I don't see how Apple fans can still consider Microsoft an evil empire anymore, and how Microsoft would be the last company they turn to.
That gimmick was fun, back in 2001.
Oh, it's still relevant.
Just because MS is in decline and they cleaned up their act a little doesn't make them less evil. It's a bad, bad, naughty company that makes generally crummy products. Dealing with MS should be a last resort kind of thing.
Yes, I realize that they can't get away with as much theft and fraud as the old days, and they've halfheartedly improved their products in reponse to competition. Even The Almighty XBox wouldn't be enough to win me over if I was into Gaming.
Have Fun,
Yippie! It's Friday!
PS. "Friday Eve" is just like New Years Eve, only better! Why? Because there's 52 in a year instead of just one.