If you could have any Mac computer, what would it be? Mine would be a high end 15" 
What about you?
What about you?
fully loaded mac pro with dual monitors.
A brand new iMac in the iMac G4 body! I love my iMac G4 but it doesn't cut it anymore!
with the space available in that casing, one could easily fit a Mac Mini logic board and components, and maybe hook it up to the internal display with a little solder work
weekend project, anyone?
While you are at it, put a quad desktop mobo in an Apple II case, and I'll be the first on your doorstep.
Right now I'm having the worst time deciding between a Mac Mini, with a shuffle and a new Nano (with the savings), or a MacBook Pro 13". I want a mac, haven't used one since System 9 was around. My last mac was a PowerPC clone, and I'm really dying to get away from the mess that is Vista and XP for my home setup.
The reason that I want either a Macbook or Mini: 1) I already have a monitor and 2) I want some portability and the iMac is anything but portable when you have to drive 7 hours to your parents house for a visit and take your mac with you.
Lol I'm currently making a website called "Which Mac is for you?". It's nowhere near finished though LOL. Do you need a big screen or not? MBP 13" is way 2 go if you have to take your Mac with youBut if you'd like a big screen then either a Mini or a bigger screened MBP
Well the thing is, I've already got a 22" flatpanel which has input for VGA, DVI and HDMI (BenQ). If I got the 13" MBP I could always plug it into the monitor...