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WOW, I leave for a day to go to the :apple: iPhone Tech Talk World Tour in Seattle and this thread got a little heated. :)

Well, you can't please everybody. But having 23 out of 29 ratings be five stars says we must have done something right. I can only assume the two one stars ratings with no reviews are either competitors or MadGoat (or they are one and the same).

Anyway, fun stuff. Thanks all.


No you can't please everybody but most people who responds that are not pleased usually doesn't have any merit in their response that would help anyone thinking about the true and possible use of the application.

Instead, they hastily click on the Post Reply button and start talking out of their A** which is annoying. Everyone should really ask themselves after writing a post, does this help the OP's questions or post? If it does, then you are more than welcome to click on "Submit"
Alright lets put patches in my holes, if I may?

I'll first address the "you've drawn something and flip it over" scenario

The accelerometer has 4 possible options to keep things simple (up, down, left, right). There's also the ability to judge speed (keeping is simple again, fast turn over and slower turn over) so that doubles my initial options from 4 to 8 states.

So now, the problem of more than four dollar values is easily fixed.
$1. $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 ... and one to spare.

Simple eh?

- Now for the second part (the predictive arrow).

I'm still going on my assumption that it's a fake home screen. that can look like a normal screen (since apple doesn't let us run background apps).

From this fake screen I assume you have the ability to make subtle screen gestures since you're the one who touched the screen after she stopped her finger.

Anyway, bravo in using a clever way to make magic from the iphone's technology.

I could purchase the app, but 3 bucks for this is a little steep.

Any more holes in my theory that I can patch up?

HaHa - this is bang on!

I normally keep my mouth closed when it comes to these kinds of things, but the developer of this app responded in such a douchy tone that I thought this necessary.

Dude, you worked hard on your app, it's neat, but you had to imagine that people will figure this out. Stop being so defensive. It's a magic trick app, people try to figure out magic tricks. Just because your trick was cracked doesn't mean it isn't a neat trick.

If it helps your ego, yes, your trick app is better than my non-existent app. Feel better? But it doesn't change the fact that your trick app was figured out.
Hi jdad,

There's a reason why everyone that has bought our App thinks it's "genius". We took a premise in magic/mentalism and we perfected it.

I don't object to people thinking about the method. I object to the condescending tone and the childish display of "See how smart I am . . . I'm gonna tell the World how your app works without even buying it."

So jdad, if iForce was your App, what would you've done in this case? Would you've ignored it with silence?

Greg Rostami
I am not going to argue about how clever your app is.

I was simply commenting on your defensive attack methods. We are your customer and when a customer comments on an app, be it good or bad, you need to respond professionally and with courtesy. I know some comments can sting the ego, but you have to be confident that you have created a solid product that people like.

To answer your question, yes, I would be confident in my product to ignore some smart ass on an internet forum.

You put out a good app. It's a magic app so people are going to try and figure it out. Eventually people WILL figure it out and eventually people are going to gloat about how they "beat" the app. It's just part of the gig.

Be proud you created a neat app, and start working on the next one. You managed to find a niche in a very competitive market. Keep working hard and find your next one.

Good luck.
Sorry for the delay. Greg and I discussed this, but neither of us have Tweeted before. Greg is setting one up now for Rostami Magic! He will post it here when it is ready.

For those of you who have already purchased iForce, you've probably noticed that 3 of the 8 instructions videos where missing.

All of the videos are now available. We hope that these videos will teach you a few more things about using iForce.

Greg Rostami
We're wondering if anyone is having any difficulty watching the videos. We just want to make sure our server is fast enough to handle the traffic.

thanks a lot,
Greg Rostami
I took the massive $3 plunge and have been very happy. Messed with my co-workers for a while - that was worth the price of admission alone. My 12-year-old daughter freaked out! Love the look on the face of a child who sees magic up close!

Just tried the new videos and they play fine. They did a good job of visually answering some questions I had.

I may have to get a case for my phone, however. I never realized how slippery they are when trying to pick it up off a desk/table.

Best of luck!
When we released iForce, we knew someone was going to use it for the DARK side of the Force . . .

People in other forums are already posting how they use iForce for bar bets and sporting event bets . . . Hmmmm didn't you guys learn anything from Yoda?!

And, here's a new line that I've been using when I perform iForce . . .

"I used to waste paper for predictions, but now I've gone 'GREEN'! Ever since iPhones came out, I perform mentalism in an environmentally conscious way."

So . . . save a tree . . . use iForce ;)

Greg Rostami
Bought this, but have no idea how to use it. Where are the instructions?

Thanks. Sorry for the extremely Noob question.

EDIT: Forget it. I found it.
"Doodle" is approved by Apple to hide iForce . . .

The evolution of iForce continues . . .

YES . . . Apple just approved "Doodle!" This is what you had all asked for, and tonight "Doodle!" is available for purchase from the iTunes App store for 99 cents:

You'll probably notice that the software company that we created for "Doodle!" is called "Recreation Software" NOT "Rostami Magic". This was to further hide iForce from any secret-seekers.

The icon and the splash screen for "Doodle" is EXACTLY the same as "iForce". So if someone tries to bust your magic by downloading "Doodle" they will find nothing more then a simple doodling application.

In less then 2 weeks Apple will also approve the latest version of iForce. We have a few surprises coming up in the new iForce. The biggest change is we're going to drop the "(codename: Doodle)" from the title; so the program is simply going to be "iForce" and the iTunes icon will be the now familiar hand with lightning.

I would love to hear your thoughts and insight about this,
Greg Rostami
The evolution of iForce continues . . .

YES . . . Apple just approved "Doodle!" This is what you had all asked for, and tonight "Doodle!" is available for purchase from the iTunes App store for 99 cents:

You'll probably notice that the software company that we created for "Doodle!" is called "Recreation Software" NOT "Rostami Magic". This was to further hide iForce from any secret-seekers.

The icon and the splash screen for "Doodle" is EXACTLY the same as "iForce". So if someone tries to bust your magic by downloading "Doodle" they will find nothing more then a simple doodling application.

In less then 2 weeks Apple will also approve the latest version of iForce. We have a few surprises coming up in the new iForce. The biggest change is we're going to drop the "(codename: Doodle)" from the title; so the program is simply going to be "iForce" and the iTunes icon will be the now familiar hand with lightning.

I would love to hear your thoughts and insight about this,
Greg Rostami
OMG, Greg, you're a genius!!!!!!!!!!! That's exactly what I was so worried about until now; I thought about how I would prevent my geeky girlfriend from downloading the app and busting my magic. Now I worry not, well, soon. Thank you!!!!!! xoxoxoxo
I bought this app this morning and have been playing with it all day. I have been following this thread for a while trying to decide whether to buy it or not. I love magic, and this really appealed to me, but not knowing how it works does make it a little difficult to take the plunge.

I have to say though, this app is FANTASTIC!!!! So well polished, easy to use, and the effect is brilliant.

It is hard to say too much without giving things away, but this is SOOOO worth the small fee. Endless possibilities of effects that you could create, you only need a bit of imagination. Well worth a purchase :D

Thank you for making such a great app, and the future updates sound spot on!
Here's a new routine that I started playing with yesterday. This was inspired by an idea from lumberjohn (thank you John, it's REALLY good).

Make sure there are 16 or less different items on a table. You demonstrate how certain words in marketing can influence decisions to buy or reject an item.

Start by writing the item for sale using "Doodle". ;)

"From ALL the items on the table I'm gonna try to sell you ONE of them, I've already written down which item it is . . . let me demonstrate how well these marketing words work."

Have the spec pick any 2 items on the table and then try to use marketing words to influence their decision to buy (keep) one of the two. Let's say they pick fork and napkin, you say "soft napkin, sharp fork" . . . no matter which one they pick, you act like that's exactly the one you were trying to "sell" to them. Remind them how THEY picked both items and THEY eliminated one.

You then pick 2 items (make sure BOTH items are NOT in your preset) and once again you try to sell them on one of the two.(It doesn't matter which one they eliminate since both items are NOT in your preset).

Alternate like this back and forth until you narrow down the decision to only 2 items, and they get to buy (keep) whichever one they want. You turn over the iPhone, and take a bow.

may the Force be with you,
Greg Rostami
That's a good one.

Here's one I played with the other day at a fast food joint...

We were sitting at a table and I bet the guy I was with that I could predict what kind of soda the next customer was going to pour for themselves at the self serve fountain. I did it three times in a row without failure. One kid even poured a mixed drink and I had predicted "Suicide". He was floored!

Great times,
thank you

I have had this app for several weeks now. You have helped me become an even cooler youth pastor. I have students lining up for me to "read their minds and predict their future." Love it!

My favorite moment was when one of my senior girls came to me. I preformed the money from the wallet/purse trick. Long story short, she pulls out a $2. For the big sell, I told her I kept thinking $5... $5... but then I recall how young ladies spent so much time in front of the mirror... so I realized i was seeing the number backwards or something... and then of course I flip over the reveal... jaw hit the floor.

Thanks again.
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