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The only reason I have jailbroken my phone is for tethering using pdanet.


PDAnet is a great app and one that I make use of a good deal. Once 3.0 comes out and native tethering is available, I'll reconsider. But right now there's nothing that performs this function as well.
The only reason I have jailbroken my phone is for tethering using pdanet.

Same, and I figured that while I was at it I'd add Swirly too, but so far that's it. I unjailbroke last time because it was unbearable but so far I haven't noticed any lag - hurray!

I wiped my phone, took it back to Apple and exchanged it. Now I have a fresh new one. This thing runs like a dream. Sooooo much faster than the jailbroke one I had. Amazing!! I don't see me ever going back. I miss the flashiness of the jailbreak, diff sms tones, etc. Oh well, performance is far more important to me.

Why'd you have to return your phone?
I have tons of experience in jailbreaking and modding and I can say first hand that it doesn't matter if you know exactly what you are doing... you're going to cause lag by installing stuff that runs in the background. The reason for the lag is the lack of available memory. Installing stuff like Cycorder won't cause lag because those are standalone apps that quit when you close them. However, installing stuff like WinterBoard, SBSettings, or StatusNotifier will use up your very limited memory (the iPhone already has barely enough memory to function running stock stuff).

Well said, TheSpaz.

It's also worth pointing out that it's possible to have a "lag-free" jailbroken iPhone, provided you avoid said memory-intensive background applications (and/or leaky extensions like MobileSubstrate).

The iPhone has just about enough memory to handle normal usage, but that assumes that 1) all applications heed the "low memory" signal and free anything they don't need and 2) applications are well designed and leak-free. Unfortunately, several popular pieces of jailbroken software *are* leaky, and the added RAM usage is enough to necessitate frequent page-outs (which aren't really page-outs per se -- see the ADC docs) and page-ins, which in turn is the source of the fabled "lag".
Well, I restored my phone and exchanged it for a new one. I have it the way I like it now and it runs sooooo smooth and quick. Jailbreak was nice, but I am over that now. Performance is better than appearance to me. It runs so good!! Only thing I miss is "Lockdown" and "PDAnet". Other than that, I am OK!
Well, I restored my phone and exchanged it for a new one. I have it the way I like it now and it runs sooooo smooth and quick. Jailbreak was nice, but I am over that now. Performance is better than appearance to me. It runs so good!! Only thing I miss is "Lockdown" and "PDAnet". Other than that, I am OK!

Good news! You can jailbreak and install PDANet and you won't suffer any performance drop. That's right -- none at all!
Good news! You can jailbreak and install PDANet and you won't suffer any performance drop. That's right -- none at all!

No chance. Not going back that route ever. My phone runs so good right now.
No chance. Not going back that route ever. My phone runs so good right now.

Good idea. You wanna know a secret? The other day I was just about to jailbreak my iPhone 3G for custom SMS tones and just as I was about to restore it, I had crazy flashbacks of lagginess and I chicken'd out. You're better off not jailbreaking.
Why is it always the same argument? Even in the hacks section? Blah, blah, blah, lag..., blah, blah, blah. Yes, the iphone is less than speedy when you have a ton of apps running in the background, themes customizing every aspect of the phone, and widgets gallore. But WHO CARES!? "Oh my God, my SMS takes 3 whole seconds longer to open!" I guess when you "unjailbreak" you just have all this extra time in your day that you used to waste waiting on apps to open? Seriously. If you want your 3 seconds back, by all means, restore it. Or hey, as others have mentioned, you can always be smart about what you install, and have a perfectly normal phone with way cooler apps. But to me, simply using my own picture for a wallpaper is more than enough reason to JB. And things like inteliscreen, status notifier, sb settings, weather icon, multibar lockscreen, ...these things make the phone SO much better I could never imagine the phone w/o it. When the next phone gets a faster processor & more ram, resources won't be so precious and soon you'll be able to have those 3 seconds AND customization.
Why is it always the same argument? Even in the hacks section? Blah, blah, blah, lag..., blah, blah, blah. Yes, the iphone is less than speedy when you have a ton of apps running in the background, themes customizing every aspect of the phone, and widgets gallore. But WHO CARES!? "Oh my God, my SMS takes 3 whole seconds longer to open!" I guess when you "unjailbreak" you just have all this extra time in your day that you used to waste waiting on apps to open? Seriously. If you want your 3 seconds back, by all means, restore it. Or hey, as others have mentioned, you can always be smart about what you install, and have a perfectly normal phone with way cooler apps. But to me, simply using my own picture for a wallpaper is more than enough reason to JB. And things like inteliscreen, status notifier, sb settings, weather icon, multibar lockscreen, ...these things make the phone SO much better I could never imagine the phone w/o it. When the next phone gets a faster processor & more ram, resources won't be so precious and soon you'll be able to have those 3 seconds AND customization.

I think the point is, some people just want their phone to work and work well more thank they want to tweak stuff. I waiting 5 seconds every time I want to send a text message just gets annoying after a while.
f you want your 3 seconds back, by all means, restore it.

I wanted my 3 secs back, so I restored it. Why you have an issue with that is just as far beyond me as it is for you to comprehend why we complain. Performance is what we want. You want "cool". So those 3 sec mean nothing to you. It does to me.
I wanted my 3 secs back, so I restored it. Why you have an issue with that is just as far beyond me as it is for you to comprehend why we complain. Performance is what we want. You want "cool". So those 3 sec mean nothing to you. It does to me.

Well said. We want a smooth experience while others simply want "Hey, look at what I can make my iPhone do!... hang on... it's opening... just be patient... here it comes... SEE!"
I wanted my 3 secs back, so I restored it. Why you have an issue with that is just as far beyond me as it is for you to comprehend why we complain. Performance is what we want. You want "cool". So those 3 sec mean nothing to you. It does to me.

Would you like a cookie? :)

My iPhone has a small delay at times due to my rampant theming, but does it still perform the all its intended functions and perform them well? Absolutely.

PDAnet is a great app and one that I make use of a good deal. Once 3.0 comes out and native tethering is available, I'll reconsider. But right now there's nothing that performs this function as well.

yeah PDAnet is great! i used the settings iPhone tethering app... but i decided to use PDAnet instead.. the other ones were buggy
Why you have an issue with that is just as far beyond me as it is for you to comprehend why we complain. Performance is what we want. You want "cool". So those 3 sec mean nothing to you. It does to me.

I don't have an issue with it. Really. I just assume not be a part of the same old tired argument of jailbreaking lag. I'll enjoy all the features of my JB phone, and those that restore can just, well, enjoy all the features that apple wants you to enjoy. Oh, and I don't want "cool", I want usefulness. To me Backgrounder is useful, as is PDAnet, as are about a thousand other JB apps. And if it comes out tonight, I'll be enjoying Slingplayer over 3G while apple restricts everyone else to wifi, I don't care if it takes me 20 seconds to open it.

OP, I'm glad your are restoring your phone. And like someone else said, whatever lets you enjoy your device better. Its all about the individual's experience, something apple knows nothing about. The fact that we have a choice, and that we can jailbreak if we want to, is what's important.
I wanted my 3 secs back, so I restored it. Why you have an issue with that is just as far beyond me as it is for you to comprehend why we complain. Performance is what we want. You want "cool". So those 3 sec mean nothing to you. It does to me.

Out of curiosity, did you install new fonts when you did your jailbreak before? I jailbroke my 3G as soon as I got it. I noticed some apps would take awhile to start (particularly Notes), but it wasn't exactly something I was concerned about. But the other night I figured I would unjailbreak to see the difference. They definitely were not instantly opening, but they were quicker. But I find the default look to be boring and re-jailbroke, but did not install any new fonts. I would say that the load times for apps is pretty much on par with the stock OS.
Out of curiosity, did you install new fonts when you did your jailbreak before? I jailbroke my 3G as soon as I got it. I noticed some apps would take awhile to start (particularly Notes), but it wasn't exactly something I was concerned about. But the other night I figured I would unjailbreak to see the difference. They definitely were not instantly opening, but they were quicker. But I find the default look to be boring and re-jailbroke, but did not install any new fonts. I would say that the load times for apps is pretty much on par with the stock OS.

If you're running themes at all... you'll get at LEAST 1 second lag when opening apps... that is UNTIL the RAM gets used from WinterBoard and then things take longer and longer to open until you decide to restart your iPhone. It's just the way it goes. I've jailbroken many, many times (enough to make me sick) and the experience is ALWAYS worse than stock... for me.
If you're running themes at all... you'll get at LEAST 1 second lag when opening apps... that is UNTIL the RAM gets used from WinterBoard and then things take longer and longer to open until you decide to restart your iPhone. It's just the way it goes. I've jailbroken many, many times (enough to make me sick) and the experience is ALWAYS worse than stock... for me.

I've jailbroken many times too.

I've also done a hell of a lot of investigation re: lag -- in fact I seem to remember being the one who first posted screenshots re: Winterboard and RAM usage providing a clear demonstration of exactly why the performance drop occurs.

TheSpaz: You know (or should know) that jailbreaking itself doesn't cause any performance problems in and of itself. There are a number of applications that place an additional resource load (be they RAM, CPU, or IO-bound applications) on the hardware, and are thus prone to causing "lag". Continuing to say stuff like "It's just the way it goes [...] the experience is ALWAYS worse than stock" is misleading.

Yes, jailbreaking allows you to do things that can harm your user experience. That comes with the territory. That doesn't mean it always will, and to pretend that "jailbreaking == lag" is both dishonest and irritating.
I've jailbroken many times too.

Yes, jailbreaking allows you to do things that can harm your user experience. That comes with the territory. That doesn't mean it always will, and to pretend that "jailbreaking == lag" is both dishonest and irritating.

hmm I have to disagree with that. I would rather suffer a little lag and have MY iphone customized to my likings to ENHANCE my user experience.
I've jailbroken many times too.

I've also done a hell of a lot of investigation re: lag -- in fact I seem to remember being the one who first posted screenshots re: Winterboard and RAM usage providing a clear demonstration of exactly why the performance drop occurs.

TheSpaz: You know (or should know) that jailbreaking itself doesn't cause any performance problems in and of itself. There are a number of applications that place an additional resource load (be they RAM, CPU, or IO-bound applications) on the hardware, and are thus prone to causing "lag". Continuing to say stuff like "It's just the way it goes [...] the experience is ALWAYS worse than stock" is misleading.

Yes, jailbreaking allows you to do things that can harm your user experience. That comes with the territory. That doesn't mean it always will, and to pretend that "jailbreaking == lag" is both dishonest and irritating.

People have different views. Every time I jailbreak, I end up restoring about a week later and I'm not a heavy customizer either. I stay away from Winterboard, but one of the reasons to jailbreak is to install background processes like StatusNotifier or Intelliscreen. I'd rather live without that stuff to have a fast responsive phone. All power to you if you're happy with your setup. I don't know why you care anyways.
Out of curiosity, did you install new fonts when you did your jailbreak before? I jailbroke my 3G as soon as I got it. I noticed some apps would take awhile to start (particularly Notes), but it wasn't exactly something I was concerned about. But the other night I figured I would unjailbreak to see the difference. They definitely were not instantly opening, but they were quicker. But I find the default look to be boring and re-jailbroke, but did not install any new fonts. I would say that the load times for apps is pretty much on par with the stock OS.

Yes, I had the font pack installed and I SSH'd in and deleted the ones I did not like. I also had a different lockclock.ttf...I was running Homescreen 2.0, status notifier and several themes. The app that annoyed me the most with lag was "SMS", the app I use the most. I could tap it and start counting before it opened. With my new phone, it opens right away. Don't get me wrong, my phone was awesome the way it was. I had it setup perfectly...I kinda miss it, but it performs now. Here is how I had it :(

Yes, I had the font pack installed and I SSH'd in and deleted the ones I did not like. I also had a different lockclock.ttf...I was running Homescreen 2.0, status notifier and several themes. The app that annoyed me the most with lag was "SMS", the app I use the most. I could tap it and start counting before it opened. With my new phone, it opens right away. Don't get me wrong, my phone was awesome the way it was. I had it setup perfectly...I kinda miss it, but it performs now. Here is how I had it :(


A perfect example of how it's not necessarily the jailbreaking that causes performance degradation, but all the crap that gets installed. It's no wonder you had lag issues with that setup.
A perfect example of how it's not necessarily the jailbreaking that causes performance degradation, but all the crap that gets installed. It's no wonder you had lag issues with that setup.

lol That's correct.

Again, it's better for people who don't know what they are doing to stay in jail.
A perfect example of how it's not necessarily the jailbreaking that causes performance degradation, but all the crap that gets installed. It's no wonder you had lag issues with that setup.

Look at the dates...all that stuff was not running at the same time.

Again, it's better for people who don't know what they are doing to stay in jail.

Obviously I knew what I was doing with the mods I had done.
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