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I couldn't draw to save my life lol ... but if I got back to studying again I would like to get an Apple Pencil to take notes, that would be really handy. At the moment I do a lot of reading so the iPad will mainly be for that and social media/youtube.
It honestly shocks me the number of people who say they use their macs for viewing content and browsing the internet.

You’re telling me they grab a relatively large and heavy device and set it on their lap after opening it and logging in and navigating to the right files or website with a keyboard? Or worse - walk to their desk in another room?

To me, that’s barbaric compared to a light, thin device with dedicated apps that are preloaded and on the front screen that I can set up in any room of my house.

I wouldn’t dream of using a laptop to watch content anymore. I did once when my iPad was out of battery and it just felt weird - plus I like the mini led of the iPP I have now.

It’s not like you can’t. I just am surprised that people CHOOSE that option.
I had all three at one point. I traded in the iPad for an M2 MacBook Air, four months ago. Why? YouTube ads on the iPad started to hurt my brain. Ads in general, honestly, kill the internet for me.

Switched over to the M2 Air for my entertainment and browsing needs, with ABP installed, the internet is back to normal. Videos play without ad breaks. No distractions and interruptions. M2 Air dominates everything about the iPad. iPad is useless unless you want the Apple Pencil 2 and do art with it.

Air + iPhone = perfect, every day usage machines.
Media consumption pretty much.

I don’t have a MacBook anymore because I figured I didn’t really have any use for it. I have used MacBook in the past for photoshop, photo editing, which I would prefer over using on an iPad, but I don’t really like the OS.
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I had all three at one point. I traded in the iPad for an M2 MacBook Air, four months ago. Why? YouTube ads on the iPad started to hurt my brain. Ads in general, honestly, kill the internet for me.
I feel your pain, the YouTube app on iOS got unusable at some point. Running YouTube in safari with a few adblockers, with the webpage in mobilewebpage, it runs pretty ok. Sometimes there are split second stutters where ads are trying to load, but that is quite acceptable to me.
MacBook Air M2 for the 8-5 life.

iPhone and iPad for all else. In other words, when I retire, I will no longer use a MacBook.

I wonder if you'd get the same lopsided response in any of the non-iPad discussion groups ...
I retired in 2015, after experimenting with an 9.7" iPad Pro and folio keyboard I quickly sold my MacBook Air, wasn't anything I saw as not able to do while traveling. Have since upgraded to the 2018 11" IPP and am completely happy, the improved iCloud drive makes sharing my documents between the MacMini and my IPP effortless. Only one issue I have run into is the security of my IRA website keeps forcing me to use their APP on the iPad vs the website version which makes me need to call for withdrawals vs able to do them from my Mac.

I like many here use the iPad to read my Zinio magazines, social media, the portability is awesome. However for ebooks I still prefer my Kobo Libra.
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It honestly shocks me the number of people who say they use their macs for viewing content and browsing the internet.

You’re telling me they grab a relatively large and heavy device and set it on their lap after opening it and logging in and navigating to the right files or website with a keyboard? Or worse - walk to their desk in another room?

To me, that’s barbaric compared to a light, thin device with dedicated apps that are preloaded and on the front screen that I can set up in any room of my house.

I wouldn’t dream of using a laptop to watch content anymore. I did once when my iPad was out of battery and it just felt weird - plus I like the mini led of the iPP I have now.

It’s not like you can’t. I just am surprised that people CHOOSE that option.
I'm one of the barbarics then, I guess :p

I can sit in the sofa, place my not so relatively large and not so relatively heavy MBA M1 on my lap and fold it open so my screen is at a nice viewing angle. Can't do that with my iPad (unless I fiddle with a cushion or something even more silly).

Furthermore, while enjoying content, I sometimes check my email or arrange some files. I simply can't multitask on my iPad.

So yes indeed, I choose my MBA over my iPad any day.
I just ordered an iPad Air 5th Gen and someone mentioned that since I have an iPhone and MacBook I probably won't use an iPad that much. But I think I will as an eBook reader, surf social media and read the news.
I have the same setup. iPad usage are for reading (ebook, magazines, academic paper, news), simple writing / office stuff (I have office 365 and magic keyboard), and watching movies. I don’t play game in iPad.
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I had all three at one point. I traded in the iPad for an M2 MacBook Air, four months ago. Why? YouTube ads on the iPad started to hurt my brain. Ads in general, honestly, kill the internet for me.

Switched over to the M2 Air for my entertainment and browsing needs, with ABP installed, the internet is back to normal. Videos play without ad breaks. No distractions and interruptions. M2 Air dominates everything about the iPad. iPad is useless unless you want the Apple Pencil 2 and do art with it.

Air + iPhone = perfect, every day usage machines.

I have an ASUS RT-AX88U with ASUS-WRT Merlin firmware installed and I run Diversion ad blocker on it so all devices on the LAN have ads and trackers blocked. But Youtube ads are difficult to block. I wish I had a way to block them on mobile devices.
I'm one of the barbarics then, I guess :p

I can sit in the sofa, place my not so relatively large and not so relatively heavy MBA M1 on my lap and fold it open so my screen is at a nice viewing angle. Can't do that with my iPad (unless I fiddle with a cushion or something even more silly).

Furthermore, while enjoying content, I sometimes check my email or arrange some files. I simply can't multitask on my iPad.

So yes indeed, I choose my MBA over my iPad any day.
Interesting. Then I wouldn’t have an iPad. That’s all I’m saying. I’m not belittling people who use their computer and don’t want an iPad, I just mean - if that’s not what you use your iPad for, everyday browsing and content viewing, then why have it?

(Of course short of graphic design/note/stylus work related stuff, but that’s a different conversation - more specialized work type stuff)
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Interesting. Then I wouldn’t have an iPad. That’s all I’m saying. I’m not belittling people who use their computer and don’t want an iPad, I just mean - if that’s not what you use your iPad for, everyday browsing and content viewing, then why have it?

(Of course short of graphic design/note/stylus work related stuff, but that’s a different conversation - more specialized work type stuff)
I think, iPad is luxurious product; not having that wont stop you to accomplish the stuff. iPad only gave more comfortable and natural way to do the work with computer-like devices. I can “forget” using iPad for few days during very busy day and not missing anything, but during my free time and holiday, I feel incomplete if I didn’t do something with the iPad.
It sounds a little crazy when I list them all but I regularly use two iMacs (home and work), a Macbook air, an iPad, and an iPhone. Usage depends on where I am. Normally, all work and a lot of recreational stuff happens on the iMac (including watching TV & iMessage), the iPhone for most other stuff, and the Macbook for watching TV on the couch. The iPad is the device I use least - for reading/annotating documents if I'm not at my desk, maybe watching the news while cooking. But if I'm travelling for conferences etc, the iPad comes into its own for taking notes with the apple pencil and for anything on a plane (economy is too cramped even for a Macbook air), and I use the MBA for other work, email, etc. On longer trips I bring an external keyboard, mouse & folding stand for improved ergonomics. I do want to use the iPad more but I only acquired it recently and I suppose I'm still in the habit of reaching for the iMac or phone.
I have the same setup. iPad usage are for reading (ebook, magazines, academic paper, news), simple writing / office stuff (I have office 365 and magic keyboard), and watching movies. I don’t play game in iPad.
I don't play games in general, I bought an XBOX to play online with my brother to spend time with him but I played a couple of times and now it just sits in the bedroom. I'm just not interested in gaming.
(Of course short of graphic design/note/stylus work related stuff, but that’s a different conversation - more specialized work type stuff)
Exactly that, Rainshadow: my iPad has been my digital notebook for many years in a row, until retirement. Nowadays I use my iPad for architectural drawing and sketch noting. And indeed, I wouldn't buy a new iPad at this point.
Exactly that, Rainshadow: my iPad has been my digital notebook for many years in a row, until retirement. Nowadays I use my iPad for architectural drawing and sketch noting. And indeed, I wouldn't buy a new iPad at this point.
Yeah most of my sketches aren't art.

They're note-taking (in meetings) flow diagrams, network diagrams, etc.

I use a lot of one-note and notes on my ipad - basically it has replaced paper for me. I fill and lose notebooks. My digital notes are synchronized to everything.
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I've been using the iPad for 10 years, so I can't possibly imagine myself without it. I sketch, play games, browse the web, write with the Magic Keyboard, and read magazines. Sidecar and Universal Control are extremely useful and I take full advantage of both. The Mac is where I do more computer tasks like using the adobe suite and downloading media. I also like to use video game emulators. I do need both and I'm not ashamed to admit it. They are a perfect pair!
I have an ASUS RT-AX88U with ASUS-WRT Merlin firmware installed and I run Diversion ad blocker on it so all devices on the LAN have ads and trackers blocked. But Youtube ads are difficult to block. I wish I had a way to block them on mobile devices.

Try the Vinegar blocker. That works for me on my iPad and iPhone.
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Which iPad app(s) do you use most, if you don’t mind me asking? Something that continues to limit me with iPad writing is I prefer Textedit for text files for a a lot of purposes on the MacBook, but can’t easily edit them on iPads.
I use GoodNotes since I hand write my meeting notes. I don’t do much typing on my iPad beyond light emailing and texting. But wouldn’t the built in Notes app fill the same role as TextEdit on the iPad? And it syncs with a Mac if you have one. I honestly haven’t touched TextEdit since Notes became available on the Mac years ago.
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I have an ASUS RT-AX88U with ASUS-WRT Merlin firmware installed and I run Diversion ad blocker on it so all devices on the LAN have ads and trackers blocked. But Youtube ads are difficult to block. I wish I had a way to block them on mobile devices.
Wipr, although not free, is great and effectively blocks YouTube ads on iOS and iPadOS. Just make sure to follow the developer’s instructions to properly enable the extension and you should be good to go.
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Wipr, although not free, is great and effectively blocks YouTube ads on iOS and iPadOS. Just make sure to follow the developer’s instructions to properly enable the extension and you should be good to go.

Does Wipr block the ads in the Youtube App or just Safari?
As someone who has spent a lot of time here on Macrumors and has gone back and forth between no iPad and (mostly) iPad —- I’ve found that reading what other people do with their devices often times doesn’t help me find out how I use devices. Yeah, it gives me an idea of how others use their devices but what works for me - I actually had to put a bit of effort into finding out what I like.

I like reading books in a comfortable setting and that’s hard to do with an iPhone or MacBook no matter how hard I tried.

Reading text on an iPad is just so freaking comfortable. And I do a lot of reading that I can’t replicate on any other device.

And last thing I’ve noticed… I WANT to just have one device. I often times try to force my usage to one device because I feel bad for having several devices just sitting around unused at every hour of the day. After work/weekends an iPad works for me. During late evenings (gaming) and for work - my MacBook is exactly what I need. When I’m out and about an iPhone is perfect.

I love Star Trek analogy. You’ve got the main viewer for when you’re on the bridge, the consoles in the back of the bridge for heavy research, PADDs/laptops for reading in quarters, and those handheld devices for when you’re on away missions. No one device. Sadly, most of my time is spent at home these days. So iPad works great for me.

I pay for Youtube Premium to get rid of ads (family and share it with others). Then I use 1Blocker for my apple devices (safari).
The iPad shines for tasks where the tablet form-factor is more natural or iOS is more well suited. I use it for reading books, manga, causal browsing, streaming videos on the treadmill, drawing, marking up documents etc. It's my portable personal computer. I'd rather stream through applications rather than the web browser and for some tasks I'd rather hold a device like a book (e.g. reading).

There is nothing I do on my iPad that couldn't be done on a MacBook (but the opposite is not true), but the iPad is more pickup and go for certain tasks. Plus it has cellular. Bonus feature, I use it as a focused second monitor when working productively on macOS.

I currently have a 12.9" iPad Pro and an iPad mini and I think I've learned that I'd rather have an 11" single device.
The iPad shines for tasks where the tablet form-factor is more natural or iOS is more well suited. I use it for reading books, manga, causal browsing, streaming videos on the treadmill, drawing, marking up documents etc. It's my portable personal computer. I'd rather stream through applications rather than the web browser and for some tasks I'd rather hold a device like a book (e.g. reading).

There is nothing I do on my iPad that couldn't be done on a MacBook (but the opposite is not true), but the iPad is more pickup and go for certain tasks. Plus it has cellular. Bonus feature, I use it as a focused second monitor when working productively on macOS.

I currently have a 12.9" iPad Pro and an iPad mini and I think I've learned that I'd rather have an 11" single device.
Agreed. This year I tried to go without an iPad and I tried a mini, a 12.9, and … I’m back at a 11’ iPad. Works for me.
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