Hello friends,
First, both Randy and I would like to thank all of you for your support of iForce over the last month. Your generous words and reviews have really inspired us.
Unfortunately, given the secret nature of magic, there's a dark side to what's happened ever since we released iForce.
After 4 days of our release, we noticed an unusually high surge in one star ratings on the App Store. None of those one star ratings had any comments, hence we had no idea why people didn't like our App. We had 3 theories for the one star ratings:
1. People didn't understand iForce
2. Our competition was posting one star ratings
3. The magic community was trying to hide iForce from others
In the last 2 days we now KNOW that almost all of the one star ratings are from reason 3. We started a month ago with a solid 5 star rating, now we're down to 3 stars. Here are a few of the one star ratings:
by holymuffinman on Nov 23, 2009 v1.1
As long as this app stays on the down low, it will be great. Rate it low so people dont find out about it.
by stasyschneider on Nov 23, 2009 v1.1
I love but i dont want everybody to know about it!

by Ticktack12345 on Nov 23, 2009 v1.1
This app is awesome. Im rating it down so word doesnt get out on it.
And we suspect that other 1 star ratings are for the same reason as above . . .
Much Too Easy for the Average Spectator to Figure Out
by punkin puss and mushmouse on Nov 1, 2009 v1.0
Looks kind of cool and I had fun playing around with it, but people are not really fooled and they know the hijinks is app related. Gets boring real fast. I added an extra star to my rating though becuase the developers over-hyping of this app is top notch!
So . . . what I'm about to say is directed towards the people that have been dishonestly giving us bad ratings.
Giving iForce a one star rating so that it is harder to find will only hurt our ability to produce future fabulous apps like this one. Please, rate the app with an honest rating.
There are almost 7 billion people in the world, and only about 50 million iPhones/iPod Touches. iForce is on a very very small fraction of those devices. The chances of you performing for someone that knows about iForce is 1 in 200,000 . . . trust me, you've got NOTHING to worry about.
We perform iForce more then any other trick. We've NEVER had someone say "I already know about iForce."
We've done SO much to accommodate our users in the magic community:
1. Make iForce affordable to everyone
2. We've put all of our marketing money ONLY in the magic community (we haven't marketed to the general masses)
3. Create Recreation Software with "Doodle" for the secret-seekers
4. Remove all instances of the word "Doodle" in any of the search words for iForce
5. Make sure people don't accidentally stumble onto the secret screens.
So with that said, please help us continue the future development of iForce and our other amazing magic apps. If you haven't done so already, please visit our page on the app store and give us your honest rating.
I don't wanna sound cliche, but you've only seen the tip of the ice berg.
Thank you for your time,
Greg Rostami