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Loving the iPad. Was in the car with some friends and plugged the iPad into my car stero. Fired up Pianist Pro and we made a song with my friend riding shotgun at the controls. Only got this app a couple days ago, but it really impressed me a great deal.
Wow, how much do you think the OP wants a do over on this rediculous post? I'm amazed at some of the idiotic things people post up here. Convice them to keep something they don't like?? Seriously??? I would love an iPad but cant justify spending 500.00 on a luxury item.
What surprises me most is that anyone evengives a **** about these threads.

You don't want it? ****ing return it. Why start a thread?
Convince you? Seriously? Who gives a **** what you do?

There is no reason for this thread. If you hate the iPad you hate it.
Return it, consider the restocking fee as a rental fee. Move on and buy something else. A Dell Mini 10V can be hacked to run os x (I have one) and they're $300. $300 + the restock fee still allows you to come out on top.

Why would we have to convince you to keep an $800 device?

Are you not capable of THINKING for Yourself?

It's your call and I really don't care what you do!--)))

Can we do away with these posts requesting us to make up the OP's mind?--))) :rolleyes:

This isn't a personal attack on the OP/anybody, but i can never understand "convince me" threads. If you don't like it, return it already. :D

Compare this reaction to the threads where people ask others to convince them to buy an iPad. Those get much more love (and from the same forum members I might add) :D
These are a bit of love/hate style threads. Certainly no one needs to convince anyone to buy, not buy or return anything. Still, someone who hangs out here may feel the urge to relate his misgiving about their iPad purchase so they start a thread like this. Maybe it is the wording--certainly the "convince" aspect of it makes many of us cringe. Oh well, something else to read.
why in the world did you buy the $800 version? i paid around $750 for mine with a case, so probably $700 without. i can't see myself using more than 16gb, that's why the laptop is there for
Compare this reaction to the threads where people ask others to convince them to buy an iPad. Those get much more love (and from the same forum members I might add) :D

Wrong. I've seen plenty of "why should we convince you to buy an iPad" in the type of threads you are referencing. But why should I have expected your selective brain filter to have caught that fact? :rolleyes:
What a stupid thread.

First to the OP... Return it.

To everyone and their mother,
Some of you think this is a gaming device, some thing it is a book reader, and some think it is anything but a business device.

I use mine for business, Including receiving and sending emails, I also use mine to log into my companies ERP system (SSH). I use mine for Gaming, I use mine for cruising the WWW. I use mine for reading books, I am reading The Fountainhead, right now. I even use mine as a digital picture frame.

Now, I understand the IPAD is not for everybody. If you don't think it is a valuable tool, or a valuable toy, don't buy it.

I use my laptop when I have to, I use my IPAD because I want to.

I'm sorry guys, I really did try to love this, but I just like it. And "like" isn't worth $800.

I've had it for 3 days and I just can't get past the feeling that this thing needs some time before it's fully fleshed out and groundbreaking, and by then Apple will already have the 2nd Gen iPad out with much more revolutionary features and a new OS.


Not your cup of tea, you'll get no argument from me. Sucks that you have to eat 10%.

As for me no buyers remorse.

Cheers =)
I love how there's 3 pages of people saying the same exact thing. You figure that after the first 5 or so people made the "who cares, it's your money" comment, people would have stopped.
I love how there's 3 pages of people saying the same exact thing. You figure that after the first 5 or so people made the "who cares, it's your money" comment, people would have stopped.

lol it's kind of ridiculous. it obviously serves a different purpose for different people. as the saying goes "do what you do"
I will never understand why people will hate a question, then take the time to respond how the question was a waste of time. They could just move on without hateful comments. Just click on the next thread!

Little boys, your mommy told you if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.
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