I think the only way I'll get a new iPad soon is if my 9.7 dies. I'm rarely using an iPad anymore. I got this one after selling my Mini 3. It'll be at least 3-5 years before I do that again unless I break it. I hope I didn't jinx myself.
So, am I reading some of these replies right? Are people genuinely finding the 10.5 a comparable experience to the 12.9?
It seems to me like the “plus sized iPhones replace the iPad mini” argument. Could I get by with just the 9.7 (or the 10.5)? If I had to, sure, but I wouldn’t find the experience at all comparable.
Serenity Caldwell posted this size comparison.
You really get a feel for how large the 12.9 is compared to other models.
You can see how the 10.5 is really not much larger than the 9.7.
This comparison is way off. What immediately gave it away was the fact that it shows the 9.7” and 10.5” screens having different aspect ratios when they should be the same. So I decided to save the picture to my 9.7” iPad and zoom in until the 9.7” square filled my screen.
It doesn’t. The lines on the right should be much further right.