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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 22, 2010
Like the rumors say... Will you be just a bit mad? I'm fine if it's a new model such as a rumored 7 incher (which I think would be silly unless it has a retina display or something). But I have to admit that if Apple substantially revamps my iPad only 8 months after it launched that will suck. The one year cycle I can handle but 8 measely months???

Firstly, it hasn't been launched to all countries yet. If they did anything, all they'd do is release a 7" model, it wouldn't affect current owners. But I don't even see that happening.
not at all. I bought the iPad because it does things I need to do today and I have gotten plenty of value out of it. I would actually love to see a new iPad in December, I like to see progress moving forward. I only buy things if they serve a purpose today and meets my needs.
I agree. I would be seriously bummed if that happened, but like you said, I would be ok with an "iPad Mini" since I already prefer the size of the one I have. Sometimes I wish the iPad had the retina display, but I'm not worried about that coming out anytime soon and making mine look bad. I'm pretty sure iPad's screen would be way too big for the pixel density of the iPhone.

Either way, the iPad is a great device and I'm glad I got one now instead of waiting. I can always upgrade a generation or two down the line.
You guys just want the best of the best of the best... And you say a measly 8 months? Thats the general turnaround for Mac upgrades... So yeah. And an ipad doesn't cost over $2000
One of the things that attracted me to the iPad was the normal sized keyboard (virtual know what I mean.) So a seven incher with a mini keyboard is of no interest to me, 1st Gen all the way.
Do you think they will upgrade the current size and also add smaller sizes to the line, or will they only introduce smaller ones and keep the current size the same?
If there is a new iPad in December I'll buy ti and let my wife keep my origional as I need to pry it from her all the time anyway.

I'm sure that's what I'll do too but I'd still be a bit irked. My girlfriend hates to give mine up also. Getting her an iPhone 4 next week and I hope that helps me get my iPad back more often!
One of the things that attracted me to the iPad was the normal sized keyboard (virtual know what I mean.) So a seven incher with a mini keyboard is of no interest to me, 1st Gen all the way.


Sent from my iPad
The only way it would really annoy me is if it came with iOS4 and the current iPad didn't run all he features of it.
Like the rumors say... Will you be just a bit mad? I'm fine if it's a new model such as a rumored 7 incher (which I think would be silly unless it has a retina display or something). But I have to admit that if Apple substantially revamps my iPad only 8 months after it launched that will suck. The one year cycle I can handle but 8 measely months???
I will be totally devastated!

I bought my iPad because I wanted to be a hip, geekster elitist that is rockin' the latest and greatest gadgets. My self-worth as a human being is totally tied to the coolness of the gadgets I own. Paying $800 for 8 months worth of elitism is NOT worth it! And instead of being a hip geekster, I'll be a last-gen has-been, ridiculed by my peers... and will be a social outcast among those who will buy that latest version.

To compound the issue, I have no absolutely no consumer self control and am compelled to buy the latest generation and mischaracterize the re-buying of the same device as being an "upgrade".
If it happens I wouldn't be mad. I'm familiar with Apples rollout, this would just be sooner than later.

Heck, if it also meets my needs, I'll probably buy that as well.
Please stop. You are just another troll who just wants to piss of all of us because you don't have iPad. We worked hard and saved money to buy iPad. Instead of wasting your time trying to piss us off, go work and get money for your iPad.
Ok, so first everyone is always pissed that apple only does once a year updates on certain products. Now, after the early adopters bought iPads up, they're angry that almost a whole year (supposedly an eternity to those always decrying apples update cycle) later there might be an update?

Just enjoy the damn thing you bought willingly.
iPads were released in April and some countries didn't get them until much later. There will be no 7" because that's just a dumb idea. There's no benefit for a 7" iPad. It's too small to read books, too big for a phone. Too small for a tablet and the price tag will interfere with either the iPhone or iPad. I don't care if new products are released, it doesn't make the stuff I have less useful. If I didn't find it useful, I wouldn't have bought it in the first place. Two exceptions to that rule is I bought an Android device and used Windows before.
The only way it would really annoy me is if it came with iOS4 and the current iPad didn't run all he features of it.

I completely agree, also because it would be stupid to launch a new product knowing that it won't support the next iOS that is only a few months away.
I would have preferred a 7" screen, a little easier and lighter weight to carry.
Would it be better if we were still using iMac G3 then? Apple needs to make a new one that will be better or the android tablet will catch up, and You'll have to buy it to be cool. The world of technology will keep moving forward so deal with it.
Would it be better if we were still using iMac G3 then? Apple needs to make a new one that will be better or the android tablet will catch up, and You'll have to buy it to be cool. The world of technology will keep moving forward so deal with it.

+1. If your "mad" that a new iPad comes out in Decemeber then you shouldn't be buying computer hardware in the first place. Things go obsolete way to quick. It won't happen, but 8 months is plenty of time, and as someone said before this is the norm for Mac upgrades.

Just grow up and enjoy your iPad.
I am too cool to get mad about an object.

That would make an excellent signature.

Anyway, I don't see a new iPad coming in December or earlier; and for the sake of Christmas I hope that it won't. Announcement for the new one in late-January or February... perhaps.
Only buy if you accept that it will go obsolete soon. But the iPad wont be completely awful and useless, take the 1st gen ipod touch, it worked perfectly fine in ios3 and just got obsolete.

P.S. Why do we care if you'll be mad because your iPad isn't the best? Is this some kind of support group or something?
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