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Randy Croucher

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 31, 2009
Hello all you iPhone/iPod fans,

Over the last year, my friend Greg Rostami and I have been working on a very powerful mentalism App for the iPhone/iPod Touch called iForce.

Apple approved iForce (codename: Doodle) last week! It is available from the App Store now.

You can find some YouTube video links at the site listed above.

I have been gathering some quotes from some of the forums around the web. There have been some great comments considering it has only been out for a week!

"Every and I mean EVERY iphone/itouch owner should pick this up. It is extremely clever." - sleightofhand1971

"Unbelievable and fantastic app. Brilliant , ingenious and so simple. Bravo !!!!" - Jean-Luc.R.

"Just awesome! I have already created some of my own presets to customize it (using names of people I know), and have many uses with other tricks for this also. Definitely app of the year, and magic app of the century!" - theboywonder

"I got this app and hour ago in work after reading this thread, and I haven't done a stitch since! Amazing and very clever piece of kit, well done Greg" - mamutrance

"Fantastic app.. The layout and user interface is slick and very intuitive. 10/10" - bond19

"This is a great app. The only magic application I am going to use for my iPod. " - jprace

"Bought this yesterday. Hands down the best Iphone magic app.... and the only one where it seems like you did it not the phone" - Joshua Barrett

"This app is the dogs danglies. Absolutly wicked. So many possibilities and completely undetectable. The best of the awesom magic apps out." - JamieD

"It's great. By far the best magic app I have seen so far." - mrgoat

"OMG! I just got this app and it is now my #1 app on my ipod touch (sorry Rising Card)!" - eddierush

I hope you will give it a shot and form your own opinion.

Here is a link that will take you directly to iForce on the App Store.

Looks like another random paint app to me...

Havent downloaded it yet, but there must be more to it than that. They would have a lot of mad buyers, if thats all it was. I also don't think Apple would approve an App if it claimed to be a Magic trick and was just a "doodle" app. I think they would consider it a scam or something. Im interested to see this App, but I will admit Im not sure I buy the hype.
I wouldn't buy it till there is a scientific explanation because i don't believe in magic, ghosts, astrology, gods and anything that is claimed to be "supernatural" work.
I assure you that all of the hype is real... believe it or not. :) iForce is an App that looks like a simple "Doodle" application, but that is only to sell the trick to your spectator(s). Behind this simple app is where the real magic begins. Anyone can perform the trick, and it is fully customizable. It will leave your audience stumped every time. iForce is way to fun to perform.

Check out some actual live performances of the trick at:

And here is a link to the App Store page.

There are great threads taking place on all of the magic forums. Here is just one at the Magic Cafe.
Hi Pika and todd2000,

This is Greg Rostami . . . The creator of iForce.

I can see why you'd be skeptical about our program. First, as Randy has already pointed out here is a link to MANY amazing reviews of iForce:

In fact if you search for iForce on the Magic Cafe, you'll find other threads of people praising our amazing magic App.

I would like to clarify what our design goals where for iForce . . .

The goal of iForce is very simple. Imagine the ultimate magic notepad. A notepad that can read minds, predict the future, force actions and thoughts, etc.

That notepad is called “Doodle” (In fact when you buy iForce, the “Doodle” icon will appear on your iPhone/Touch). I chose the name “Doodle” because I wanted it to look and feel like a simple drawing App that you would download for free.

Everyone that you’ll perform for will only see the “Doodle” side of the App . . . ONLY YOU will know how to access the iForce side.

When we set out to create iForce here are the design goals that we completed:

1. The fact that technology is being used should completely dissolve away in the mind of the spectator. The spectator should always see iForce as a simple drawing program (“Doodle”). After hundreds of performances, I can confidently say we have achieved that goal. I’ve shown iForce to some really smart people and they think I’M the one doing the magic, and the iPhone is just a stupid notepad. When in reality iForce is doing all the work. I’ve shown iForce to guys that work at Apple stores and THEY think that the iPhone has nothing to do with the secret.

2. It’s very easy to learn and perform iForce. In fact when I showed the method to grandma, she was performing one of the effects IMMEDIATELY.

3. The iPhone is completely examinable before, during and after the performance. That means no matter how carefully you examine every aspect of the iPhone, you’ll find nothing more than a simple “Doodle” program.

4. iForce works on ALL iPhones and iPod Touches.

5. Because iForce is a simple drawing program, it goes across all languages . . . whatever you can draw or write on the screen can be your magic.

6. The performer should look like the magician NOT the iPhone. If you’ve been keeping up with the recent releases on the iPhone, you know that it’s the iPhone that looks like the magician . . . ‘nuff said!

7. iForce was designed to be SUPER versatile. You can instantly customize iForce for ANY situation. Here’s an example . . . You walk into a room, and meet several people one of whom is Christy. You tell Christy that you can predict who she’s going to point at in the room by writing their name down on the iPhone. When she points at the person, she looks on the iPhone to see that indeed you had written that person’s name on the screen. This is what I mean by CUSTOMIZABLE.

8. iForce had to be so clever that NO ONE could deduce the method. I’ve shown iForce to a lot of magicians now . . . they have some theories . . . but NO ONE has ever gotten the whole thing figured out. Recently, I had lunch with a famous magician friend of mine (Bob Kohler). I had told him the method over the phone but I had kept one part a secret. I did 3 performances for Bob, on the third performance, he had NO idea how it was done. When I told him, he was shocked by the simplicity of the method.

9. iForce is designed to be FAST. I didn’t want some drawn out trick. It had to be so fast that you can perform it for the girl at the register at the super market with her COMPLETELY baffled by your Jedi mind powers.

10. I didn’t want a trick that was locked to cards or coins or any other “magic” prop. iForce is a mentalist tool that can be used in performances that produce an emotional connection with the audience. Example: Predicting someone’s favorite type of food or day of the week, etc . . .

11. ALL the routines that come with iForce where designed to be performed silently. This immediately crushes the “Voice Recognition” false method and it makes the performance very unique.

12. EVERY action in iForce is motivated . . . and there aren’t too many actions.

13. As long as you have your iPhone/Touch you can perform the most amazing acts of mentalism in a moment’s notice without any additional props.

I hope that answers some of your questions,
Greg Rostami
YEah I bought it because I love magic. The trick is really good but to do anything really good with it you need to have a fairly good memory. Basic tricks are easy though

I dont want to give the trick away, but I'm quite happy with the purchase
Tempted, bit weird though not knowing what it is this does before purchase but of course it would spoil it to give whatever the secret is away :)
Tempted, bit weird though not knowing what it is this does before purchase but of course it would spoil it to give whatever the secret is away :)

I have to say, this app is awesome! I was very skeptical but that is magic. I'm serious that this isn't just a doodle pad. We'll it's part of the whole magic.

Let's just say it's ingenious. Thinks outside the box. I am happy with my purchase! I know I'm sounding like I work for these guys but seriously if I said anymore it's giving away the whole magic about this application.

Let's just say that it's hard not to say more because once you know we'll it's no longer magic.

Either way, awesome awesome awesome!
Thank you so much nutsnbolts,

I'm so glad that you like it. I hope you continue to have lots of fun with iForce.

BTW . . . for you single guys . . . Use iForce to predict a girls favorite type of drink, favorite day of the week, or even astrological sign!!:D

If the girl is at all into astrology then you've got yourself an amazing ice breaker . . . "I knew you where a Libra, I felt it the first second I talked to you!" ;)

PM me if you want more details . . .
Greg Rostami

P.S. nutsnbolts . . . could you please write a short review on the App store? We would really appreciate it. Thank you so much.
without purchasing the app and based on the teaser video, it seems like this simple app is simply using the accelerometer to show the answer based on what way you flip the phone that are based on a set of preset answers.

flip up = $100
flip left = $20
flip right = $10
flip down = $5


Meh, not worth $3
Actually, if you watch the performance video, there are cases where he never flips the iPhone over at all. Definitely worth it. :)

Actually in every cases he flips the phone from it's face-down state, Whether it's before he gets someone to "launch the app" (probably accomplished with a fake home screen) or after he's launched the app.

I think I should rename myself to the Masked app magician.
without purchasing the app and based on the teaser video, it seems like this simple app is simply using the accelerometer to show the answer based on what way you flip the phone that are based on a set of preset answers.

flip up = $100
flip left = $20
flip right = $10
flip down = $5


Meh, not worth $3
Sorry buddy there are a couple of holes in your theory,

First, There are 7 bills in the US . . . $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 . . . you only accounted for 4 . . .

So based on your above example if someone brought out a $1 or $50, it wouldn't work.

Second, If you watch the Arrow routine on the performance video:

The one at 3:41 where I draw an arrow on the screen and force her to stop EXACTLY where I'd drawn the arrow, I NEVER turn the iPhone face down . . . AND there are 360 degrees going around a circle . . . do I MAGICALLY access 360 arrows?!

Meh, you'd make a TERRIBLE Masked app magician. (There would be too many HOLES in your theories . . .)

Greg Rostami

P.S. Since you're calling our App "simple" (without even owning it), could you please send me a link to your "complex" App so I can start a thread admiring how "complex" YOUR app is.
Sorry buddy there are a couple of holes in your theory,

First, There are 7 bills in the US . . . $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 . . . you only accounted for 4 . . .

So based on your above example if someone brought out a $1 or $50, it wouldn't work.

Second, If you watch the Arrow routine on the performance video:

The one at 3:41 where I draw an arrow on the screen and force her to stop EXACTLY where I'd drawn the arrow, I NEVER turn the iPhone face down . . . AND there are 360 degrees going around a circle . . . do I MAGICALLY access 360 arrows?!

Meh, you'd make a TERRIBLE Masked app magician. (There would be too many HOLES in your theories . . .)

Greg Rostami

P.S. Since you're calling our App "simple" (without even owning it), could you please send me a link to your "complex" App so I can start a thread admiring how "complex" YOUR app is.

Alright lets put patches in my holes, if I may?

I'll first address the "you've drawn something and flip it over" scenario

The accelerometer has 4 possible options to keep things simple (up, down, left, right). There's also the ability to judge speed (keeping is simple again, fast turn over and slower turn over) so that doubles my initial options from 4 to 8 states.

So now, the problem of more than four dollar values is easily fixed.
$1. $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 ... and one to spare.

Simple eh?

- Now for the second part (the predictive arrow).

I'm still going on my assumption that it's a fake home screen. that can look like a normal screen (since apple doesn't let us run background apps).

From this fake screen I assume you have the ability to make subtle screen gestures since you're the one who touched the screen after she stopped her finger.

Anyway, bravo in using a clever way to make magic from the iphone's technology.

I could purchase the app, but 3 bucks for this is a little steep.

Any more holes in my theory that I can patch up?
why are we trying to crack this app? you're such an ass for trying to spoil the fun. if you dont like it or believe in it...just go somewhere else. i dont see what you are trying to prove here 'thinking' you know it all. you annoy me.
This looks like fun.

I'd probably get this app if only just to mess with my wife and kid :D
Anyway, bravo in using a clever way to make magic from the iphone's technology.
I could purchase the app, but 3 bucks for this is a little steep.

Thanks for the compliment . . .

I know 3 bucks is a LOT of money these days . . . ESPECIALLY for people like myself that make a WHOPPING $1.05 on every copy of iForce sold.

I'll make sure on the next demo video that I have THEM flip over the iPhone . . . but then again someone like you is probably gonna say "Wireless assistant".

Greg Rostami

P.S. I didn't get a link to your app on your previous post . . . could you please post a link to your app so that I can check it out.
Alright lets put patches in my holes, if I may?

I'll first address the "you've drawn something and flip it over" scenario

The accelerometer has 4 possible options to keep things simple (up, down, left, right). There's also the ability to judge speed (keeping is simple again, fast turn over and slower turn over) so that doubles my initial options from 4 to 8 states.

So now, the problem of more than four dollar values is easily fixed.
$1. $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 ... and one to spare.

Simple eh?

- Now for the second part (the predictive arrow).

I'm still going on my assumption that it's a fake home screen. that can look like a normal screen (since apple doesn't let us run background apps).

From this fake screen I assume you have the ability to make subtle screen gestures since you're the one who touched the screen after she stopped her finger.

Anyway, bravo in using a clever way to make magic from the iphone's technology.

I could purchase the app, but 3 bucks for this is a little steep.

Any more holes in my theory that I can patch up?

You know, if you think you know it all, then go elsewhere rather than try to poke holes into an application that actually accomplishes what it was intended to do. Let me guess you have a comment about tip calculators? Whatever, i support this application because it was ingenious on it's development.

Honestly, I can say that it's magic. Let's not get all Lord of the Rings and what not but if you see that there is no point in an application, move on. There is no need for you to ruin it all for everyone.

For those thinking about purchasing it, you will definitely like it. At least I did. I think it has several uses from breaking the ice with someone, a doodle pad and good ol' fun for the kids.

The point in all this is that it genuinely works. Like all magic, it's a simple concept and well, let's just say it's great!
Also purchased and posted a 5-star review on AppStore - very impressed, I've already had the kids completely baffled and I have to say aside from the secret itself it is a VERY professional and polished app, superb instructions, diagrams, videos and tutorials/examples.

Worth the price for the effort gone into making this so easy for people to learn and have fun with.

Nice job!
WOW, I leave for a day to go to the :apple: iPhone Tech Talk World Tour in Seattle and this thread got a little heated. :)

Well, you can't please everybody. But having 23 out of 29 ratings be five stars says we must have done something right. I can only assume the two one stars ratings with no reviews are either competitors or MadGoat (or they are one and the same).

Anyway, fun stuff. Thanks all.

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