I don't think you should be embarrassed at all, OP. Keep at it till you get one you're happy with, whatever that may be.
IMO, there are four types of people out there WRT to dead pixels. Ones who don't see them, those who do but don't care, those who do and care but don't do anything about it because the manufacturers have told them that "some defective pixels are normal and acceptable defects", and finally those who do care and do something about it.
There's nothing wrong with being in any particular group. What
is wrong, however, is telling someone off for being in a particular group.
The thing is, some of us have (unfortunately?) very good vision. I can spot a dead pixel a mile away. Is it a good thing? No, I wish I didn't. Frankly it's a curse but I gotta live with it. I also happen to not buy into the BS that LCD manufacturers spew about a few defective pixels is a normal and acceptable thing. And I can see this phenomena taking off, since some people are fully accepting of that. Why not extend it to cars and scratches, TVs with uneven stands etc...
The problem here is the iPad is nothing if not for that gorgeous IPS panel. It's the thing you use most, "looking" at it for hours at a time. The least they can do is give the consumer a pixel-perfect screen. Hell, if my TV and LCD monitor manufacturers were able to pull this off on a large panel (50" +), it shouldn't be a stretch to expect the same on a sub 10 inch screen.
I applaud those who take back their units that have defective pixels. It's the only message we can send manufacturers that this isn't an acceptable defect.
Good luck to you OP and hope you get a perfect iPad; they do exist.