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I think December would be a little early--but you never know. It's plausible Apple could release a version with a camera to compete with other tablets that are scheduled to be released during that timeframe.

Since I have a camera on my iPhone 4 it really doesn't bother me that much that my iPad doesn't have one. Besides, the next revision *probably* won't be LTE compatiable which is the next major feature I'm going to wait for.

I imagine iPad will retain about half its resale value (after two years) which would make getting a revision less painful.
LOL...There are just too many funny folk in this asylum!

I just bought my second iPad. Wife and 5 year old son love the thing, as do I. We get a ton of use out of both of them...plenty enough, that I won't be in the least bit let down if they come up with a new model...every 6 months if they can! That would be awesome...

How in the world have you guys/gals that are going to be so upset become such tech lovers? To be a visitor and active poster on MR, I'm going to assume you're a geek like me (when it comes to enjoying technology's latest/greatest gadgetry).

I came from the Window's world about 3 and a half years ago. Maybe that's why I'm fine with advancement. There's a new PC, graphics card, mother board, CPU, over-clock cookbook...every other week!!!! Just go to and compare their last two "Dream Machines" to see the difference a year in "PC" computing makes.

Same with cell phones! Cars....heck, imagine buying a Corvette this year for 50k and next year, they release a model with 100 extra HP...for 48k?!!! Technology advances...the iPad is absolutely incredible. Enjoy it for what it is now. Quit worrying about when it won't be on the bleeding edge...or when you won't have the latest iPad. It will STILL be the same iPad you're enjoying so much right now.

As far as'll be fine on the iPad. The 3g phones have 128megs of RAM and it doesn't work so well...however, on the 3gs, which I had 2 of before we picked up the new 4's...iOS4 did just fine. In fact, it was great! And it worked as advertised. 3gs and iPad share the same 256megs of RAM...however, doesn't iPad have a faster "A4" processor? That should help as well.

Just as the apps are not "quite right" on the iPad that were made for the phone...I'm sure there are lots of little quirks with the OS as far as how it relates to a bigger platform. Hence, the delay on releasing it.

It's amazing how many of you spend time worrying about when you won't have the latest gadget...or threatening to be "upset" or "pissed off" at Apple because of release dates for new products???? Are you kidding me? Who cares!!!!


Couldn't have said it any better. +1
Maybe this is part of the reason why they are coming out with a 7 incher, because they cannot reach certain production levels to meet the world's demand. So, either they can sit on their hands and have the 9.7" seep out and lose potential customers (to netbooks and other competitors) or they can make a different model that they can produce faster.

And besides, it was crazy to think that Apple was not going to come out with some kind of new iPad before the Holiday season.

This is just nonsense. Why on earth would you speculate that a 7" iPad can be manufactured at a faster rate? There's no reason for that argument.

As for Apple releasing an iPad for the Holiday season - more nonsense. Apple has never released products to cater to Holiday marketing. If you haven't been paying attention, all their major new product introductions have occurred in January. The only product cycle that coincides with the Holiday season is for the iPods.
I came from the Window's world about 3 and a half years ago. Maybe that's why I'm fine with advancement. There's a new PC, graphics card, mother board, CPU, over-clock cookbook...every other week!!!! Just go to and compare their last two "Dream Machines" to see the difference a year in "PC" computing makes.
Yes, but that only holds true for overall catergories, not individual product lines - you don't see ATI rocking a new Radeon 5970 every other week. They tend to wait 6-8 months before they refresh a specific series.

As for your car analogy, that would never happen, because car manufacturers understand that buyers, once burned by such a transaction, will turn their backs on a brand indefinitely. And cell-phones tend to have a 6-8 month life before they're updated.
Yes, but that only holds true for overall catergories, not individual product lines - you don't see ATI rocking a new Radeon 5970 every other week. They tend to wait 6-8 months before they refresh a specific series.

As for your car analogy, that would never happen, because car manufacturers understand that buyers, once burned by such a transaction, will turn their backs on a brand indefinitely. And cell-phones tend to have a 6-8 month life before they're updated.

Unless you're using an android phone, the Droid Incredible was king for like what, 1 month, maybe?
iPads were released in April and some countries didn't get them until much later. There will be no 7" because that's just a dumb idea. There's no benefit for a 7" iPad. It's too small to read books, too big for a phone. Too small for a tablet and the price tag will interfere with either the iPhone or iPad. I don't care if new products are released, it doesn't make the stuff I have less useful. If I didn't find it useful, I wouldn't have bought it in the first place. Two exceptions to that rule is I bought an Android device and used Windows before.

Yeah you're completely right! Who would read books on a.screen smaller than the iPad? Ever heard of a kindle, nook or Sony E-reader? Think before speaking.
It's amazing how many of you spend time worrying about when you won't have the latest gadget...or threatening to be "upset" or "pissed off" at Apple because of release dates for new products???? Are you kidding me? Who cares!!!

Personally for me the problem is not a new product. But if the current generation iPad is not at his best with iOS 4 ... That's what would upset me.

Apple created the touchscreen in order to update without changing hardware. It's ok if the iPhone 3G, launched with the OS 2, is not at his best with OS 4, but it would be unbelievable that the iPad wouldn't be at his best with the FIRST update, after a few months since the launch.
"As for your car analogy, that would never happen, because car manufacturers understand that buyers, once burned by such a transaction, will turn their backs on a brand indefinitely."

LOL! You're obviously not familiar with the car manufacturing business then, especially American automobiles!! The 80's vet was a 200 HP dog! Imagine buying that final production model in 92 or 93...the year before they sold the model with over 100+HP for the SAME price!!! Corvette fans did NOT leave, even though the manufacturer went through a lull in the action. The Camaro just came back to market after a 6 or 7 year hiatus...And don't get me started on Toyota;)

No, car analogy makes a LOT of sense! Thanks for attempting the correction with a reach though!

"And cell-phones tend to have a 6-8 month life before they're updated."

WOW! Thanks for making my point...while trying to prove me wrong:confused:

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