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If I could get a 6 core imac with clock at 3.3-3.5 ghz with 24 gb ram and a decent graphics card, I might bite at this point. Why we can't have 6 core in imac is a mystery to me, especially since Mac pros are lagging.
Apple would rather you paid the extra to get the Mac Pro surely? XD
I HIGHLY doubt apple would ever allow that. It would be cool, but I just don't see it happening.

Um, does anyone remember the era of the Mac clones back in the 90's? As I recall there were (3?) main companies that were licensed to sell their versions of Mac (with the OS), and the two I remember were Radius and Power Computing. The third doesn't quite come to mind at the moment...

Not saying that's gonna happen again, just thought I'd mention it because Apple has done things along this line once before (albeit not with PC manufacturers per se). And as I recall that was before Steve Jobs came back and rallied the troops so to speak, which brought us into the post-clone era of the G3.
Um, does anyone remember the era of the Mac clones back in the 90's? As I recall there were (3?) main companies that were licensed to sell their versions of Mac (with the OS), and the two I remember were Radius and Power Computing. The third doesn't quite come to mind at the moment...

Not saying that's gonna happen again, just thought I'd mention it because Apple has done things along this line once before (albeit not with PC manufacturers per se). And as I recall that was before Steve Jobs came back and rallied the troops so to speak, which brought us into the post-clone era of the G3.

Mac Clones "

Motorola Starmaxx
Power Computing
If I could get a 6 core imac with clock at 3.3-3.5 ghz with 24 gb ram and a decent graphics card, I might bite at this point. Why we can't have 6 core in imac is a mystery to me, especially since Mac pros are lagging.

I can't think of any 6 core cpus that would run with the same board. The top imac card shouldn't be that bad once it's updated. It just won't be as good as a top desktop card.

^^^ I love OS X for work. I mean if I had to use Visio or Project I'd probably hate it. Otherwise it works just fine. I am a manual kind of guy. Always laughing at the poor policy ridden saps who's PC's are always bogged down with some sort of routine. They seem to be quite jealous of the Mac users who only require very basic AD integration and practically zero policy. It almost takes 2x the PC for same performance as Mac under roof. If it was pre OS 9 still or something other than Unix I might not have such a high opinion. But it is and I can recompile, port, script, or do whatever is needed. All with included tools. Basic operation of MS always required an insane amount of someone else's tools. Windows is a very expensive skeleton. But games are good on it.

How do you figure? Where are the PCs really bogging down? I'm just wondering. Personally I wish everything I require ran properly under Linux.
Um, does anyone remember the era of the Mac clones back in the 90's? As I recall there were (3?) main companies that were licensed to sell their versions of Mac (with the OS), and the two I remember were Radius and Power Computing. The third doesn't quite come to mind at the moment...

Not saying that's gonna happen again, just thought I'd mention it because Apple has done things along this line once before (albeit not with PC manufacturers per se). And as I recall that was before Steve Jobs came back and rallied the troops so to speak, which brought us into the post-clone era of the G3.

I absolutely remember when Apple was cool with the clones. More recently however I remember psystar and how Apple shut them down. As neat of an idea as it might be, I just don't see it happening. Apple sells hardware with propriatary software. I don't see them relinquishing control again, but what do I know. It only an opinion. They might surprise the hell out of us. Who knows?
Mac Clones "

Motorola Starmaxx
Power Computing

I had a Power Computing Power 180 which worked flawlessly for seven years.

People weren't too happy when Apple killed the clone market but all was forgiven when they released the iMacs, iBooks, and Power Macs.

Apple also eliminated the big mark ups and discounts which killed the gray market.

OSX Xeon clone licensing is not an impossibility.
If I could get a 6 core imac with clock at 3.3-3.5 ghz with 24 gb ram and a decent graphics card, I might bite at this point. Why we can't have 6 core in imac is a mystery to me, especially since Mac pros are lagging.

It is called thermodynamics:)
OSX Xeon clone licensing is not an impossibility.

To be honest, if they went that route just to keep us dedicated tower users happy, I would have no problem with it as long as the licensees put out reliable machines. If that happened I would get one instead of moving to Windows, simply because I'm one of those dedicated tower users. :D I remember back in '96 working on a Radius model that was quite cantankerous and would hang up constantly (though that could have just as easily been the OS of the time).

On another note, I have a hypothesis. First, let me say that I believe Apple will release a MP refresh. That being said, I think it's possible that they're trying to generate anticipation/demand around the refresh since (apparently, and according to what I've read) the sales of the current MP haven't been as good overall...? Look at all the threads over this site (and others I'm sure) and you'll notice varying degrees of mania about the whole thing. I think Apple may be trying (among other things I'm sure) to see a sales boost when the refresh comes out. All of those who've been patiently (or not so patiently) waiting seem to long for it, because there's been no news and because the time has drawn out so much.

Generally speaking (and not across the board, as there are exceptions with specific situations where folks have to move on), would any dedicated user really stick with their vehemently expressed threat and/or decision to move to Windows if Apple announced suddenly, after all this time, a MP refresh was being released, say, in a week?

What if Apple sent out an email tomorrow announcing a new MP has begun shipping? Wouldn't all that grief/worry/anger/sorrow/etc. be turned around (and quickly) with the net effect that sales would boom because all those dedicated users who've been waiting for so long finally have what they've been waiting for?

Again, this is generally speaking. Not saying it would be true in the case of all users, but the point is: what if Apple has been either intentionally stalling the release, or using the various technology delay factors to their advantage (and either way the silence) in the attempt to generate anticipation/demand?

Um, does anyone remember the era of the Mac clones back in the 90's? As I recall there were (3?) main companies that were licensed to sell their versions of Mac (with the OS), and the two I remember were Radius and Power Computing. The third doesn't quite come to mind at the moment...

Not saying that's gonna happen again, just thought I'd mention it because Apple has done things along this line once before (albeit not with PC manufacturers per se). And as I recall that was before Steve Jobs came back and rallied the troops so to speak, which brought us into the post-clone era of the G3.

Mac Clones "

Motorola Starmaxx
Power Computing

Also Daystar and Umax SuperMac. I had a Power Computing PowerBase 200 and it was a nice machine; it was my first PPC Mac and I used it for years.

Steve Jobs killed the clones (by sharply increasing the royalties the clone makers would have to pay Apple) because the clones were too popular, cutting too much into Mac sales. I don't see Apple going that route again, even though you could argue that if they eliminate the Mac Pro there would be no Apple tower products to be hurt by clone sales. Apple is booming now, with no need to help out small competitors in any way.
Also Daystar and Umax SuperMac

That's right! I knew there was a Daystar somewhere in there. I had completely forgotten about the Umax models. Back in the day, I owned a Power Computing model (a 180 something or other, I think... I may be remembering that wrong) with Zip and Jazz external drives and a big ol' 21" CRT! Man that thing was heavy. :)
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