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There won't be a new iPad in Dec, no way. If there is, (let's exclude the 7" for now if it ever gets released) then I will be extremely upset if the new features outweigh the current ones by far. In that case, I would expect some sort of upgrade promotion... but as we all know that will never happen, they may, though, decide to give free iPad bumper cases :p
And I'm sure it'll also sell out just as quickly regardless of the grumpy faces who disapprove.
If there is, (let's exclude the 7" for now if it ever gets released) then I will be extremely upset if the new features outweigh the current ones by far. In that case, I would expect some sort of upgrade promotion... but as we all know that will never happen, they may, though, decide to give free iPad bumper cases :p

No offense, but that wouldn't be a very difficult thing to do. The current 256MB is a joke on a 10" device, when some smartphones have twice as much.

At least one camera is inevitable now and the screen will have to move towards what you find on the iPhone. Also, when the iPad was launched, multitasking was not on the agenda, but probably due to public and media/press pressure, Apple had to bring that to the iPad soon after. But the hardware is not really there to support web browsing with several tabs and having other applications running in the background.

I think that the RAM will be the biggest issue. If Apple will release the iPad with 512MB, the next generation iPhone will again have more than the iPad. If Apple wants to do it properly, that will mean that developers will have to choose between developing an app for the old or the new iPad, that's how much difference another 512MB RAM would make.
I look at it like this, I would be ecstatic if the updated the iPad in December. I currently own a 32gb 3G model and I could totally sell it for about $575 when the new one comes out. That means i paid about $150 to use an iPad for that eight months. I always resell my gadgets to upgrade to the next generation. If you sell it when its stll relevant you can get about 80 percent of your money back on Apple products.
You guys just want the best of the best of the best... And you say a measly 8 months? Thats the general turnaround for Mac upgrades... So yeah. And an ipad doesn't cost over $2000

Yeah, but it's not exactly cheap as chips though. I would be a bit angry if I had spent as much money on a cell-phone only to see a replacement such a short time later, especially as the iPad was only released just under a month ago here. That would see it being replaced in only 5 months.

I still think that we will see a slight price drop for Christmas, and no iPad Gen II until March or April.
If it happens it happens. That's the price an early adopter pays.

An early adopter is someone who purchases a specific generation of an item upon its release. They can therefore expect to experience teething problems which are an inherent trait of the early life of a product. But an early adopter should be able to expect a reasonable period of ownership of that generation of device before it is superseded. No-one wants a device to become obsolete after a short period, and most tech companies know that it's detrimental to sales.
I wouldn't mind if they were revising it every month. New gadgets are fun.

If having the newest gadgets is so important to you that you would get "upset" if you loose that status then I recommend you contact a shrink. It is a sign of an unhealthy mental state.
The wife is so used to 9 inches she would never be satisfied with a 7 inch model. If Apple releases a smaller iPad, it won't be available in the current color.
The wife is so used to 9 inches she would never be satisfied with a 7 inch model.
She sounds spoilt! :p

On a serious note, I think a 7" could be an alright option as long as it is faster (better CPU more RAM) and uses a panel that allows for a usable resolution (most 7" panels suck).
Yes, I would get mad, in fact I would do a class action lawsuit against apple in which I will grab 15 minutes of fame and fail.:D

Haha jk

I would be mad
There will be no 7" because that's just a dumb idea. There's no benefit for a 7" iPad. It's too small to read books, too big for a phone. Too small for a tablet and the price tag will interfere with either the iPhone or iPad. .

You sound just like all the anti iPad people who thought the iPad was a dumb idea before it was released.

7 inches is perfect for 'some' people, just the same way that the current Ipad is perfect for 'some' people and a 13" would be perfect for 'some' people. Do 15" laptop owners think that 13", or 17" is a "dumb idea?".
I just don't see apple making their product lineup more complicated just yet. some countries just got ipad last month, some still havent gotten it! if apple was going to release a 7 inch model, they would have done it along with this one, or in april during the next refresh. also people are already annoyed with the lack of apps and the neglect of the ipad, adding another model right now just would be kosher.
No offense, but that wouldn't be a very difficult thing to do. The current 256MB is a joke on a 10" device, when some smartphones have twice as much.

At least one camera is inevitable now and the screen will have to move towards what you find on the iPhone. Also, when the iPad was launched, multitasking was not on the agenda, but probably due to public and media/press pressure, Apple had to bring that to the iPad soon after. But the hardware is not really there to support web browsing with several tabs and having other applications running in the background.

I think that the RAM will be the biggest issue. If Apple will release the iPad with 512MB, the next generation iPhone will again have more than the iPad. If Apple wants to do it properly, that will mean that developers will have to choose between developing an app for the old or the new iPad, that's how much difference another 512MB RAM would make.

I agree and disagree here. While yes, there is some limitation to the RAM and 512MB would have been nice, the current gen handles quite nicely. The Safari thing is definitely not a RAM issue as the iPhone 3GS has the same amount of RAM (though smaller screen). I need to watch the keynote again on iOS 4 and listen more closely to what they say about the iPad because I don't recall. Point is, iOS 4 will work perfectly fine with the 1st gen and should perform quite well given the "lack of RAM." iOS 4 was already in the works when the iPad was being developed, there must have been plenty of consideration to the iPad's hardware when it came to iOS 4. It's funny to watch people get so hung up on numbers and then miss the whole point of the experience, that's typically why Apple has never really focused on the numbers and specs and made them selling points.
Doesn't matter either way, sell the old, buy a new one. I've purchased and sold many Apple products, rarely losing more than the taxes paid or 10% on devices only a year old. High demand, limited supply and people not wanting to pay full price keeps the secondary market for Apple products a very good source to unload your lightly used iDevices.
...some countries just got ipad last month, some still havent gotten it! if apple was going to release a 7 inch model, they would have done it along with this one, or in april during the next refresh...

Maybe this is part of the reason why they are coming out with a 7 incher, because they cannot reach certain production levels to meet the world's demand. So, either they can sit on their hands and have the 9.7" seep out and lose potential customers (to netbooks and other competitors) or they can make a different model that they can produce faster.

And besides, it was crazy to think that Apple was not going to come out with some kind of new iPad before the Holiday season.
LOL...There are just too many funny folk in this asylum!

I just bought my second iPad. Wife and 5 year old son love the thing, as do I. We get a ton of use out of both of them...plenty enough, that I won't be in the least bit let down if they come up with a new model...every 6 months if they can! That would be awesome...

How in the world have you guys/gals that are going to be so upset become such tech lovers? To be a visitor and active poster on MR, I'm going to assume you're a geek like me (when it comes to enjoying technology's latest/greatest gadgetry).

I came from the Window's world about 3 and a half years ago. Maybe that's why I'm fine with advancement. There's a new PC, graphics card, mother board, CPU, over-clock cookbook...every other week!!!! Just go to and compare their last two "Dream Machines" to see the difference a year in "PC" computing makes.

Same with cell phones! Cars....heck, imagine buying a Corvette this year for 50k and next year, they release a model with 100 extra HP...for 48k?!!! Technology advances...the iPad is absolutely incredible. Enjoy it for what it is now. Quit worrying about when it won't be on the bleeding edge...or when you won't have the latest iPad. It will STILL be the same iPad you're enjoying so much right now.

As far as'll be fine on the iPad. The 3g phones have 128megs of RAM and it doesn't work so well...however, on the 3gs, which I had 2 of before we picked up the new 4's...iOS4 did just fine. In fact, it was great! And it worked as advertised. 3gs and iPad share the same 256megs of RAM...however, doesn't iPad have a faster "A4" processor? That should help as well.

Just as the apps are not "quite right" on the iPad that were made for the phone...I'm sure there are lots of little quirks with the OS as far as how it relates to a bigger platform. Hence, the delay on releasing it.

It's amazing how many of you spend time worrying about when you won't have the latest gadget...or threatening to be "upset" or "pissed off" at Apple because of release dates for new products???? Are you kidding me? Who cares!!!!

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