hell! How is that possible, is there no one at Google whom recognize good design?

They don't know how to do a UI properly. You can have all the features under the sun, but if they're implemented poorly or are hobbled by a bad UI, then there's a problem.
They don't know how to do a UI properly. You can have all the features under the sun, but if they're implemented poorly or are hobbled by a bad UI, then there's a problem.

Right and that's the reason I don't use Google products they are not user friendly or easy on the eyes.
The aesthetic stuff for Google has never been that important. The brilliance about Google's core search stuff in addition to Gmail has been its speed, accuracy, and simplicity.

Google needs to stop tinkering with stuff. Google Instant is not very useful. They castrated Image Search. The new site preview in the engine provides no benefit. I feel like we are returning to pre-Google search and that is disappointing.
If anything goes wrong with Apple, I'd get a virtual server to have as a mail server and completely migrate to Linux.

I've tried before but Linux just couldn't give me everything that I want, but if in the next few update cycles of Ubuntu it does, then I'll be off...

I do use gmail, but I also feel like I'm trusting my data to a company that uses it to advertise to me, and I don't really want to be advertised to like that.

The only real problem is drm in the tv shows and movie i bought from itunes, not to mention the iOS apps...
Google needs to stop tinkering with stuff. Google Instant is not very useful. They castrated Image Search. The new site preview in the engine provides no benefit. I feel like we are returning to pre-Google search and that is disappointing.

I use and always have used Google SSL. It doesn't have instant or preview, I haven't even seen how preview works. Just use:
All these companies are evil, we just have to live with it. Apple is just as evil they just are very good at hiding it.
Though I like Google's services as they do make things easier for me, I am not a complete zombie fanboy that goes around using and liking everything they do.

For example, I hated Google Buzz and disabled it after giving it a fair trial, same thing with Priority Inbox feature in Gmail.

Using Google products including Android phones and the soon to be released Chrome OS notebooks seems a bit like an experiment. It is fine if it is free, but if you have to pay for it, I think many would think twice. If you are developing for the Android Market Place and hope to gain income like you would from the App Store, then I guess you would have to think again.

Despite the ulterior motives, I think its good to see Google in the game as well as Microsoft. Though each of these camps can't compare directly with the other, it is still tempting to do so, and it is that tempt that keeps the industry moving forward and us users benefiting from that.

We as consumers, especially the non fanboys (the fanboys are happy with their decisions because it reflects their ego) like to re-evaluate the decisions we made yesterday against the standings we have today just to be certain if they still apply. The factors that make up those decisions varies among us, but there is still a subset of common ground.

Things may be changing for better or worse, so it will be interesting to make this re-evaluation again in the future say in the next couple of years or so. For now though, at least for me I think my decision choosing Apple especially with the iPhone is still solid.
One thing I will say: chromeos is not and will not be a viable alternative to 10.7 when it is released. When i had my net book, sure it booted quickly, but you're restricted to web apps.

You might as well never buy a desktop/laptop if all you put on it is chromeos.
One thing I will say: chromeos is not and will not be a viable alternative to 10.7 when it is released. When i had my net book, sure it booted quickly, but you're restricted to web apps.

You might as well never buy a desktop/laptop if all you put on it is chromeos.
If Apple has it's way we might be down to web apps as well.
Hypothetical discussions can be fun, but some of them are just absurd.

It's rather silly in light of the events of the last few years (even the last decade) to ask whether Apple can "screw up." Why would they? Based on what? If anything, Apple is nearly immune from any mess-up serious enough to prompt consumers to consider that question seriously. The pace of development and the ideas coming out of Apple with the current crew really closes the door on this kind of worry. We're talking about Steve Jobs, the NeXT crew, as well as Apple's way of exploiting talent in such ways that others aren't able to. As long as the prevailing culture at Apple continues you can rest assured that there isn't much cause for worry.

It would make a lot more sense to ask: "what is the next best alternative to Apple?" At least then your discussion can start from something rooted in reality rather than nonsense.
Hypothetical discussions can be fun, but some of them are just absurd.

It's rather silly in light of the events of the last few years (even the last decade) to ask whether Apple can "screw up." Why would they? Based on what? If anything, Apple is nearly immune from any mess-up serious enough to prompt consumers to consider that question seriously. The pace of development and the ideas coming out of Apple with the current crew really closes the door on this kind of worry. We're talking about Steve Jobs, the NeXT crew, as well as Apple's way of exploiting talent in such ways that others aren't able to. As long as the prevailing culture at Apple continues you can rest assured that there isn't much cause for worry.

It would make a lot more sense to ask: "what is the next best alternative to Apple?" At least then your discussion can start from something rooted in reality rather than nonsense.
Oh get out of here! Stop posting your apple propaganda, no-one could actually give a ****. Yet again you have managed to fail see the point of this thread, even though you mention what it is about in your post! The question is simple and yet you still do not have the imagination to think up an apple free world just for fun. You cannot change the forum topic and yet again, you have proven your sheer stupidity by posting like this on a thread which is about products other than apples.
Hypothetical discussions can be fun, but some of them are just absurd.

It's rather silly in light of the events of the last few years (even the last decade) to ask whether Apple can "screw up." Why would they? Based on what? If anything, Apple is nearly immune from any mess-up serious enough to prompt consumers to consider that question seriously. The pace of development and the ideas coming out of Apple with the current crew really closes the door on this kind of worry. We're talking about Steve Jobs, the NeXT crew, as well as Apple's way of exploiting talent in such ways that others aren't able to. As long as the prevailing culture at Apple continues you can rest assured that there isn't much cause for worry.

It would make a lot more sense to ask: "what is the next best alternative to Apple?" At least then your discussion can start from something rooted in reality rather than nonsense.
Is it likely to happen that they will screw up? Based on their recent track record, no, at least not seriously enough to cause a huge concern, like you said. On the other hand, it's happened before, and that's all you need to know it will happen again.

Also, I don't know where you're getting this "culture" thing from. There is indeed a culture (or cult, perhaps?) based around Apple products, but they really did nothing to create it, they just got really good at exploiting it. Maybe back in the early days there was a kind of culture Apple had, but it hasn't existed for 15 years at least.
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