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3G+Wifi Model:
3G (AT&T)
WIFI (AT&T-tethered, verizon mifi, sprint overdrive, etc...)

I'm honestly surprised at the number of users who claim the GPS function of the iPad is what makes the thing so useful. I just cant imagine using a GPS of that size in my vehicle. If you need something with that large of a form factor to navigate, I really wonder why you are holding a drivers license in the first place.

The only relevant difference between 3G and WiFi-only iPads is, of course, the existence of 3G.
I'm a little shocked that more 3g owners weren't livid at the bait and switch on the whole unlimited plan fiasco.

I originally bought a 3g and was very happy with it but ended up exchanging it because it had dust under the screen. I unfortunately received a lemon that crashed constantly on video, so i decided on waiting a couple weeks before going back and buying a replacement 3g.

Now i'm ready to buy another ipad and it seems that the wifi is the only reasonable decision.

They aren't livid because the vast majority are going to save money.
I'm honestly surprised at the number of users who claim the GPS function of the iPad is what makes the thing so useful. I just cant imagine using a GPS of that size in my vehicle. If you need something with that large of a form factor to navigate, I really wonder why you are holding a drivers license in the first place.

The only relevant difference between 3G and WiFi-only iPads is, of course, the existence of 3G.

GPS is not only used for car navigation... I would NEVER use an iPad while driving.
As noted from the above poster, GPS has value far beyond just navigation. Many of the location services (which include everything from restaurant reservations to star gazing) That said, if you can't see the value in having a map bigger than 3.5" then God bless you and your eyes.

ash =o)
I'm honestly surprised at the number of users who claim the GPS function of the iPad is what makes the thing so useful. I just cant imagine using a GPS of that size in my vehicle. If you need something with that large of a form factor to navigate, I really wonder why you are holding a drivers license in the first place.

The only relevant difference between 3G and WiFi-only iPads is, of course, the existence of 3G.


I looked into the hotspot or jb-mifi route, but neither provide the battery power i need to complete a full round of golf while using my iPad as a range finder, listen to music and surf the web/check scores between holes.
I went WiFi only and went with the Sprint Overdrive. I'm fortunate enough to live in a city with excellent 4G coverage, and the 4G speed is incredible. Yeah, it's $59/month for service, but honestly, spending the additional $30 per month for 4G vs. AT&T's horrible 3G service?

It's a no-brainer, especially given the fact that I can connect my iPhone, my wife's iPhone and laptops when needed, plus GPS, all at 4G speed.

I second that! AT&T's 3G service is indeed HORRIBLE! I've been hung with their customer service for about a year now. The last rep, seemed determined to resolve the problem . . . . ;) We'll see but no cigars yet.
you all should check out ipad hacks forum section :p

if you all want to save some money, just JB and connect via bluetooth tethering. its amazing. i get perfect 3G speeds (~1130 kbps), without paying an extra dime to my carrier.

a much better alternative to all the other suggestions people mentioned in here thus far. you just can't beat free my friends.

and here are the alternatives...
mifi = costly and another device to carry along with your ipad and phone
mywi = depletes the iphones battery life, not ideal to use in real world application
in the grand scheme of life the universe and everything, does it really frickin matter that much?

Ignore me, im just grumpy today, but the fanboy within fanboy thing is a bit disturbing
in the grand scheme of life the universe and everything, does it really frickin matter that much?

Ignore me, im just grumpy today, but the fanboy within fanboy thing is a bit disturbing

i think the term 'fanboy' needs to be killed from the internet lexicon
I'm honestly surprised at the number of users who claim the GPS function of the iPad is what makes the thing so useful. I just cant imagine using a GPS of that size in my vehicle. If you need something with that large of a form factor to navigate, I really wonder why you are holding a drivers license in the first place.

The only relevant difference between 3G and WiFi-only iPads is, of course, the existence of 3G.

Why is it so hard to understand that a large screen is much easier to see than a small screen?
I doubt anyone uses more than 2GB of data. Sure, it feels better knowing you have unlimited (5Gb soft cap) but you don't need it.

If they are streaming video on a regular basis, then they are. About 4 hours video is about 1Gb. May vary depending on the source, but average.
also I don't get it ????

the difference between 3g and wifi models is also $150ish. With that you get prepaid option WITHOUT needing to carry another device ..... and ALSO get GPS...

You tell me which one is a better deal ? .... I think wifi owners should be laughing at themselves... for paying extra $150 and not getting GPS.... lol


Matter of choice I suppose. Obviously, I see it differently. For $50 ATT gives you 4GB of data which you can only use on the iPad. For $60 Virgin gives you 5GB of data which you can use on any WiFi device of your choice, and up to 5 simultaneously. So if I need to take my laptop instead of my iPad I still have WiFi. Or if I want to multitask w/ an iPad and laptop, or share w/ a friend, I have that ability too.

Then there is also bonus savings if Apple doesn't make 3G a standard feature next year since the $150 for the MiFI is a one time outlay, whereas, you have to plunk down extra $ for the 3G feature on the iPad every time you upgrade. (I will be trading up next year, and the year after).

As for GPS, that is worthless to me. I have it in my car and my iPhone. I never use it on my iPad.

Size - I agree one other thing to carry around isn't fun, but the MiFis are so tiny its like taking around a couple more credit cards.
For those of you whining about losing the “unlimited” data plan...

How much data do you actually use??!! One month I was working my butt of trying to rack up the biggest total I could, tethering to laptops, ipads, watching videos, etc... And i didn't even come close to 2gb.

AND... those of you who supposedly do use that much data, do you honestly believe that you'd likely ever want to cancel the plan for a month or two and return to it later? I don't think so! Going from 4 or 5 gb per month to 250mb is a COMPLETE lifestyle change. The kind of change that someone who uses 5 gb of data wouldn't/couldn't make.

Don't kid yourself. Maybe you're all just overreacting.

You should have kept the unlimited, like you were entitled to, and just gone on your merry way.

For those of us with build in GPS's in their cars...iPad GPS = null. :D
Not totally.... my maps are out of date and most times it doesn't impact me, however, there are a few areas i go to once a year where WOW, i need the updated map access.

Or the time a friend drove to a meeting and had screwed up directions printed (going a way you'd never actually DRIVE because he'd never been out there) and doesn't have a nav in his car... of course that was the day i was stuck on EDGE and it was almost a failure anyway.

To update my maps now means i lose the ability to have someone enter an address on the go because the car has to be stopped to make it work with the new software. That would just stink because i'm not used to programming it at the house (i live in an "unverified area" - and she is a PITA getting out of my neighborhood! LOL!)

For those of you whining about losing the “unlimited” data plan...

How much data do you actually use??!! One month I was working my butt of trying to rack up the biggest total I could, tethering to laptops, ipads, watching videos, etc... And i didn't even come close to 2gb.
I used close to 3gb without every really trying. It did have some decent time with Netflix streaming, but I didn't go out of my way to TRY to make it go up either.

As for the other part, would i actually cancel? Yes, more than likely not for more than 3-5 days, but why pay for those days when i don't need it? My budget has the iPad data as a line item, but it is a stretch to make it work right now on the funds i'm allowed access too. I will do it for as long as I can, then be forced to budget not money, but what I can let my kids do with it.

But just because YOU can't see the need, don't then judge everyone else based on your requirements.
It's great to be able to announce "Free WiFi" to everyone on the train a couple times a day. I love to see the reaction.

That alone makes the Mifi worth it.

that would be nice, but I have the mifi and it is limited to 5 clients.

small train eh?

I bought a WiFi model on Day One then sold it when the 3G came out. Originally I did not want the 3G, but as I used the WiFi realized it might be nice when WiFi wasn't available since it was at the time no commitment for 30day unlimited service.

Of course we know what happened weeks later and "unlimited" effectively became "subscription required."

Today Virgin Mobile USA (owned by Sprint) will start selling it's PayGo MiFi for $150, about the cost of the iPad upgrade from WiFi to 3G. Service is more expensive at $20/300MB, $60/5G, etc., BUT you can use it w/ other devices, even simultaneously for the multi-taskers in us.

Also coming out is BestBuy's own branded, but Sprint serviced, PayGo service at the similar prices

As a 3G owner, knowing unlimited PayGo is dead, this makes me very jealous. Well done WiFi owners, well done. I think next year I'm going WiFi all the way.

Very, very few iPad users will use more than 2GB. I use mine daily for web browsing, email (w/attachments), and everything else you'd typically do with an iPad. I have 2 days left and I'm at like 250MB. All of my friends - literally all of them - have yet to go over 1GB this month, and we all use it daily.

As far as the last laugh, I think that's a little bit silly, because in the end, connectivity wins. Every time. If I want the option of connecting outside of a wireless network, I can....without tethering, and without jailbreaking. I'm not relying on my iPhone battery (which doesn't last even close to as long as iPad's battery), and I'm not having to jailbreak. Win. I've got everything I need WITHIN THE DEVICE, which in most people's eyes is better.

3G+Wifi > Wifi.

Another "mine is better than yours" thread.

Why is it so hard to believe that every option has users for whom it is the best and that those users are happy with no regrets?

Is there a point to attempting to make some else feel bad other than your own mean spirit?

The OP doesn't understand that carrying one device is preferable to carrying two, even if it costs more. Why is that so hard to get??? :confused:

Another "mine is better than yours" thread.

Why is it so hard to believe that every option has users for whom it is the best and that those users are happy with no regrets?

Is there a point to attempting to make some else feel bad other than your own mean spirit?


Welcome to MacRumors. These kinds of threads are, unfortunately, the norm here.
Very, very few iPad users will use more than 2GB. I use mine daily for web browsing, email (w/attachments), and everything else you'd typically do with an iPad. I have 2 days left and I'm at like 250MB. All of my friends - literally all of them - have yet to go over 1GB this month, and we all use it daily.

As far as the last laugh, I think that's a little bit silly, because in the end, connectivity wins. Every time. If I want the option of connecting outside of a wireless network, I can....without tethering, and without jailbreaking. I'm not relying on my iPhone battery (which doesn't last even close to as long as iPad's battery), and I'm not having to jailbreak. Win. I've got everything I need WITHIN THE DEVICE, which in most people's eyes is better.

3G+Wifi > Wifi.

What also is silly is when people think that because they only use X amount that most people are just like them.... There are plenty of threads where people have stated they use over 5Gb. I know quite a few people that do as well. Also know quite a few people that need access for both their laptop and their iPad same as me. So having 3G tied to only one device makes no sense.

It all depends on each persons needs. And as you said in the end connectivity wins and if you need it for more than one device this is one of a few options that are a good way to go.

Also you do realize that the mifi is a device not an app for a JB iPhone? I only ask because of your comment about having to JB.

Another "mine is better than yours" thread.

Why is it so hard to believe that every option has users for whom it is the best and that those users are happy with no regrets?

Is there a point to attempting to make some else feel bad other than your own mean spirit?

The OP doesn't understand that carrying one device is preferable to carrying two, even if it costs more. Why is that so hard to get??? :confused:

Just like how some people don't think it is beneficial to have a device to allow internet access for several machines.

What I find sad is that..I just want to express my elation at finding a set up that works for me...and yet people come in and try to rain on my parade with remarks that 1) obviously show they haven't read anything in this thread 2) are not relevant 3) just trying to float their own boats.

Meh, such is life on macrumors. :rolleyes:
also I don't get it ????

the difference between 3g and wifi models is also $150ish. With that you get prepaid option WITHOUT needing to carry another device ..... and ALSO get GPS...

You tell me which one is a better deal ? .... I think wifi owners should be laughing at themselves... for paying extra $150 and not getting GPS.... lol


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