Good luck expanding to 512-1024gb of ECC RAM via thunderbolt.
That's why I can not settle for an iMac, the ease of expandability can't be beat.
The Pro isn't dead, Apple has never been one to give announcements.
Good luck expanding to 512-1024gb of ECC RAM via thunderbolt.
Yeah I'm being sarcastic. 2 of the biggest companies who make X86 workstations (HP, Fujitsu) have announced E5 workstations, the other 3 (Apple, Dell, Lenovo) haven't. Dell and HP have 2 week ship times still on their servers. The notion that Apple's silence means anything is daft to me.
We've already moved our office workstations to home built linux server grade machines and gone with alternative softwares as the mac pros were getting too expensive for the power, and we tested a top of the line i7 iMac and were getting compile times of our software upward of 20 minutes, compared to the current 6 minute on these new machines.
Thats 14 minutes people could be working/testing wasted possibly 10 or more times a day
which is stupid..
so its too little too late for us, ill still be keeping my MBP's for OOO work but i hope they dont lose any more business customers over this
Today sure would have been a good day to announce a new E5 Mac Pro.
Apple's response:
"Use iMacs and compile during lunch."
Stage 2: In the meantime, if Avid is smart, it will build a full-up Linux version. This will turn out really, really well for Avid. And, you know what, Avid might do it anyway, even if Apple does finally release the new Mac Pros.
Windows is an alternative in nearly every space and can be configured countless ways. While maybe not an attractive option, it is a very functional one.
In business terms, Mac OS X is a luxury and not a necessity in nearly all cases (FCX one of the exceptions, obviously).
We've already moved our office workstations to home built linux server grade machines and gone with alternative softwares as the mac pros were getting too expensive for the power, and we tested a top of the line i7 iMac and were getting compile times of our software upward of 20 minutes, compared to the current 6 minute on these new machines.
Mac Pros are compiling beasts. Can't be beat by iMacs.
Unfortunately if you do Mac or iOS development, Linux boxes aren't an option.
I am doing lots of videoHD rendering. Two MacPro (dual quad) with sleep disabled. I turn off the 30" display and let it render (8 ~ 10 hrs). First the iMac does not have the horsepower (single socket only); and then I cannot turn off the display WITHOUT putting it to sleep. And with the display on, I am really worried about heat - because I don't have A/C - it doesn't get that hot here. When I go to a BestBuy the iMacs there don't do much (not 100% CPU; not rendering) and are much hotter than my MacPro at home. And they have A/C turned on (ok, at low setting).
I considered buying the Matrox MXO2+iMac27 = same price as MacPro; but then the new H264 software came out and is now twice as fast as VisualHub. Software is easier to update than hardware ...
I wholeheartedly second the Hackintosh option.
The thing which worries me the most is, they messed up FCP and a lot of people moved to PCs. I am sure numbers will be down more because of that as well, and if they base the EOL on those numbers, well we have problems. Unless the majority come back when FCP gets sorted out, but who knows if that will happen.
... I find these EOL threads for it interesting. I'm probably one of the very few, but I don't see the need for T-bolt in a Mac Pro. Everything you need is already inside the box (a nice big quiet and cool running box at that).
And these new E5 processors are 10-15% faster than current? Does such an increase make that much real world difference? Maybe it does, I dunno...
It is probably in that ballpark, although that's not really the real point.
I really doubt that will happen anytime soon if ever. Sure would be nice though. Imagine the possibilities.
The possibilites are not good as PC vendors tend to swap parts out on a pretty regular basis. The reason Macs run so well is the hardware and software are built by the same company. Outsource on of these and you have the same problem Windows / [name your PC maker] have.