The numbers kind of lie on this one: You'd think a mere 0,8 inch increase is negligible, but seriously, in real life use the difference is so obvious: After owning the 10.5" for a few days and comparing with my old 9.7", I'd say the difference in screen size is actually huge.
I figured I'd give a heads up, because I imagine a lot of people are thinking ke I did: 'These new iPads are so nice, but when spending this kind of cash, it would be nice to get a bigger screen size I will actually notice..."
Trust me, you notice it. Now I'm not saying the 12.9 couldn't be an even better fit for you. It totally could, that depends on your use. But if you're like me – you value portability, you will use this thing on the couch and in bed and are considering the 12.9 to get that screen size boost... don't disregard the 10.5, and please try both models in the store first.
I figured I'd give a heads up, because I imagine a lot of people are thinking ke I did: 'These new iPads are so nice, but when spending this kind of cash, it would be nice to get a bigger screen size I will actually notice..."
Trust me, you notice it. Now I'm not saying the 12.9 couldn't be an even better fit for you. It totally could, that depends on your use. But if you're like me – you value portability, you will use this thing on the couch and in bed and are considering the 12.9 to get that screen size boost... don't disregard the 10.5, and please try both models in the store first.