Before the iPad was released I weighed all the pros and cons about the various sizes, about the WiFi vs 3G, etc., etc. In the end I just couldn't wait and so on Launch Day, April 3rd, I was at the Apple store to pick up my reserved 64GB WiFi iPad. I immediately loved it and took it with me everywhere -- and soon found that, yes, there ARE places without WiFi. Sigh..... Therefore on 3G Launch Day I was again back at the Apple store, this time to purchase a 3G 64GB iPad.
The 64GB size is a good choice for me, as in addition to my music and videos collection I also have many photos, with the intention of adding more as time goes on.
Were I to have done things a little differently I probably would have purchased the 3G only....I think that it offers more in terms of being able to use the internet anywhere, any time, with 3G. That said, though, I thoroughly enjoyed having my WiFi iPad throughout the month of April and right now I am enjoying having the two iPads. One goes out with me and the other stays at home, used primarily around the house.