i'd rather use an ipad in this situation but the apps aren't there yet.. maybe once the concept of gestures progresses further we'll be able to get better 3d usability out of miceless/keyboardless computers.
well whatayouknow..
things are gonna get real sweet if they can get this implemented properly within the next few years.
^^^^I've been using an iPad for about three years now, when traveling only. I hate the darn thing, and last week I bought a Macbook Air to replace it. Touch screens are not for me. Though I am forced to use one in my car and on my Droid 3.
Kind of hard to be pixel accurate with my big fingers
And using a stylus would kind of defeat the use case for this product.
It would be interesting to see those benchmarks redone with modern cards.
'Hello! May I help you find something today?'
"Yes. Where are the 16x PCIe graphics cards kept?"
(Goes both ways)
I like change. I like different things, but only when they're better then their predecessors. I do not appreciate having a technology rammed down my throat because it benefits some big company somewhere and not necessarily me or my workflow (which has remained unchanged for many, many years). That is the kind of change I will come to resent and "hate" because I'm being forced into it.
In the 1990s, I ran a computer with ISA cards. Eventually I bought a VLB video card because it was better then the ISA alternative. Soon enough, PCI came out and I swapped out all my old ISA cards for the PCI versions because it was worth it. Then came AGP, and I bought an AGP video card because I could play 3D games at higher resolutions accelerated by hardware. Finally PCI-e came along and once more, I replaced all my old PCI and PCI-x cards with the PCI-e equivalents. Why? Because PCI-e was better. I have no regrets about my continual upgrade path, because each new invention was an improvement over the last.
So please, tell me how Thunderbolt is an improvement over PCI-e.
Because all I see is more expensive crap, more software compatibility issues (especially with hot plugging- god help you if your TB cable is loose or gets unplugged while your system is powered up and a 3rd party kernel extension has claimed the hardware), and a bandwidth ceiling per device not even half of what PCI-e is capable of.
What really makes me resent Apple even more is the fact that they've removed all choice from the equation. If someone had told me that I had to upgrade to EISA or MCA around the ISA <-> PCI era, I would have told them to bugger off. So I'm really puzzled as to why Apple is getting a free pass when they're doing the exact same thing.
I like change. I like different things, but only when they're better then their predecessors.
+1 Excellent post. Holy cats I'd totally forgotten about AGP.
Hey, if you never needed or cared to do this stuff, the new Mac Pro will be great for you; I get that. For the people doing the literally millions of page views on those upgrade threads, well it sucks for us.
I *like* old school
GTX 680
USB 3.1
Go to the Mac Pro forum, click on "Views" to sort threads by most views (or just click here). It is absolutely astonishing how many of the very most popular threads are about upgrading. CPUs, GPUs, USB 3.0, Airport cards, SSDs. "New school" is throwing all that richness and diversity away.
This thread is just amazing.
I honestly can't believe you guys are still bickering over this crap, when what you should be making noise about is how Apple is behaving. Their actions are inexcusable for the professional market. You do not tie people to your hardware and software and pull the rug up out from underneath everyone just because you can, in the name of fashion or profit or both.
None of this would be a problem if we had choice. That is what you should all be angry about. The fact that you have no choice with Apple anymore. It's their way or the high way. That is ******** and frankly I'm tired of being told what I'm going to buy and how I'm going to use my computer, both by Apple and the majority of you Thunderbolt defenders.
If they wanted to, they could have updated the old Mac Pro and released it with newer processors alongside the Mac Pro Mini. But they didn't, because they know everyone will blanch over the new machine IF THEY HAVE A CHOICE. So their solution was to REMOVE YOUR CHOICE, plain and simple, therefore guaranteeing the machine will be a hit sale wise because YOU HAVE NO MORE CHOICE.
But whatever, by all means continue arguing over this TB and PCI-e crap. TB and PCI-e are not the problem. Apple's way of thinking and their behaviour is. I don't know why you guys continue to put up with this ****, it's unbelievable. None of you would have a leg to stand on if we had the option between either interface, because then everyone could just use what they want or need. It's 20-****ing-13 and I can't believe that some company as big as Apple can't offer a ****ing choice anymore. That is beyond pathetic.
I hope you're not wearing something that stains.
It's holy HELL getting Kool Aid out and I see a veritable gusher of it heading your way.
The apologists are imbued with a unique form of intellectual dishonesty, obvious truths don't concern them.
The fact that you can now install a 100% functional GPU in a 2008-2012 MP that will slaughter any of the listed nMP GPUs BEFORE IT EVEN COMES OUT is another piece of evidence.
New PCIE SSDs will offer faster storage to MP owners than that available in nMP.
We will probably soon have the ability to upgrade out Wireless to a faster (or at least equal) standard.
Railroad the customer at all costs is the new mantra.
They have become the exact people they derided in their "1984" commercial.
"Think Different" has become "Think like a Shareholder"
+2 As much as I Love the workflow and gui of Mac OS the ethos of Apple and the direction they take the company is much to be desired. All about the Bottom line$
lol.. calm down dude.
why don't you choose not to buy apple products? seems like there are a lot of choices out there..
i don't get it❓
sucks how? you're talking as if the new mac will not be able to be upgraded as well as ruling out possibilities of legit expansion via thunderbolt..
maybe you know something the rest of us don't?
you're claiming old school is good but the reasonings are weak at best and certainly not coming from a place which is arguable.
(unless the argument is:
me: i think the new mac will be upgradeable
you: i think the new mac won't be upgradeable
me: will
you: won't
i'm sorry but when i click on that link and then view some of the subsequent ones, i get a vibe of the (current) mac pro isn't very friendly regarding expansion/upgrading so let's discuss some hacks and workarounds.
you're not seeing that?
What I don't understand is that the people who like the new MP seem to think that those of us who are upset should also like it, or that we should shut up and move on. We've lost and there's obviously nothing we can do about it but hope for the best, but this is a forum for discussion, so we discuss.
Of course I am seeing that. I am seeing a rich discussion of hacks and workarounds, many of which are enabled BECAUSE OF PCIE. And others which are drop-in PCIe solutions that just work. MAYBE this will be possible over Thunderbolt. MAYBE it won't be absurdly expensive. MAYBE it won't be a rat's nest of data and power cables. MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE.
Or: maybe not.
goMac and others argue that 1) we don't have a rich TB market because there are no professional TB machines and 2) the nMP will create the necessary demand for a mature TB market. Accepting number 1 means that the only way number 2 could happen is if the nMP is actually successful, and we're talking pretty darn successful to basically be on par with the market for PCIe devices (namely: the entire PC desktop world).
What if the fans are wrong and *gasp* it isn't? All this theorizing about the possibilities of 4+ bay thunderbolt SATA enclosures on the cheap or Fiberchannel or TB2 SAS is predicated on the projected costs of products that may not even be on the drawing board yet (if they ever will be).
It's fair to say that even if the nMP is successful, it will stand nearly if not entirely alone as a pro machine with TB 2 for foreseeable future. How many companies are going to create products for such a market?
The reason we get to tinker with all these awesome and cheap PCIE cards is because they were originally built for PCs! What happens when we basically don't have that anymore?
For those really angry with the current Mac Pro...
1. If it's challenging for you to migrate now to the new Mac Pro due to missing or expensive peripherals, wait. No one is forcing you to sell your current machine and upgrade to the new Mac Pro on launch day. Maybe the situation will improve, maybe it won't, you'll just have to wait and see.
2. You have to acknowledge that like many times in the past, Apple doesn't care what you think. They are not listening to you. They know there will be some resistance to change and just like the past, it will be ignored. So those of you vocally opposed to this machine, what is your ambition with all your anger and negativity? Worst case you're having a negative influence on other Mac Pro members as well as lurkers from the iMac or Mac Mini forum who are considering this new machine. Best case, you're wasting bandwidth.
3. The best thing that could happen for most people here, including the opposed, is if this new Mac Pro is wildly successful, creating more demand for TB peripherals that creates choice and economies of scale to reduce prices. If it fails, it should be obvious to most that this will be the last powerhouse computer from Apple. So rather than bitch about it, why not use your influence in a positive way to encourage people to consider this machine based on it's positive merits, so it can achieve the level of success needed to make your own transition less painful.
4. If it's just never going to be the kind of machine for you due to it's inability to upgrade GPUs every year, then you need to accept it, and consider your alternatives... perpetually upgrading an existing Mac Pro, going the Hackintosh route, or moving to Windows. No amount of bitching or badgering other members in support of this new Mac Pro is going to bring back the old one. Period.
In short, if you're angry with this new Mac Pro, do something productive to improve your situation instead of just bitching about it.
i mean, what type of crap is that? it definitely does not create an atmosphere in which any sort of meaningful discussion/argument can occur in..
In short, if you're angry with this new Mac Pro, do something productive to improve your situation instead of just bitching about it.
You mean like the following? 5 hours after you posted I get the perfect example:
So I should shut up and move on. Discussing the merits of new vs old hardware is "just bitching".
And here I thought this was a discussion board.